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Dunno' .. call The Gadfly a cynic if you must, but The Gadfly isn't wholly impressed by this:
South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley (R) will call for the Confederate flag to be removed from the state capitol, multiple outlets reported Monday.
Haley is set to speak at a press conference at 4 p.m. ET Monday. According to CNNand AP, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) will join the governor and call for the flag to be placed in a museum.
Graham previously said the flag "is part of who we are," but that he would be "fine" with taking the symbol down.
Debate over the flag was reignited after nine people were shot and killed during a prayer meeting at a historically black church in Charleston, South Carolina. When flags were lowered to half-staff in remembrance of those who were killed, the Confederate flag -- which has flown next to the Confederate Soldier's Monument since 2000, when it was removed from atop the South Carolina capitol dome -- didn't budge, because it's held in place by a padlock. By law, the flag couldn't be removed.http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/06/22/south-carolina-confederate-flag_n_7637644.html
That's right - the politicians of South Carolina made it law that the confederate flag not only be flown high atop their capitol building alongside the Stars & Stripes, but they made it unlawful for the flag to be removed and just to enforce that idea, had the flag padlocked in place. Yep -- no mistaking what is of more value to these people right -- the American flag or the flag of seditionists who tried to tear this country apart a century and a half ago because they wanted to continue practicing the dark art of human bondage.
Let's be clear here -- SC Governor Nikki Haley is a fucking phony hypocrite -- which by all fair assessments appears to be the modus operandi of most of these low brow Tea Party politicians. In documented fact, as recently as 2014 Haley was defending the flying of the confederate flag at the state capitol on the grounds that it didn't appear to be a problem with her paymasters, corporate CEO's:
OCTOBER 15, 2014, 1:22 PM EDT
South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley (R) said that voters should not be concerned that the statehouse flies a Confederate flag because she has gotten no complaints from the CEOs.http://talkingpointsmemo.com/livewire/nikki-haley-confederate-flag-ceos
Anyone with an ounce of sense and a sane grasp on the history of that state as it relates to people of color knows full fucking well what the confederate flag stood for historically, as damn well what it stands for to the proponents who still worship that flag to this day.
The spent blood of 9 innocent black church goers at the hands of a confederate flag fetishist wingnut, unfortunately, is the price that had to be paid for the Nikki Haley's of the world to reassess their own appalling appeasement of a bunch of hateful fucking racist boors who have yet to get over their ancestor's ass kicking in the civil war of 150 years ago.
Fuck Teabagger Nikki Haley -- and Lindsay Graham as well -- their sudden about face on this issue is a classic case of red-faced contrition that is too little and grievously too late.