Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Fake Memories Borne of a Fake American

Umm... wait....what?  wtf??? ...

During a tense meeting at the White House in June, President Trump caught Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe off guard with a pointed remark.

โ€œI remember Pearl Harbor,โ€ the president said, referring to the surprise attack that propelled the United States into World War II. [Ed note: Trump was born in 1946.]

Trump then launched into a blistering critique of Japanโ€™s economic policies, according to people familiar with the conversation. He railed against the U.S. trade deficit with Japan and urged Abe to negotiate a bilateral trade deal that is more favorable to U.S. exporters of beef and automobiles.

Born in 1946 and he "remembers" Pearl Harbor huh?

What is there to remember?

Everybody knows the fucking Germans bombed Pearl Harbor for fuck's sake (thank you for that history tidbit John Belushi):

Anyhow, that is quite the amazing feat by Drumpf, to claim to remember a seminal event in your nation's history as if you had been a cognizant eyewitness to it, even though it occurred a half dozen years before you were born.  In fact, it's one of those quintessentially Drumpfian feats - one that only the mind of a very stable genius, and the sire of the "best genes" that mankind has to offer, could so immaculately conjure up.

Maybe though...maybe, he was thinking of the movie "Pearl Harbor" with Ben Affleck, or that 1970 movie Tora! Tora! Tora!, or . . . .

. . . . Or perhaps he's just an impostrous vulgarian turncoat who has fraudulently acquired temporary possession of the United States of American people's White House and Presidency, meaning that he simply does not give a rat's fucking sphincter about this country, it's history, or it's future.  Nor does he give one flying fuck about any one individual in this country that isn't either making him money, making his spawn money, making Putin money, or bowing to his fetid fealty oath.  Has anyone stopped to think that that is why he finds it so cavalierly easy to just say something so patently ridiculous to another world leader in public like that?

C'mon folks -- can't you see the big picture here??

He's a fraud, and has been a fraud since --- well, for fucking ever.  Drumpf is the slap-chop guy, Liberace and the hell-roasted soul of Roy Cohn rolled up in to the festering orange bag of pus that we all know as Donald Fucking Trump.

Putin has some juicy shit on him.  Oh yes he does.

Believe it.

It's all going to come out.

It has to.

Mueller is tying up the loose ends of his pincer-like investigation and Drumpf knows it and he's fucking scared shitless, which has clearly been seen in his increasingly erratic and disgraceful public behavior the past several weeks.

Mueller's heat has transformed Drumpf in to a living, breath pressure cooker.

Something is about to blow - and when it does, The Gadfly doesn't want to hear any of you mother-fucking skeptics saying afterward, "but Gadfly, how could we have known?"  Umm, no - that ain't going to fly with the Gadfly.  Nosiree.

But we'll cross that bridge when it's time.

Nonetheless, hang on to your seats kids -  The Gadfly senses strong turbulence ahead.


Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Umm . . . Let's Talk About Orange Yahweh's Hiring Practices...

Now that the stench of Trump's own corruption is getting the vampire-killing light of day that it has long been in need of, some may wonder how that corruption influences or reflects upon his administration as a whole.

Well, enough with the wondering - mkay?  There is no mystery as to why everything Drumpf touches turns to shit.  He has never possessed the chops or the personal integrity to be a hard-working, honest, merit-based, successful businessman, and so he turned to graft, which was much easier, and much more lucrative.

But remember when Trump loudly bragged that he only hired and surrounded himself with "the best" people? . . . remember that?  And his supporters cheered lustily?  Remember?  Apparently Drumpf was referring to these people:

Trump's National Security Adviser Mike Flynn plead guilty to lying to the FBI.

Trump's campaign manager Paul Manafort is on trial right now for all manner of financial and political corruption.

Trump's HHS Secretary Tom Price - resigns in disgrace for corruption.

Trump's EPA chief Scott Pruitt - resigns in disgrace for corruption.

Trump's Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke currently being investigated for corruption.

Trump's Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross has just been accused of stealing $120 million from business associates.

That's not even counting the small army of former high-level staffers who have all departed under some murky or other ambiguous circumstances, and many of whom are currently caught up in the Mueller Russian collusion investigation.

Anyone detecting a pattern here folks?  Nothing stands out in the way of, oh.... a common theme perhaps?  Hello?  Hello . . is this thing on?

Draining the swamp The Gadfly's ass.

It astounds The Gadfly every fucking day just knowing that so many people bought blindly in to Drumpf's carnival barker con game.  But more than that - it scares the shit out of The Gadfly knowing that a sizable portion of that bunch (like the Hail Jeebus folk in the picture at the top of this post), believe sincerely, that all of that corruption is not only just dandy, but it also gives them cause to adore and revere the person responsible for that corruption even more profoundly - namely, their dear leader and living god, Donald J. Trump.

And that right there dear readers - is the very clinical definition of a cult:


See more synonyms on
  1. a particular system of religious worship, especially with reference to its rites and ceremonies.
  2. an instance of great veneration of a person, ideal, or thing, especially as manifested by a body of admirers: the physical fitness cult.
  3. the object of such devotion.

Donald Trump and his people are not in any sense "the best" people that this country has to lead our nation.  In fact, the argument being made here, in this post, on the pages of this shitty little blog, is that they are actually the worst! people to be leading this nation.  Full stop.  And if you are supporting and enabling bad people to lead our nation, what does that make you?

You all know damn well what you need to do folks -- if you give a shit about your democracy and freedom that is.  So just go do it then . . . .


Speak up.

Vote. Vote. Vote. Vote. Vote!    
Vote. Vote. Vote. Vote. Vote!


Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Let's Dare Call It What It Is . . .

Remember folks - the question that The Gadfly has been asking for the past several months on the pages of this shitty little blog - the question of how deep?  As in, how deep does the ongoing onslaught of subterfuge of American democracy truly go?

Three events that have taken place in the past few days provide a fairly sobering answer to that question in The Gadfly's not-so-humble opinion.

