Monday, January 20, 2025

Yet Another MAGA "Leader" Fails the Leadership Test

Well you know, it's not as if the wiser and better citizens of Oklahoma, few they may be, didn't point out the danger to their fellow Oklahomans of giving unfettered power over their children's public education to a MAGA evangelical, "culture warrior" screwball like this guy Ryan Walters.  Oklahoma voters couldn't wait to give this MAGA "culture warrior" disciple Ryan Walters a shot at running their state's education system.  Now the buyer's regret is setting in hard and heavy.  This asshat has probably educationally dumbed down a generation of his state's public school children with his policies.

And it's not just another case of we libtards told you so.  It's always this fucking way with these MAGA politicians.  Those aforementioned wiser and better citizens and others are constantly warning voters in advance about guys like this charlatan Walters, and yet Republicans keep voting them into office.  And in the end, as is almost always the case, the warnings were prescient.  

Suffice to say, anyone coming in to a public office leadership position, such as the position in charge of your state's school system who are responsible for competently educating the children of your state's citizenry, and you come in with a political or "culture warrior" agenda in mind, you should not be in serious consideration for such a job at all.  Ryan Walters job was to competently provide a sound public education to the children of his state, not groom them for his "culture warrior" movement while banning books, publicly promoting Drumpf and MAGA, and whitewashing curriculum, subjects and history that don't conform to his narrow and shallow "culture warrior" standards, which is what he is doing.

Hopefully Oklahoma voters have learned a lesson here (not likely considering who they voted for in this last election), and they will choose to hire more competent, qualified, agenda-free educators in the future.


Link: Oklahoma voters sour on MAGA superintendent as schools flounder: columnist - Raw Story

"In an editorial published by The Oklahoman, columnist William Wertz argues that Walters's antics are starting to wear thin for many Oklahoma voters as students' statewide test scores lag behind students in other states.

"In his 2022 campaign, Walters had mentioned 'accountability and transparency,' but that was before, as superintendent, he changed the school grading process ― something akin to moving the goal posts to make the game easier ― and threatened to fire any employee of the Education Department who shared information with the media," writes Wertz. "State legislators campaigning in the 2024 election reported a wide range of voters concerned with the fact that higher state spending on education wasn't 'moving the needle.' Oklahoma remained stubbornly stuck near the bottom of state educational performance rankings.""

Walters came in to office with an agenda, a personal "culture warrior" agenda, and he allowed that to get in the way of competently educating the public school children of his state.  He is a failure and hopefully Oklahomans have wised up to him.

--- TFG

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