The indiscriminate purging of federal employees continues apace under the Drumpf/Musk regime, and some of the victims are only just now beginning to comprehend more fully the meaning of the acronym FAFO:
"One of the laid off IRS employees, Robert McCabe, told NBC10 he went into work on Thursday and had issues logging in. He and his coworker sat around and waited for instructions. He then received the layoff letter shortly before 11:30 a.m. McCabe said he had been a supporter of President Trump prior to the layoff.
“You know when he talks about government waste and all that, yes, I’m behind it,” McCabe said. “I believe there is a lot of stuff in the government that needs fixing. And that’s part of the reason why I actually wanted to work for the government, actually. To help change. Help change the things that are wrong in the world, you know? I thought that someone with his business acumen would have come in with a fine-tooth comb and actually found it instead of coming in with a wrecking ball and destroying people’s lives for no reason.”"
Lol. Good lord.
Let's dispense right off the bat here with one of the biggest, most laughably manufactured dear leader myths that the MAGA meatheads have created around their charlatan cult leader, Drumpf.
DonOld Drumpf has NEVER throughout the entirety of his depraved, ethically blighted life, not so much even for 5 minutes in any single day, EVER been considered to be in possession of "business acumen," at least not by credible people who have firsthand knowledge of this amazing "acumen."
Clearly this pink-slipped, Drumpf voting IRS employee fellow hasn't got a damn clue as to what the word "acumen" means as applied to one's adeptness at running a business.
Drumpf was born with his wealthy father's silver spoon in his big mouth. As a young "businessman," DonOld blew through the hundreds of millions in inheritance money from his father, spending it wildly on cocaine, hookers, and the international jet setting lifestyle.
His profligate spending on partying with celebs, coke, and whores eventually resulted in his own family putting him on a controlled allowance for a time.
After that humiliating episode, Drumpf embarked on one of the most prolific business failure streaks that the modern world has ever seen from one individual.
Let's do a quick review of DonOld Drumpf's "business acumen" shall we?:
Bankruptcy 1: The Trump Taj Mahal, 1991
Bankruptcy 2: Trump Plaza Hotel, 1992
Bankruptcy 3: Trump Hotels and Casinos Resorts, 2004
Bankruptcy 4: Trump Entertainment Resorts, 2009
Trump Steaks
Trump News Media
The Trump Network
Trump on the Ocean
Tour de Trump
The New Jersey Generals
Trump Ice
Trump University
Trump Magazine
Trump: The Game
Trump Mortgage
Trump Vodka
Trump Airlines
Trump Clothing Line
Trump Cologne
Trump Water
Trump Wine
Trump Tower Tampa
Trump Casinos
Trump’s Comms company
Trump Media - lost $400 million last year
Acumen?? Not even fucking close. The guy is a prolific failure as a businessman. He is a colossal fraud and a devious scammer as the disgusting 'Trump University' scandal showed the world.
Sadly most of these Republican Drumpf voters have chosen to live their lives in open denial about just how scummy and immoral their choice for POTUS truly is. And now their conscious choice to ignore the reality of who Drumpf is and what he stands for is coming back around to haunt their very own pathetic lives and quite frankly, I am trying very hard to keep myself from not giving a flying shit about their plight. Mostly because, you know, FAFO.