Drumpf nominates Brett Kavanaugh to fill the Supreme Court (SCOTUS) seat being vacated by Anthony Kennedy.  Anthony Kennedy's son Justin Kennedy spent a decade working for the International Criminal Bank of Mobsters (ICBM), aka Deutsche Bank.  Deutsche Bank has a well known reputation of being the most favored "banking" institution of Russian money launderers.  While at Deutsche Bank, Kennedy the Junior signed off on loans of over $1 billion dollars to Donald Trump - at a time when no U.S. banks would do business with Trump because of his shady business deals background, and a well documented record of spectacular business failures.  Brett Kavanaugh clerked for Kennedy at the SCOTUS.  Kavanaugh has a paper trail of writings expressing his idea that a sitting President cannot be subpoenaed or indicted because the President "is the law,"  intimating that the President is the only citizen, in a country of 330 million citizens, to whom American laws and justice do not apply to - the President is a King, if you will.  But Hillary's emails - right?

There was another nomination.  Drumpf also nominated a guy named Brian Benczowki - for the position of Assistant Attorney General in charge of the DOJ's Criminal Division.  Benczowski was employed not long ago by another International ICBM called Alfa Bank.  Alfa Bank is owned by a cabal of Russian oligarchs who have close ties to - - gee, like you all don't know . . . but yeah, Vladimir Putin.  Guess who get's Rosenstein's job if he's fired?  Guess who then oversees Robert Mueller's investigation and can fire Mueller?

Following along ok dear readers?

Lastly - Trump has gone to Europe - to meet with American allies.  Remember kids - ally = good, not enemies, but our friends, mkay?

And so what does Trump do right off the bat, in a face to face meeting with the leaders of the countries who have pledged to fight by America's side if she were ever attacked?  He berates our allies, lies about their NATO commitments, blatantly disrespects the allied leaders with bullshit and an ignorant buffoon's grasp of history, and sneeringly accuses one of our staunchest allies Germany of being a "captive" of Russia because they buy natural gas from them.

Jeebus fuck.

If you need some help figuring out what is going on here:

Why would a president who stands accused of conspiring with Russia to win election want to nakedly adopt policies that suit Russia more than his own country and that are opposed by our allies? Why would he want to have a summit with the Russian leader? Why would he want to have a private meeting with no witnesses present with that Russian leader? An innocent man would avoid making himself look so clearly guilty and a guilty one would be more deceptive. Only a captured man would act like this.

And itโ€™s getting silly how far people will go to avoid facing up to that simple fact.

When are the people of this country going to wake up and smell the fucking coffee scented roses and acknowledge what is going on right in front of all of our faces?

Donald Trump is selling this country down the river to a murdering, Borscht swilling Communist, ex-KGB (no, the KGB are not "fine") thug and a bunch of Russian oligarchs, and quite probably, a few American ones as well.

It is also pretty apparent that some members of the Republican party, primarily in the House, but maybe a few Senators as well, are more than just passive enablers of the Putin/Drumpf ham-fisted coup.

Here's the main point that The Gadfly is trying to convey - every citizen of this country is going to be put in to an extremely agonizing position of having to choose a side here pretty soon, if of course that they haven't already made that decision.

It's unfortunate.

It's inevitable.

Choose wisely.


Sunday, July 1, 2018

To Infinity And Beyond! . . . Ok, Maybe Only to Palm Beach, But Whatever...

Oh dear lord . . .

While this clip aired on a Comedy Central show, the interviewees are NOT, The Gadfly is disturbed to tell you, paid actors.

These are real-life, dyed-in-the-wool, Red White & Blue Donald Trump supporters (allow that to sink in for a bit) who truly are of the belief that Trump is going to create some form of his very own federal agency, or "Space Force" as Trump himself called it, of Buzz Lightyear, Marvel Super Heroes-like American Astronuts (sic) to go out and conquer the galaxy under the colors of Old Glory and in the name of the baby Jeebus.

Sigh . . . . .

The Gadfly's favorite one was the lady who is convinced that NASA - NASA FOR FUCK SAKE!! . . . is conspiring to keep some mysterious, ambiguous truth from her and her tribe, and that The Great and Powerful Trump is going to send his "own stuff" in to outer space to get her that truth.  And she stated as such quite matter-of-factly, and without ever once cracking a smile.  Regrettably, this intellectual giant of a lady neglected to educate us on precisely what kind of "stuff" Mr. Trump was going to send in to space, suffice to say that as long as Kanye West, Ted Nugent and Rupert Murdoch are on the payload bill of laden for the one-way launch of that "stuff," The Gadfly won't protest too much at all.  Nor did she bother to opine as to what it is that she believed this mystical "truth" to be that Donald Trump's "stuff" was going to find for her, and what they intend to do with it when they find it.

And please -- don't get The Gadfly (who has a 30 year career in IT) started on the doofus, who when he was asked to describe what he believed Trump's "Space Force" to be, this clown argle-bargled some clueless, Homer Simpson crockery about how it's like a "cloud computer," you know, kinda' like "I-Tunes." Umm - no numbnuts - it's really not, and The Gadfly will spare all you dear readers the droll details of that discussion for another day mkay?

Honestly though -- Fucking Yikes! with these people, huh?  And as such, to whit, the plaintive lamentations of Civility! do ring hollow in The Gadfly's ears.

After viewing that video, The Gadfly is utterly convinced that if this country somehow manages to survive this unenlightened period of it's short (comparatively to other world democracies) democratic history, it will have been mostly due to a hair-raising yet amazing escape from the lumbering clutches of Main Street "Idiocracy" - which also happens to be the name of a very funny, and now quite obviously, prophetic movie.  If you have not seen "Idiocracy", do yourself a favor, go rent it on Netflix or Amazon, have your favorite mind altering substance handy, and watch it - at least twice. Then take a good, hard look around yourself and ponder your destiny.


Saturday, June 30, 2018

Sweet Democracy, 'Yonder Lies Your Destiny - Through That Deepest of Swamps...

America --  Meet the swamp (and the creatures that lurk within):

It's quite mind-boggling when you actually sit down and calmly and methodically analyze the big picture implications of what it is that appears to be transpiring here, prompting this to be the latest revelation that has had The Gadfly, for several months now, sincerely questioning the depth (how deep?) of the high treachery that outwardly appears to be going on in our nation.

