Sunday, November 17, 2013

Oh Dear Jeebus . . . . Save Us All . . . .

The Gadfly just finds this utterly mind-boggling -- not to even mention horrifying:

Environmental Protection Agency chief Gina McCarthy will testify Thursday morning before the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology, whose members plan to grill her about strengthening the agency’s transparency and accountability. Seventeen out of twenty-two Republican members of the committee, or 77 percent, are climate deniers. The members’ refusal to accept the overwhelming scientific evidence of climate change dovetails with their open disregard for the EPA and the work it does.

Seventeen out of the total of 22 Republicans assigned to the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology are flat out deniers of global climate change.  Imagine that.

Shit - the Republicans might just as well as assign a rep who disavows evolution and believes the earth is only 9,000 years old to the House Science committee.

Or better yet - assign someone who is Christian Fundamentalist nutcase, and believer that Armageddon end times are near, to the House Select Committee on Intelligence.

Oh wait!!  Fuck!

This is your completely insane, modern-day Republican party folks and it really ought to scare the goddamn living shit out of you -- providing, of course, that you're not as batshit insane as they are.

Sigh . . . .


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