Saturday, February 15, 2025

The Continued Criminal Barbarism of Drumpf's BFF

There is a 100% valid reason why Vladimir Putin is an ICC wanted war criminal.

Putin's military attacks on the much smaller nation of Ukraine, as he has done to other satellite nations in the former Eastern bloc over the years who have found disfavor with him, have been vicious and deliberately deadly toward the civilian populations of these countries and regions.  The deliberate targeting of civilian population centers and civilian critical infrastructure is how cowardly, terrorist regimes wage "war."

That Putin would bomb the containment structure shielding the site of a catastrophic nuclear disaster should be testament enough to his barbarism.  That he would unleash radioactive poison on not only the civilian population of Ukraine, but of the rest of Europe, and possibly his own country depending on which way the winds carry the fallout, should make him a pariah among nations of decent peoples.  More significantly it makes it a more urgent matter to seek his removal from power, with prejudice and haste.

And just knowing that the current American President is an owned stooge of such a barbaric individual makes it all the more disturbing and disheartening, and is another sign of the precipitous decline of American prestige and it's democratic values around the world since November 5, 2024.


Putin is a mass murderer and terrorist thug.  His name ought to be at the top of every decent nation's enemies list.  And Drumpf is going to invite this internationally wanted war criminal to the American people's White House and canoodle with him.  No doubt it will be a warm reunion between longtime chums and the old mobsters will have much to reminisce about.


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