And believe The Gadfly when he tells you folks - this Drumpf/Kennedy connection story is no fucking coincidence here.  The Gadfly can damn well guarantee you that anything that ever, EVER! financially benefited Donald Trump undeservedly, has been anything and everything but a coincidence.

So let's review mkay?:

Donald Trump, at a time when American banks were refusing the risk of doing business with him, received $1 billion (yes - that's a BILLION, as in 1000 millions) in loans from the notoriously shady international investment bank Deutsche Bank.  Deutsche Bank is considered by many financial fraud experts to the be "Bank" of choice for international, chiefly Russian, money launderers.

Every $1 billion dollars of those loans was signed off on by an executive at Deutsche Bank by the name of Justin Kennedy.

Justin Kennedy is the son of US Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy.  Or at least Kennedy was a SCOTUS justice as of a couple of days ago.

For as it happens, Justice Kennedy resigned suddenly and without notice a couple of days ago and just as word of this interesting connection was slowly being revealed in the wider press.

Kennedy's impromptu exit thus allows Donald Trump the opportunity to put forth yet a second SCOTUS nominee, and after the Merrick Garland, Neil Gorsuch ratfuckery by Mitch McConnell.

Donald Trump is currently under criminal investigation by United States Federal and State national security and law enforcement authorities for a virtual myriad of nefarious financial and possibly treasonous political activities.

Now - before we go any further.  Allow The Gadfly a moment to play some good old-fashioned Devil's Advocate here with you dear readers:

In the highlighted section above, replace the name 'Donald Trump' in the trio of instances where it appears with the name of Hillary Clinton.  Now then - next, replace the name 'Mitch McConnell' with that of Nancy Pelosi.

Here - The Gadfly will help you.  If you followed the instructions correctly, your modified highlighted section should now look exactly like this:

Hillary Clinton, at a time when American banks were refusing the risk of doing business with her, received $1 billion (yes - that's a BILLION, as in 1000 millions) in loans from the notoriously shady international investment bank Deutsche Bank.

Every $1 billion dollars of those loans was signed off on by an executive at Deutsche Bank by the name of Justin Kennedy.

Justin Kennedy is the son of US Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy.  Or at least Kennedy was a SCOTUS justice as of a couple of days ago.

For as it happens, Justice Kennedy resigned suddenly and without notice a couple of days ago and just as word of this interesting connection was slowly being revealed in the wider press.

Kennedy's impromptu exit thus allows Hillary Clinton the opportunity to put forth yet a second SCOTUS nominee, and after the Merrick Garland, Neil Gorsuch ratfuckery by Nancy Pelosi.

Hillary Clinton is currently under criminal investigation by United States Federal and State national security and law enforcement authorities for a virtual myriad of nefarious financial and possibly treasonous political activities.

Now, just on it's face dear readers - Let's make-believe that Hillary Clinton were President right now (no tittering please), and that the wording in the now modified section was a pretty accurate depiction of what was presently going on within a hypothetical President Clinton's presidency . . . . . . do any of you truly believe that the conservative right in this country would not be frothing at the mouth berserk, and unleashing absolutely guttural, screaming demands for Hillary Clinton's literal head on a platter?

And do any of you honestly think that a whole lot of these Trump conservatives would not be openly threatening to take up matters in to their own god-fearin', good citizen hands in order to bring about some of that old-fashioned, Red, White & Blue, conservative justice for Mrs. Clinton?

Y'all better wake up folks - because that is the reality of the situation that we are dealing with here.

The simple fact of the matter is this:  none of this ends well for any of us, if the evidence that Special Counsel Robert Mueller is still actively gathering, is unconstitutionally prevented from being expediently and judiciously presented directly to the American people, thus allowing the opportunity for each and every one of us Americans to make up our own minds, based on that evidence, as to what we believe to be the truth, and to what each one of us believes what it is that we see occurring before our very own eyes.



The Unmistakable Stench Of Desperation In The Form Of Fantastic Lies

Un-fucking-believable . . .

โ€ณI have watched ICE liberate towns from the grasp of MS-13...โ€ณ

Drumpf actually tweeted that out to the American public this morning.

To which The Gadfly would promptly reply:

Name one. Name one single American "town" that was so firmly under the control of MS-13, that it required The President of The United States to deploy federal government law enforcement personnel in to the town, and like the cavalry in the old western movies, "liberate" the poor beleaguered townspeople from the evil bad guys. Just one. Name just one town that ICE liberated from MS-13. Name that town, and allow the rest of us Americans and the press to confer with the people of this "liberated" town and get their side of what would most certainly be an incredible story.

Jeebus fucking kripes. This is the kind of juvenile and mindless bullshit that Drumpf's followers credulously ingest and willfully swallow, every goddamn day, with nary an iota of critical thinking or analyzing.

But this *pResident compounds his lies on a daily basis. He has to. He lies so often and so egregiously that he has to continue manufacturing multiple layers of lies in order to provide cover for all of the previous lies he has spewed.

This MS-13 lie is reminiscent of the one he routinely told on the 2016 campaign trail claiming that he personally witnessed Muslim Americans publicly cheering and dancing in the streets when the WTC towers were attacked on 9/11. It never happened of course, and Drumpf apparently was the only American on the entire fucking east coast to come forward and claim to have been a witness to what assuredly would have been a very unsettling spectacle.

Seriously though folks - what measure of character of an individual is it that compels them to tell these kinds of lies? It certainly cannot be the kind of character that possesses any moral or social value. But when you consider the position Drumpf holds as leader of the most militarily powerful country on the planet, and then consider the kinds of lies he tells, it is clear that like history's previous fascist madmen, he lies like he does out of pure instinct to maintain his grip on power. He lies because nothing is more sacred to him than that power. And it is precisely that kind of liar, extensively documented history has shown, who is a palpable and imminent threat to democracy and a free people.

If The Gadfly is wrong with that assessment - please feel free to explain how so.


