Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Onward Ho! . . .

Ok -- now that the day (Veteran's Day) of cravenly using American military personnel as props to shamelessly peddle shitty consumer products and promote shitty television programming has passed, let us get back to the redolent task at hand of exposing the glaring, bowl of nuts insanity which constitutes the core of right wing conservatism in America today.


**P.S. - before The Gadfly's detractors start pointing fingers and screeching obnoxiously that The Gadfly must be anti-military with this posting, let The Gadfly make it crystal clear for you.  The Gadfly is a military veteran.  The Gadfly has the highest level of respect for those who serve, whether in peace time or during war.  The Gadfly despises war and believes America hasn't fought in a war that had truly noble intentions as it's goals since WWII.   The Gadfly despises politicians (of both parties) who use military personnel as props in their political campaigns.  The Gadfly equally despises veterans (of both parties) who enter politics and promote their time in uniform as evidence that they are a superior human being to their opponents.  But amid all of that despising - what truly gets The Gadfly's gag-reflex loathing cranked up is corporate America glorifying American participation in war and using our soldiers as PR/advertising tools to further the agenda and goals of the wholly unsavory and soulless military industrial/corporate complex.

And that is pretty much all that The Gadfly has to say about this odious matter.

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