Sunday, July 1, 2018

To Infinity And Beyond! . . . Ok, Maybe Only to Palm Beach, But Whatever...

Oh dear lord . . .

While this clip aired on a Comedy Central show, the interviewees are NOT, The Gadfly is disturbed to tell you, paid actors.

These are real-life, dyed-in-the-wool, Red White & Blue Donald Trump supporters (allow that to sink in for a bit) who truly are of the belief that Trump is going to create some form of his very own federal agency, or "Space Force" as Trump himself called it, of Buzz Lightyear, Marvel Super Heroes-like American Astronuts (sic) to go out and conquer the galaxy under the colors of Old Glory and in the name of the baby Jeebus.

Sigh . . . . .

The Gadfly's favorite one was the lady who is convinced that NASA - NASA FOR FUCK SAKE!! . . . is conspiring to keep some mysterious, ambiguous truth from her and her tribe, and that The Great and Powerful Trump is going to send his "own stuff" in to outer space to get her that truth.  And she stated as such quite matter-of-factly, and without ever once cracking a smile.  Regrettably, this intellectual giant of a lady neglected to educate us on precisely what kind of "stuff" Mr. Trump was going to send in to space, suffice to say that as long as Kanye West, Ted Nugent and Rupert Murdoch are on the payload bill of laden for the one-way launch of that "stuff," The Gadfly won't protest too much at all.  Nor did she bother to opine as to what it is that she believed this mystical "truth" to be that Donald Trump's "stuff" was going to find for her, and what they intend to do with it when they find it.

And please -- don't get The Gadfly (who has a 30 year career in IT) started on the doofus, who when he was asked to describe what he believed Trump's "Space Force" to be, this clown argle-bargled some clueless, Homer Simpson crockery about how it's like a "cloud computer," you know, kinda' like "I-Tunes." Umm - no numbnuts - it's really not, and The Gadfly will spare all you dear readers the droll details of that discussion for another day mkay?

Honestly though -- Fucking Yikes! with these people, huh?  And as such, to whit, the plaintive lamentations of Civility! do ring hollow in The Gadfly's ears.

After viewing that video, The Gadfly is utterly convinced that if this country somehow manages to survive this unenlightened period of it's short (comparatively to other world democracies) democratic history, it will have been mostly due to a hair-raising yet amazing escape from the lumbering clutches of Main Street "Idiocracy" - which also happens to be the name of a very funny, and now quite obviously, prophetic movie.  If you have not seen "Idiocracy", do yourself a favor, go rent it on Netflix or Amazon, have your favorite mind altering substance handy, and watch it - at least twice. Then take a good, hard look around yourself and ponder your destiny.


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