Thursday, June 28, 2018

We Have Seen The Swamp, And They Are Most Definitely Drumpf . . .

[ click pic to enlarge ]

Regarding the sudden, shocking retirement of conservative Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy.

The Gadfly finds this tidbit in a NYT article pretty fucking interesting:

But they had a connection, one Mr. Trump was quick to note in the moments after his first address to Congress in February 2017. As he made his way out of the chamber, Mr. Trump paused to chat with the justice.

โ€œSay hello to your boy,โ€ Mr. Trump said. โ€œSpecial guy.โ€

Mr. Trump was apparently referring to Justice Kennedyโ€™s son, Justin. The younger Mr. Kennedy spent more than a decade at Deutsche Bank, eventually rising to become the bankโ€™s global head of real estate capital markets, and he worked closely with Mr. Trump when he was a real estate developer, according to two people with knowledge of his role.
During Mr. Kennedyโ€™s tenure, Deutsche Bank became Mr. Trumpโ€™s most important lender, dispensing well over $1 billion in loans to him for the renovation and construction of skyscrapers in New York and Chicago at a time other mainstream banks were wary of doing business with him because of his troubled business history.

That was in the context of what, if any form of direct relationship Trump and Kennedy had among themselves.

Basically, as it turns out, Anthony Kennedy's son was a former, decade-long executive at the German-owned investment bank Deutsche Bank.  While at Deutsche Bank, the younger Kennedy hooked up with Drumpf's flim-flam organization and eventually became Drumpf's leading lender to the tune of a cool $billion - this at at time when American-based banks were refusing to do business with Drumpf because they knew he was a duplicitous con-artist with a well-documented history of unscrupulous business dealings.

Deutsche Bank is currently in investigator's cross-hairs in conjunction with various state and federal investigations of suspicious financial activity related to Drumpf and others in his orbit, and possibly even being tied in to the Russian collusion shenanigans.

Check this out - this is a somewhat jagged timeline of Robert Mueller's interest in and eventual subpoena of Deutsche Bank records involving banking transactions with Drumpf's Damien "The Omen" looking-like son-in-law Jared Kushner:

If anyone out there believes that Jared Kusnher's finances are clear and separate from, and beyond the influence of Donald Trump's tiny-fingered grasp, you really need to just go stick your head in the nearest toilet and flush repeatedly.

Just makes you wonder -- and as The Gadfly has been asking for many months now -- how deep does it go?  How deep does the ratfucking subterfuge of our American democracy truly go?

The Gadfly is pretty certain that a former USMC combat veteran who goes by the name of Robert Swan Mueller III is going to give us all the answer to that question pretty goddamn soon -- and when he does, unlike The Gadfly, a whole lot of people in this country are going to be mighty fucking shocked.


Wednesday, June 20, 2018

When They Lie About Children . . .

[ click pic to enlarge ]

The Gadfly is seeing a barrage of right wing internet memes being passed around on social media like a crack pipe, that lamely attempt, and miserably fail, to justify Drumpf's family separation policy at the border.  The justification that they are peddling is, "oh look," we found news footage of Obama and Hillary Clinton both talking tough about enforcing illegal immigration policies . . . both sides do it - weeeeeeeeeee!

As usual with these guys, it is all uninformed, not very well thought out, mostly duplicitous horse twaddle.

There is a clearly delineated difference between publicly stated policy that is delivered on the campaign trail, and what the policy actually being implemented by a ruling government on the ground is.  You don't need to be a fucking nuclear physicist to understand that dichotomy.

More importantly here though is, why have Drumpf and his lackeys been brazenly and shamelessly lying to the American people's faces about their policy for the past week?  Lying as in twisting themselves in to impossibly convoluted, pretzel knots kind of lying.

First they claimed it wasn't happening.  Then they blamed it on a 20 year old court case that is still being adjudicated.  Next they said it was a law created by Democrats.  And when it was pointed out to them that no such law exists, they then just outright issued public denials that the inhumane policy even existed at all.

And yet, today, after the horror of their actions has pretty much blown up in their stupid, disgusting faces, Drumpf signs one of his hallowed "executive orders" reversing the very policy, HIS ADMINISTRATION'S POLICY!! that they just spent a solid fucking week claiming did not exist.  Voila!

Lies upon lies upon lies upon lies upon lies upon lies upon lies upon lies . . . . . .

These people are professionally pathological liars and con-artists.  And right now, sane, decent Americans need to ask themselves the most glaringly obvious question -- if Donald Trump and his people will lie about the health and welfare of defenseless, helpless children whom they have consciously and deliberately taken away from their parents, what won't they lie about?

Any high level Trumpers who have had a hand in this policy - their political careers aren't worth dog shit now.  They will forever be associated with the stench of Drumpf and this degenerate episode.

And as for these people . . .

. . . . [The Gadfly does a slow burn] . . . . providing Trump's comrade Putin doesn't ratfuck our electoral process again, they are going to find out just how much of a minority voice that they truly are come November.


Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Is There Omerta Among Rodents?.... We Are About To Find Out

[ click pic to enlarge ]

The vermin are restless.

By MJ Lee, Kara Scannell and Gloria Borger, CNN
Updated 5:48 PM ET, Tue June 19, 2018

Washington (CNN)Donald Trump's personal attorney Michael Cohen has signaled to friends that he is "willing to give" investigators information on the President if that's what they are looking for, and is planning on hiring a new lawyer to handle a possible indictment from federal prosecutors.

"He knows a lot of things about the President and he's not averse to talking in the right situation," one of Cohen's New York friends who is in touch with him told CNN. "If they want information on Trump, he's willing to give it."

Cohen is planning to hire Guy Petrillo, a former chief of the criminal division of the US attorney's office in Manhattan and an experienced trial lawyer, a source familiar confirmed. The source said all the paperwork and retainer may not have been finalized just yet.

The shift in legal strategy and signals of potential cooperation with investigators come as Cohen feels increasingly isolated from the President, whom he has been famously loyal to for more than a decade. Last week, CNN reported Cohen has indicated a willingness to cooperate to alleviate pressure on himself and his family.

