Wednesday, February 26, 2025

They are Coming For Your Right to Vote Ladies - Make No Mistake About It

Republican women had better start preparing to be subjugated to the will and Napoleonic whims of their fragile, white male, MAGA overlords.  I say "fragile" because let's face it, these are the same guys who visibly piss their pants in fear and run away whenever confronted by a strong, intelligent, independent-minded woman who doesn't buy into their bullshit and doesn't fear their bullying.

It's telling of the cowardice of these MAGA Republicans that they feel compelled to use their control of the Congress and the Senate, and Drumpf's power, to essentially chip away at the autonomous rights of women in this country and transform them into into second-class citizens.

I suppose the only silver lining in this story is that they are going to go after the women in their own party first, likely believing conservative women to be much more compliant than liberal women when it comes to being subjugated by uncaring, unfeeling, rights-canceling assholes.

Regardless, it's bad news for all American women if their wretched efforts succeed.


"Forty-five percent of female voters backed Trump in 2024, despite his overt misogyny. Most, no doubt, believed that complicity would protect them and that the attacks would be centered on other women. But while the GOP certainly wants to strip liberal and feminist women of their rights, male MAGA leaders are showing increasing interest in bringing Republican women to heel, both culturally and through the force of law. After all, they are more likely to live and work with Republican women. If they want to feel the full flowering of male domination, it's Republican women they need to see submitting."




Remember - these Project 2025 monsters believe that only white, male land-owners should have the right to vote in America.  Those are the kind of people who you are dealing with ladies.  Don't underestimate the convictions of these extremists to see all of you dressed in handmaiden outfits if they are given the opportunity to make it happen.




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