Friday, November 15, 2013

Your Corporate Media --- Dysfunctional, Craven and Unscrupulous --- Rupert Murdoch Should Be Proud...

Long time readers of this shitty little blog know quite well The Gadfly's flagrant contempt that he holds for the mainstream media (MSM) in this country.

Every now and then the MSM seems to deliberately go out of it's way to antagonize The Gadfly and rekindle his flaming passion of loathing toward their licentious craft.


On Friday, the New York Times ran a lengthy piece comparing the troubled rollout of Obamacare — including a dysfunctional website and the cancelation of some existing individual insurance policies — to President Bush’s botched response to Hurricane Katrina, a tragedy which cost at least 1,833 people their lives. ABC’s Good Morning America featured a similar segment, and both outlets relied on former advisers of George W Bush to bolster their point.

OK - allow The Gadfly to make something crystal clear.  The rollout of the ACA has been a royal fuck up and Obama and the people he tasked with the job most definitely deserve criticism for their incompetence and should be held accountable.  But also, lets be realistic here, and The Gadfly is fully aware that reality has a liberal bias in the view of his right wing detractors. But realistically speaking - the ACA will get fixed.  It is settled law according to the SCOTUS. And if history is any indication - just like Social Security and Medicare - the opponents of those massively successful programs will eventually be dragged kicking and screaming as the program progresses and works out it's inherent kinks and it will become an orthodox vein in the fabric of American life, just as SS and Medicare have become.  Get the fuck over it.

But sticking to the reality meme here -- for the NY Times to compare the website glitches of the ACA rollout to the Bush administration's dawdling while a major American city drowned -- is just out and out fucking asinine beyond belief.

Who in their right fucking mind considers this:

Comparable to this?:

Or this?

And that dear readers is why The Gadfly has absolutely no respect for or faith in the corporate media in this country.  Evidence has been steadily accumulating over the past couple of decades which indicates that the media, in it's present embodiment, is much more interested in sensationalism (thank you Uncle Rupert), societal conflicts, and shamelessly kowtowing to and covering up for their corporate overlords than they are in performing the endemic role of the Fourth Estate which is to accurately and truthfully inform the American people on the issues of national, and world, importance and to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

In summary -- Fuck You New York Times.  And double Fuck You for having the gall to wrap your article in the corrupt analysis of former Bush political hacks.  That alone discredits the entire piece, and just like the bogus CBS Benghazi story, it validates The Gadfly's learned opinion that a sizable element of  the mainstream media in this country has abdicated all deference to journalistic fidelity in favor of Rupert Murdoch style mud-slinging, and as such, their media outlets should not be considered as a reliable source of accurate news and information.

And that is pretty much all that The Gadfly has to say about this sordid subject.


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