If Cohen says he is "willing to give" info to investigators about Trump for the right plea deal, then that clearly signifies that he has knowledge and corroborating, likely documented evidence that would be very, very damaging to Drumpf, and quite probably to others in Drumpf's empire.

Two crucial points need to be noted here.

Cohen full well knows that Robert Mueller and his investigators have possession of the mother lode of 15 months of investigative information and evidence on his own criminal chicanery in their possession, and that he is fucked for it six ways from Sunday.

Secondly - Michael Cohen is 52 years old.  He has a wife and kids, and no doubt, in his mind, he has got to be thinking to himself - "am I 20 years fucked or maybe just 5 or 6 years fucked?" That is a critically enormous difference considering Cohen's age and family status.

And so the obviously pivotal question then becomes - where is Michael Cohen's loyalty most dedicated? Is it to Donald Trump? Or is that loyalty significantly more beholden to his wife, his children, and to the quality of his own life for the remaining time that he walks on this earth?

Do you see where The Gadfly is going with this folks?  It's pretty goddamn unmistakable what the next chapter in this very sordid saga is.

As such - now is the time to keep a careful watch on Drumpf's behavior and actions. If he is convinced that his long-time "fixer" attorney is going to spill his ever-loving guts to Mueller about Drumpf's illicit activities and assorted other moral transgressions, then we have officially arrived at that inevitable cornered rat time -- and this rat is a big, fat, orange, devious one with nasty sharp teeth and, who it must be pointed out, has his pudgy little finger hovering over the big, red nuclear button.

Keep that in mind as the coming constitutional crisis begins to evolve more steadily and intensifies, as it must do considering the reality that we are facing as regards to Drumpf's own loyalty questions and standing.

That's all.


Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Onward Donnie's Soldiers, Marching As To War! . . .

This is just the beginning:

The Latest: Israel says Iranians in Syria fired missiles

JERUSALEM (AP) โ€” The latest on tensions between Israel and Syria (all times local):

1:30 a.m.

Israelโ€™s military says Iranian forces based in neighboring Syria fired about 20 projectiles at Israeli positions in the Golan Heights.

It says Israeli defense systems intercepted โ€œsomeโ€ of the incoming rockets and damage on the Israeli side was minimal. There were no Israeli casualties.

Lt. Col. Jonathan Conricus says Israel views the incident โ€œwith severityโ€ and has responded.

Israel has been on heightened alert in recent days, anticipating a possible Iranian retaliation. Iran has vowed revenge after blaming Israel for a series of deadly airstrikes on Iranian positions in Syria.

Pro-Syrian government media and activists reported earlier that missiles had been fired toward Israel from southern Syria late Wednesday targeting Israeli positions in the occupied Golan heights.

Should all out war break loose in the middle east, fueled by Drumpf's ratfuckery on the multilateral Iran deal, The Gadfly fully, and rightfully expects every single Trump supporter to offer up their very own military-age children to be in the first wave of invasion troops that will most certainly be necessary when the inevitable U.S. involvement and ground war in to Iran begins.

Think about it Trumpies - how much more passionately could you possibly demonstrate your patriotic duty to Trump Nation, and your worship of and loyalty to dear leader, than by bequeathing the lives of your own offspring as sacrificial cannon fodder in tribute to the glory of the Trumpian cause? . . . . .

โ™ซ Onward Donnie's soldiers!
  Marching as to war,
With the cross of Russia
  Going on before.
Vlad, the royal Master,
  Leads against the foe;
Forward into battle,
  See, His suckers go!
! โ™ซ


Friday, May 4, 2018

We (Meaning We Sane Americans) Need To Talk About This...

This is just the tip of the iceberg:

This story was co-published with Frontline PBS.

The 18-year-old, excited by his handiwork at the bloody rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, last summer, quickly went online to boast. He used the handle VasillistheGreek.

โ€œToday cracked 3 skulls open with virtually no damage to myself,โ€ the young man wrote on Aug. 12, 2017.

Vasillios Pistolis had come to the now infamous Unite the Right rally eager for such violence. He belonged to a white supremacist group known as Atomwaffen Division, a secretive neo-Nazi organization whose members say they are preparing for a coming race war in the U.S. In online chats leading up to the rally, Pistolis had been encouraged to be vicious with any counterprotestors, maybe even sodomize someone with a knife. Heโ€™d responded by saying he was prepared to kill someone โ€œif shit goes down.โ€

One of Pistolisโ€™ victims that weekend was Emily Gorcenski, a data scientist and trans woman from Charlottesville who had shown up to confront the rallyโ€™s hundreds of white supremacists. In an online post, Pistolis delighted in how he had โ€œdrop kickedโ€ that โ€œtrannyโ€ during a violent nighttime march on the campus of the University of Virginia. He also wrote about a blood-soaked flag heโ€™d kept as a memento.

โ€œNot my blood,โ€ he took care to note.

At the end of the weekend that shocked much of the country, Pistolis returned to his everyday life: serving in the U.S. Marine Corps.

Of the many white supremacist organizations that have sprung up in the past few years, Atomwaffen is among the more extreme, espousing the overthrow of the U.S. government through acts of political violence and guerrilla warfare.

If this story is accurate, and this guy is still an active duty U.S. Marine - he's a fucking vile disgrace to that service.  With his actions, he has shit upon the dedicated men and women of all different kinds of religious, racial, political, and social backgrounds who make up the active, reserve and guard ranks.  America's military is a better, stronger Corp. for it's diversity.

We have a problem here folks, because The Gadfly can tell you that this guy is not an anomaly among the military rank and file, especially the combat forces.  There are hundreds, more likely thousands of these hateful sons of bitches who are going in to the military solely to get combat and weapons experience so they can then get out and take that tax payer paid for knowledge back to their knuckle-dragging little enclaves and klans.

And The Gadfly can guarantee you that over the past 2 years this infiltration has intensified - and you all sure as fuck know why that is and don't pretend you fucking don't know.

