Seriously. How often does it need to be proven that when voters allow medieval-minded, radical extremist, Christian nationalist assholes to legislate over their lives, they get medieval results in return?
Ffs, you would think these voters would get it by now that voting extremists into higher office gets you extremist laws.
Inhumane Republican-run Texas has not only seen a harrowing rise in
maternal mortality, but also a sudden and increase of dead newborn infants being found in dumpsters. If this is the conservative's idea of what it means to be "Pro-Life," perhaps a re-evaluation of their moral values choices surrounding the issue is in due order.
I mean come on, right? If your state legislators pass a medieval and cruel law, the odds are quite clearly in favor of the results and effect on the public being just as cruel and medieval.
That is what Texas has done, what Florida recently did, and which a few other MAGA-controlled red states have done or will be doing. Those states will also most certainly see medieval and cruel results. Whether they truthfully report the data on it or not is the only question.
And now the toxic agenda of 'Project 2025' is on the march, and they have a Hitler-loving, Putin admiring, convicted felon and rapist as their messianic leader as point person (I refuse to call him a man) in the White House. He will do everything in his ill-begotten power to federalize the policies that MAGA governors and Republicans like Abbott in Texass and DeathSantis in Floriduh have implemented.
Here's the amusing part of this story, though. Ma and Pa MAGA may have overlooked or willfully ignored the reality that many of these MAGA/Project 2025 policies are going to not only result in more dead babies being found in dumpsters, it is also going to fuck up their economic lives WAY, WAY, WAY more than all of the immigrants who they direct their misguided anger at for taking all of their precious and prized American jobs away from them, you know, those jobs which they and their kids covet so much, jobs like lettuce picking, floor mopping, burger flipping, dish washing, lawn mowing, and crumb-snatcher care.
But oh yeah - wait until the 'Project 2025' goons hook up with DonOld's new billionaire bobbsey twin, economic geniuses Elon and Vivek and they start tearing into the funding for federal programs like Social Security, Medicare/Medicaid, unemployment assistance, natural disaster assistance, educational assistance, etc., anything you know that benefits them and improves their own lives. Hoo boy, that is going to be a blindside massacre that Ma and Pa MAGA didn't see coming or purposely looked the other way at.
But here's the deal folks. 255 million Americans were eligible to vote
this past November. Only 160 million of us bothered to show up.
is the kind of cruel and medieval society you get with a lazy,
freedom-spoiled electorate who take democracy for granted to the extent
they just couldn't give much thought to casting a ballot this past
November 5th for the clearly more qualified and decent candidate.
Now do you understand why showing up to vote is important? And not just in the once every four years, POTUS election. No, that is still laziness. Vote in every election you are eligible to vote in at the local, state and federal level. That is the BARE minimum a citizen can and should do for their democracy and freedoms.
I truly do pity all of these right-wing fools who due to their voting support of Drumpf and his administration of billionaires, are going to find out too late how it came to be that they themselves wound up in the line of bleating sheep being led to the shearing shed, and then on to the slaughterhouse.
Tom Paine said it best:
--- TFG