It's a MAGA budget meaning the big winners !SURPRISE! are guys like Elmo, Jeff Bezos, Zuckerberg and the rest of the billionaire class of our oligarchy. And naturally, where there are winners, there have to be losers too, and that would be the rest of the American people who aren't spaceship launching billionaires, multimillionaire techbros, corporate CEOs, heirs to family fortunes, and foreign-purchased whores (looking at you DonOld).
These Project 2025 folks are going to do a "trickle-down" Reaganomics on steroids and Red Bull on this country, and in doing so shit all over the middle class and working poor - again - just so a sleazy, carpetbagging, South African billionaire can blow up more rockets in his laughable, Ketamine-induced aspiration to "colonize" Mars.
If this bill were to pass the senate, in it's present, monkey-brains conceived wording, there will be a civil, political and socio-economic backlash as not having been seen in this country in a long, long time, and that in turn brings us just one step closer to Drumpf's 'Reichstag Fire' moment, the moment where he announces the suspension of the US Constitution and every right guaranteed therein.
This wretched, MAGA-tainted resolution guts Medicaid, SNAP, and other critical social safety-net programs at a time when more than half of Americans are living payday to payday with no sign of the cheaper eggs or slowing inflation that Drumpf promised in sight. In fact, things are visibly and palpably worsening.
And now these vulnerable Americans are about to suffer even more because by golly someone has to bear the burden of financing those ginormous tax cuts for the top 1% of earners (earnings of $1 million or more annually).
Only in a morally bankrupt America is it possible to have a system of wealth-creating socialism for guys like Elmo, Bezos and Zuckerberg, and cold, soul-crushing, free-market capitalism for all others.
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