Saturday, June 30, 2018

The Unmistakable Stench Of Desperation In The Form Of Fantastic Lies

Un-fucking-believable . . .

I have watched ICE liberate towns from the grasp of MS-13...

Drumpf actually tweeted that out to the American public this morning.

To which The Gadfly would promptly reply:

Name one. Name one single American "town" that was so firmly under the control of MS-13, that it required The President of The United States to deploy federal government law enforcement personnel in to the town, and like the cavalry in the old western movies, "liberate" the poor beleaguered townspeople from the evil bad guys. Just one. Name just one town that ICE liberated from MS-13. Name that town, and allow the rest of us Americans and the press to confer with the people of this "liberated" town and get their side of what would most certainly be an incredible story.

Jeebus fucking kripes. This is the kind of juvenile and mindless bullshit that Drumpf's followers credulously ingest and willfully swallow, every goddamn day, with nary an iota of critical thinking or analyzing.

But this *pResident compounds his lies on a daily basis. He has to. He lies so often and so egregiously that he has to continue manufacturing multiple layers of lies in order to provide cover for all of the previous lies he has spewed.

This MS-13 lie is reminiscent of the one he routinely told on the 2016 campaign trail claiming that he personally witnessed Muslim Americans publicly cheering and dancing in the streets when the WTC towers were attacked on 9/11. It never happened of course, and Drumpf apparently was the only American on the entire fucking east coast to come forward and claim to have been a witness to what assuredly would have been a very unsettling spectacle.

Seriously though folks - what measure of character of an individual is it that compels them to tell these kinds of lies? It certainly cannot be the kind of character that possesses any moral or social value. But when you consider the position Drumpf holds as leader of the most militarily powerful country on the planet, and then consider the kinds of lies he tells, it is clear that like history's previous fascist madmen, he lies like he does out of pure instinct to maintain his grip on power. He lies because nothing is more sacred to him than that power. And it is precisely that kind of liar, extensively documented history has shown, who is a palpable and imminent threat to democracy and a free people.

If The Gadfly is wrong with that assessment - please feel free to explain how so.


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