If there were any real men, of true leadership quality, in Donald Trump's abject dumpster fire of an administration, or anywhere in his US military infrastructure for that matter, that individual, or individuals, would be stepping forth to get out in front of this story and be leading the charge to get to the bottom of this insidious virus that has snaked it's way in to the general ranks of their commands.  And they absolutely must confront this disease, head-on, and with due haste.

The USMC, along with all the other branches of the United States Armed Forces, needs to make a lesson-teaching example out of this hateful little shithead of a loser and his "AtomWaffen" Nazi playmates.

They do that by summarily court martialing, and then dishonorably discharging the little Hitler fetishist pecker-snot from the USMC.

But before they get to that point, they need to issue a public pledge to all Americans that the military isn't going to stand for these sick, fascist, twisted little pricks joining their ranks just to get weapons training to take back to their Nazi butt buddies in the civilian world any longer.

The U.S. military leadership needs to make a unified, public proclamation that they are going to root out every last one of these anti-American bastards from the ranks - one by one - and, implement more rigorous candidate screening procedures to prevent the slimy little worms from getting in to the service to begin with.

That is what should, and what needs to happen to properly fix a deadly problem of this magnitude.

And every U.S. Marine, or Airman, or Sailor, or Army grunt who understands the gravity of precisely what it is about this country that motivates them to volunteer and put their lives on the line for it as a fighting member of the world's greatest military, and abiding by the oath and the code, knows goddamn fucking well what The Gadfly is talking about here.

Fix.  This.  Problem.  Now.

Thank you.


Monday, April 23, 2018

They Are Coming For Your.....Our Democracy

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They have only just begun folks:

AUSTIN โ€” A Dallas Democrat running for the state Senate discovered Saturday that Russians may have hacked his campaign website.

Candidate Kendall Scudder pulled down the website Saturday afternoon after coding in Russian and references to Russian websites were found embedded in the server. Google Analytics also found several visits on the website from internet users in Russia and Ukraine.

Scudder, who will face incumbent Republican Sen. Bob Hall in November, said in a news release Sunday that his campaign communications director noticed fraudulent activity in late March, when visitors were informed that "attackers" were trying to redirect them to a fake website. His staff fixed the problem, he said.

"...internet users in Russia and Ukraine," where has The Gadfly heard mention of "Russia and Ukraine" before? . . .

A certain Very Stable Genius's Vodka-swilling pals - as all of the nation's intelligence agencies have been trying to tell us, is poised to once again ratfuck our next national election.  And it is already unmistakably clear as to who and whom those efforts are intended to benefit.  And Donald Trump has not lifted one fucking finger to take effective, measurable counter-intelligence efforts to protect our elections and by proxy, our democracy.  Why is that?

The shit that is going down right now with all of this Russian/Drumpf intrigue folks -- is not normal.

The people of this country had better wake up and smell the Stolichnaya, before it's too late.

These fucking Russian kleptocrats, led by Vlad the Impaler himself, do not want America to be a healthy, functional democracy - The Gadfly can damn well guarantee you that dear readers.  A truly open, free and strong democracy is a form of citizen's government, that is a formidable obstacle to Vladimir Putin's and the kleptogarch's mission to strengthen and advance their primary interests - which basically can be boiled down to iron-fisted political power and vast wealth.  Oh - and did The Gadfly mention that they have the most unfortunate habit of killing people who get in their way?

But how can you blame the Russkis when their dream just suddenly materialized right in front of them, like a ghost emerging from a fog.... enter one Very Stable Genius.  Drumpf stumblefucks his way in to Putin's spiderweb, and ol' Uncle Vlad, out of the goodness of his own KGB heart, wasted no time in taking the petulant little Fauntleroy under his nurturing wing, and teaching him how it comes to be that a real, manly masculine man, a man with superior masculine genes, attains fabulous manly wealth and uncontested masculine power.  Face it - Drumpf has his head so far up Putin's ass, they're going to need the jaws of life to extract him.

But c'mon!  Trump and many in his circle sure do seem to have an awful lot of Russians and Ukrainians in their orbit dontcha' fucking think folks?  How can people not notice that?  Trump's own "fixer" attorney, Michael Cohen, is deeply in to the Ukrainians - as in married in to it deeply.  And everyone fucking knows that Trump and his "Organization" have long been voraciously slurping the sugar-tits of the Russian oligarchy like starved piglets.

Drumpf's "businesses" are so intertwined with Russian and Ukrainian money, not to mention a shit load of shady international business characters, that it just blows The Gadfly's fucking mind.  Donald Trump's own son publicly stated several years ago that his father's "Organization" was wallowing in Russian money - observe:

A 2008 quote from President Donald Trump's eldest son about his family's assets resurfaced on Sunday in a New York Times op-ed article.

"In terms of high-end product influx into the US, Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets," Donald Trump Jr. said at a New York real-estate conference that year. "Say, in Dubai, and certainly with our project in SoHo, and anywhere in New York. We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia."

Honestly though -- where and how do you people think Trump has made all of his loot these past few years with his myriad of business failures?  His reality TV show?  Pffft!  That's fucking chump change.  That was more of a vanity project than anything.  So how is it that he came in to all of this wealth over the past 8-10 years?  And especially so since no reputable banks or financial institutions in America would lend him money because of his very, very well documented record of business fuckups and debt defaults.  Anyone care to explain that one?

And precisely because no reputable bank, or anyone who knew of Trump's shady dealings and history of not paying debts, would lend him money, Donald made a carefully considered and calculatingly calculated career and a life choice.  What did Donald do?  He looked eastward - eastward ho! - eastward as in due east of New York City - due far east of Trump tower, straight east to the middle of Red Square in Moscow, mother-fucking Russia, right in to the heart of the Kremlin, and right in to the lightly starched crotch of Vladimir Putin's Hammer and Sickle embossed Speedos.

Can anyone imagine for a fucking minute what would be going on in this country if all of this foreign intrigue, financial skullduggery, and personal sex scandals shit were swirling around Obama, or god forbid that crooked witch Hillary?  God Almighty to The Glorious Heavens!  The right wingers and evangelicals would be braying like the intemperate, dense jackasses that they are.  For Clinton they'd be screeching their bloody stupid "lock her up" chant.  And for Obama?  Shit -- they'd be marching down Pennsylvania fucking Avenue with pitchforks, torches and and plenty of good ol' fashioned nigger hangin' rope.

