No, this is not a parody article from The Onion. Sad to say.
This is the sitting President of the United States of America proudly celebrating his own history of criminality by posting his police mugshot right outside the oval office for not only every person who works in and visits the AMERICAN PEOPLE's White House to see, but also for visiting foreign dignitaries to view.
What kind of message is this guy sending to the world by posting his criminal mugshot at the entrance to the AMERICAN PEOPLE's White House other than, "Hey, look at me! I'm a fucking CONVICTED FELON and RAPIST and I am in charge of the most powerful nation on the planet, neener neener?"
My God. What have you done to us Ma and Pa MAGA voter??
Link: Donald Trump Hangs Mug Shot Outside Oval Office - Newsweek
Drumpf truly is without shame. I don't blame DonOld though. He has been a classless, unprincipled dirtbag his entire adult life. This is who he is - a proud criminal. The real shame should be to those pathetic citizens among us who worship such a morally repulsive individual.
I know that on some moral level I should feel pity for those who are incapable of seeing where all of this is headed with a braggart criminal and his Bond villain billionaire sidekick in control of our nation, but knowing that this mugshot stunt will only endear the filthy old mobster even more to his faithful followers, that thought is very short-lived. Those who are in favor of these two prevaricating, felonious charlatans determining the fate of every man woman and child in this country, it is YOU who are what is wrong with America, certainly a helluva lot more wrong than some Mexican field workers being in the country illegally.
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