Wednesday, June 20, 2018

When They Lie About Children . . .

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The Gadfly is seeing a barrage of right wing internet memes being passed around on social media like a crack pipe, that lamely attempt, and miserably fail, to justify Drumpf's family separation policy at the border.  The justification that they are peddling is, "oh look," we found news footage of Obama and Hillary Clinton both talking tough about enforcing illegal immigration policies . . . both sides do it - weeeeeeeeeee!

As usual with these guys, it is all uninformed, not very well thought out, mostly duplicitous horse twaddle.

There is a clearly delineated difference between publicly stated policy that is delivered on the campaign trail, and what the policy actually being implemented by a ruling government on the ground is.  You don't need to be a fucking nuclear physicist to understand that dichotomy.

More importantly here though is, why have Drumpf and his lackeys been brazenly and shamelessly lying to the American people's faces about their policy for the past week?  Lying as in twisting themselves in to impossibly convoluted, pretzel knots kind of lying.

First they claimed it wasn't happening.  Then they blamed it on a 20 year old court case that is still being adjudicated.  Next they said it was a law created by Democrats.  And when it was pointed out to them that no such law exists, they then just outright issued public denials that the inhumane policy even existed at all.

And yet, today, after the horror of their actions has pretty much blown up in their stupid, disgusting faces, Drumpf signs one of his hallowed "executive orders" reversing the very policy, HIS ADMINISTRATION'S POLICY!! that they just spent a solid fucking week claiming did not exist.  Voila!

Lies upon lies upon lies upon lies upon lies upon lies upon lies upon lies . . . . . .

These people are professionally pathological liars and con-artists.  And right now, sane, decent Americans need to ask themselves the most glaringly obvious question -- if Donald Trump and his people will lie about the health and welfare of defenseless, helpless children whom they have consciously and deliberately taken away from their parents, what won't they lie about?

Any high level Trumpers who have had a hand in this policy - their political careers aren't worth dog shit now.  They will forever be associated with the stench of Drumpf and this degenerate episode.

And as for these people . . .

. . . . [The Gadfly does a slow burn] . . . . providing Trump's comrade Putin doesn't ratfuck our electoral process again, they are going to find out just how much of a minority voice that they truly are come November.


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