Monday, February 24, 2025

The Economic Fate of Millions is in the Hands of Teen-Age Cyber Trolls

Meet Elmo's top DOGE analyst, Edward Coristine.

Edward, or as fast Eddie's cyber world friends know him as, "Big Balls," is a 19-year old techbro, hacker/slacker who has quite the interesting past involvement with online social activities associated with networks frequented by cyber-criminals.  It seems Edward was also fired from his previous job for leaking company secrets, prior to being hired by Elmo as his chief tech-snoop at the unofficial agency calling itself DOGE.

And now, unsurprisingly, we find out Elmo's little Eddie is also, coincidentally no doubt, the grandson of a former KGB spy.

This is the "kid" who Elmo has set loose to access every single sensitive financial system in the American people's government to crunch numbers that they will use to tear down and eventually destroy cherished American institutions like Social Security, Medicare/Medicaid, VA healthcare because that is ultimately their true objective - to destroy any and all remnants of Roosevelt's new deal social safety net for Americans.

Wake up folks.  There's a full blown fucking coup going on right before your eyes.  Can you not see it with Drumpf rolling over for Putin on Ukraine?  Can you not see it when he threatens to pull the US out of NATO.  Can you not see it when he antagonizes our traditional allies and cozies up to despotic regimes like Russia and Hungary?  Can you at long last not see it when the meth-addled, South African immigrant Bond villain billionaire who he gave free reign to restructure the American people's government is hiring the grandkids of Russian spies to rummage through some of our nation's most sensitive financial data networks??

When will it sink it with some of you as to what we are witnessing going on here?  What will it take for you to open your eyes and acknowledge the sober reality of what we are ALL up against?





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