And yet the die-hard Trump supporters turn a blind eye to the growing mounds of Trump/Russia evidence.  It's almost like a one-off version of that Rowdy Roddy Piper Movie from the late eighties, "They Live," a sci-fi flick about a guy who has special sunglasses that allow him to filter out aliens among the human population.  In this real-life version though, the Trump supporters are all wearing special sunglasses that filter out reality, and truth, and common sense and decency.  They see only what they want to see - everything else is "fake."

To those people The Gadfly says -- you sons of bitches better hope that this doesn't turn out to be about something far, far more serious than Trump's financial crimes, of which no doubt there are.  But let The Gadfly be clear here . . . if there is any provable actions of a treasonous nature that have been perpetrated here . . . well, let's just hope that when the time comes to choose sides, all choose wisely.


Monday, April 16, 2018

Citizen Gadfly: Lyricist For Hire . . . .

The Gadfly has way too much energy for someone of his age and girth.  But it has to be expended some way.  In light of recent events, here's a little ad hoc redo of the song "Shooting Star" by Bad Company, with The Gadfly's "creative" touch:



Donny was a schoolboy
When he heard his first Beatles song
'Back in The USSR' I think it was
And from there it didn't take him long

Got himself an inheritance
And it was hookers and coke all night
Now his mob is in the White House
And everything's all right
Don't ya know

Donny told his papa
Hey, papa, I bought me a casino today
I'm gonna hit the big time
Gonna be a big star someday

Papa came to Donny's door
With Mikey Cohen by his side
Donny said "Don't cry Papa,
Me and Mikey gonna let it ride."

Don't you know...

Don't you know
That you are a shooting star, (don't you know, don't you know)
Don't you know that you are
A shooting star
And all the morons will love you
Just as long, as long as you are?

Donny ran for president
Went straight up to number one
Suddenly everyone loved to hear him sling his dung
Watching the world go by
Surprising it goes so fast
Donny looked around him
And said "Vlad, We made the big time at last."

Don't you know
That you are a shooting star, (don't you know, don't you know)
Don't you know that you are
A shooting star
And all the morons will love you
Just as long, as long as you are?
...A shooting star

Don't you know
That you are a shooting star, (don't you know, don't you know)
Don't you know that you are
A shooting star
And all the morons will love you
Just as long, as long as you are?

Donny died one night
Died in his prison bed
Bottle of diet Coke, Big Mac wrapper
By his head

Donny's life passed him
By like a pussygrab one fine day
If you listen to close to the media crow
You can still hear them bray

Don't you know...

Don't you know
That you are a shooting star, (don't you know, don't you know)
Don't you know that you are
A shooting star
And all the morons will love you
Just as long, as long as you are?


Sunday, April 15, 2018

Nero Crows While The World Around Him Burns...

What a pathetic, petty little mind that this guy has:

The Gadfly cannot predict how history will judge Barack Obama's contributions to this nation from his public service, but The Gadfly is goddamned mother fucking certain that history is going to treat Donald Trump's legacy not at all unlike the manner in which a dog treats your average fire hydrant.

That's all.


Men In Black vs. The Sopranos - The Preview . . .

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Paulie Walnuts and Big Pussy's prospects for escaping the long arm of the law ain't looking so good :

Updated April 13, 2018 07:31 PM


The Justice Department special counsel has evidence that Donald Trumpโ€™s personal lawyer and confidant, Michael Cohen, secretly made a late-summer trip to Prague during the 2016 presidential campaign, according to two sources familiar with the matter.

Confirmation of the trip would lend credence to a retired British spyโ€™s report that Cohen strategized there with a powerful Kremlin figure about Russian meddling in the U.S. election.

It would also be one of the most significant developments thus far in Special Counsel Robert Muellerโ€™s investigation of whether the Trump campaign and the Kremlin worked together to help Trump win the White House. Undercutting Trumpโ€™s repeated pronouncements that โ€œthere is no evidence of collusion,โ€ it also could ratchet up the stakes if the president tries, as he has intimated he might for months, to order Muellerโ€™s firing.

The Gadfly will let that sink in to your brains for a moment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ok.

Cohen has been under grand jury investigation for many months according to recent credible reports.  And do you know what that implies dear readers?

It means - that President Donald Trump's personal attorney, his go-to "fixer" as Drumpf loyalists fondly and smugly refer to him, has been under investigation, for months, and it is not an exaggeration to contend that he has been under investigation by pretty much the Super Heroes/Justice League of criminal prosecution.

Robert Mueller's team of investigators are the quintessential Men in Black - they are the guys with the impeccably starched white shirts, the standard issue dark suits, and the expertly buffed Florsheims.  These are the guys who do not fuck around and play penny ante legal and mind games with those whom they are investigating.  These guys have been getting down to business every second of every day since their feet hit the floor upon receiving their investigatory mandate from the DOJ.

Michael Cohen is looking at the likelihood of spending a good portion of his remaining life on this earth rotting in a prison cell, and that is the stark reality of this situation.  For you see folks, here's the thing . . . Mueller's investigators struck incriminating evidence gold, when they surprise raided Cohen last week and confiscated all of his computers, phones and files.  In a no-doubt harrowing blink of an eye, Michael Cohen became quite cognizant of the fact that the Men in Black now know everything that he, Michale Cohen himself knows.

And Michael Cohen knows a whole lot about Donald John Trump - as in 10 years of "fixing" and cleaning up the illicit wreckage that his singular, morally rudderless client, Mr. Trump, has embroiled himself in.

The ignominious end of the tainted presidency of Donald John Trump is all but a foregone conclusion at this point dear readers.  All that remains to be see is to what measure of damage befalls the nation should Drumpf be desperate enough to refuse to go quietly in to the asterisked pages of history when his time is up.

Unfortunately, it is probably beyond hope to think Donald Trump might base his his decision on what is best for America and the American people.  Donald Trump cares about nobody but himself and so it is probably best to prepare for the worst case scenario.

