Monday, January 20, 2025

A "Vow" Full of Blustery Nothing

Hey Ma and Pa MAGA!  You know what your dear leader did not "vow" to do today?  He did not "vow" to lower the cost of your eggs and other grocery products.  He did not "vow" to halt the creeping rise in gas prices.  Nor did he "vow" to address out-of-control healthcare costs, or the need for more funding for our public schools.  And exactly zero "vows" were heard to protect and strengthen Social Security and Medicare.

But your dear leader did vow to have good old American astronauts plant the American flag on the frozen, lifeless planet of Mars.  Apparently that was the numero uno priority that Daddy Don the Con and his Nazi saluting sidekick Elmo wanted to promote to the American people this horridly historic day.

But, and I hate to be repetitious on this, the simple fact of the matter is this is the unexceptional clown show that you voted for Ma and Pa MAGA.  You voted for these self-infatuated bufoons and in return you are going to be getting a government of the callously indifferent, by the callously indifferent, for the callously indifferent.

Nice job folks.


Link: Trump vows astronauts will plant US flag on Mars as Elon Musk goes wild at inauguration - Raw Story



--- TFG

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