Saturday, August 23, 2014

Not Much More Can Be Said . . . .

As The Gadfly alluded to in prior posts, he is content with leaving the yeoman's work of commenting on the Ferguson, Missouri incident to those public wordsmith's whose prose and pensive eloquence far outshine anything that The Gadfly could aspire to scribble on his shitty little blog.

Therefore dear readers, The Gadfly dutifully hands the keyboard over to the inimitable Charles Pierce.

An excerpt:

They left the body in the street.
Dictators leave bodies in the street.
Petty local satraps leave bodies in the street.
Warlords leave bodies in the street.
A police officer shot Michael Brown to death. And they left his body in the street. For four hours. Bodies do not lie in the street for four hours. Not in an advanced society. Bodies lie in the street for four hours in small countries where they have perpetual civil war. Bodies lie in the street for four hours on back roads where people fight over the bare necessities of simple living, where they fight over food and water and small, useless parcels of land. Bodies lie in the street for four hours in places in which poor people fight as proxies for rich people in distant places, where they fight as proxies for the men who dig out the diamonds, or who drill out the oil, or who set ancient tribal grudges aflame for modern imperial purposes that are as far from the original grudges as bullets are from bows. Those are the places where they leave bodies in the street, as object lessons, or to make a point, or because there isn't the money to take the bodies away and bury them, or because nobody gives a damn whether they are there or not. Those are the places where they leave bodies in the street.

Just go read the whole damn thing.


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