The Gadfly is ready if Mr. Trump chooses to act unwisely.  Are you?


Saturday, April 14, 2018

Life During MAGA Wartime . . .

Re: Donald Trump's decision to bomb Syria.

Here's how The Gadfly envisions it went down:

Trump (in oval office, on the phone):  Vlad!  Uncle Vlad!  Can you hear me now?  Oh good.  Say Uncle, I'm up to my horse-hair toupee in sex and criminal scandals over here.  Do you mind if I pop off a few missiles over Syria to distract the attention of our lap dog media, and build up my commander in chief credentials with the gullible rubes who voted for me?  Yeah Uncle, that's right, and I promise not to overdo it.  I'll even send you the complete, secret list of our missile targets so you will have plenty of time to get our comrades out of harm's way before the explosions go off, mkay?  ... (slight pause)... Aww, that's just swell of you Uncle Vlad!  Oh and just one more thing Uncle - and I hate to keep bugging you about it, but you are going to keep your promise about keeping my pee-pee tape under wraps right? ... (another slight pause)... Aw gee, thanks a million Uncle - you're the best! (Trump hangs up the phone and kicks his feet confidently up on to the oval office desk).
Trump (with feet still kicked up on to the oval office desk and smiling broadly, yells out):  Kelly!!  John Kelly!!  Get your coffee boy ass in here stat and write me up a short and sweet, smugly somber "My Fellow Americans..." statement on Syria will ya?  Big Daddy Warbucks Don is a war-time President now who's gonna Make America Great Again - one bomb-cratered, abandoned airfield at a time!  And before I forget - where's Kellyanne?  Kellyanne, stop with that damn incessant texting already and get me Mikey The Fixer on the line, I got some more work lined up for him.

No - really -- that is how The Gadfly envisions the whole thing went down.

Sigh . . . . . . . .. .


Thursday, April 12, 2018

The Russian Pee-Pee Tape is Real . . . No Doubt About It

How does The Gadfly know this?

C'mon ... really?

That's the best story he could come up with?

The wife's feelings?

Good god he's not even a competent bullshitter, which is something The Gadfly has always believed, obviously undeserved, that Drumpf was actually accomplished at.  But get a load of this - purportedly this is an excerpt from former FBI Director James Comey's memoirs which are being published in book form on Monday:

President Trump wanted James Comey to investigate the infamous โ€œpee tapeโ€ allegations โ€” to reassure Melania that he hadnโ€™t actually paid Russian hookers to urinate on a hotel bed, the former FBI chief claims in his upcoming book.

โ€œHe brought up what he called the โ€˜golden showers thingโ€™ โ€ฆ adding that it bothered him if there was โ€˜even a one percent chanceโ€™ his wife, Melania, thought it was true,โ€ Comey writes in โ€œA Higher Loyalty: Truth, Lies, and Leadership,โ€ a copy of which was obtained by The Post.

โ€œHe just rolled on, unprompted, explaining why it couldnโ€™t possibly be true, ending by saying he was thinking of asking me to investigate the allegation to prove it was a lie. I said it was up to him.โ€

Let's review shall wee-wee?...

So, out of the blue, in an oval office setting, Drumpf starts blubbering to Comey about that darn, fake, Russian pee-pee tape dossier rumor thingy that he himself has consistently and publicly claimed never happened, but now that he's the King, it's suddenly bothering him because he just cannot suffer the thought that his poor, poor, dear, innocent Queen, err... wife Melania, might be harboring even a fraction of one percentage point of agonizing, heart-wrenching, soul-crushing doubt as to the devout fidelity of her Special Golden Man -- his fidelity for mercy's sake! -- oh the humanity!! -- and the conversation thus ends with Drumpf telling Comey that he might want him to "investigate" to prove the rumor is a lie - you know - to prove Donald Trump is not a liar . . . .

Jeebus Fuck -- where to began dissecting this pile of weasel-dee-gobble-speak.

First -- FUCKING LOL!!!  Can you believe that smug bastard actually attempted to convince James Comey that he was so distraught over the thought that his beloved, cherished, adored spouse might possess even a 1% chance of suspicion as to her daahhling' husband's choice of sexual fetishes and so to assuage the anguished heart of his beloved betrothed, it just might be necessary that the FBI, for duty and for country, "investigate" the insidious pee-pee rumor and prove to the world that it is a lie and that Donald Trump is a virtuous leader --- well folks, The Gadfly has been on this planet for 56 years and fairly closely observing American politics for about 25 of those years.  Quite frankly --- that is probably the most goddamn, mind-numbing and comically grotesque thing The Gadfly has ever heard of.  It is also, hands down, the most hilarious thing that The Gadfly has yet heard amidst all of the fucking drama and chaos that has plagued our nation from the *election of this banana Republican nitwit of a *pResident.


More importantly than poor Melania's synthetic crisis of matrimonial faith though, is just how utterly presumptuous and delusional this arrogant cocksucker Trump truly is - to be of the belief that his mere presence, should he so deem it, commands his underlings to play the role of "fixer" for his fucking personal behavioral "situations".  That is exactly how Drumpf viewed Comey in the context of that conversation.  For all intent and purpose Drumpf was basically telling Comey, "hey dude, you work for me now -- or you don't -- capish? - now go dispose of that dead hooker in the trunk of my limo -- bada-bing, bada boom."

And as would be expected from someone of Comey's reputable character and professional integrity, he proceeded to inform his boss, *pResident Donald John Trump, to, in no uncertain terms, go fuck himself.

And so now we get a another fascinating book to add to the collection of the ever faster growing pile of other fascinating books, all containing the unthinkable, drive-by accounts of life here in the United States of America, circa 2018.

And that dear readers, is how The Gadfly conclusively came to the conclusive conclusion that the Russian produced Drumpf pee-pee tape is undoubtedly the real deal.



*(the 'g' in The Gadfly's sign off moniker, as seen above, is to remain lower-case until the day President Very Stable Genius is vanquished - thank you for your understanding)