Tuesday, February 25, 2025

"US JOINS RUSSIA!": Not this US Citizen. Not Today. Not Tomorrow. Not EVER!!

Ma and Pa MAGA may want to start enrolling their kids in basic Russian language courses because the way things are looking with Drumpf siding with Russia over and over again, there is a fairly high potentiality they will be needing it at some point in the not too distant future.

Drumpf is threatening to shatter America's longtime alliance with the free people democracies of NATO.  He is cozying up to authoritarian regimes like Russia, North Korea, China, and Hungary.  

Drumpf is also refusing to acknowledge that it was Putin and Russia who invaded the sovereign nation of Ukraine, unprovoked despite the lies of Putin, DonOld, and their American sycophants to the contrary.  Putin's barbaric army slaughtered thousands of innocent Ukraine civilians, tortured and raped them and left their beautiful, modern cities in rubble and ruin.  To this day Putin continues to rain down missiles and drones on Ukrainian civilian population centers and civilian infrastructure.  

And that is why Vladimir Putin is at this very moment, is a rightly charged and wanted war criminal.  And DonOld Drumpf is showing the world he is Vlad's best buddy.  BFF's forever those two.


Link: https://www.cnn.com/2025/02/24/politics/us-joins-russia-ukraine-un-vote?cid=ios_app


Dear god - what the fuck is happening to this country that a sitting US President is openly siding with a mass murdering, wanted war criminal??  Does anyone realize just how bad this makes America look in the eyes of the rest of the world, especially those nations who have long lived under the jackboot of right-wing regimes and yearn for democracy and freedoms like we have here in the US?

At long last - what is the truth about Drumpf and Russia?  What is this magical hold that Putin has over Drumpf?  And how deep into the national security fabric does the treasonous rot go?

This from 2018: 

Link: https://foreignpolicy.com/2018/12/21/how-russian-money-helped-save-trumps-business/


I think, no, I am sure that most sentient, reality-based Americans know what the answers to those questions are.  And I think some of these MAGA folk do too.  Unfortunately a lot of our fellow Americans are either too uncaring, or too fearful, or just too embarrassed to openly acknowledge what we can all see with our own eyes.  Hiding our heads in the sand or refusing to acknowledge what is happening is how democracies suddenly die and slip into repressive, brutalized, lifeless and spirituality devoid societies just like they have in Russia, China, North Korea, and Hungary - the very same nations incidentally who DonOld and Musky MuskRat are cozying up to.

Getting the picture now??  Hopefully so.  Lotsa luck kids.




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