Monday, January 27, 2025

Think Eggs are Expensive? Wait Until DonOld's Brownshirts Run Off All the Ag Workers.

Considering the fact that it's Drumpf and his Project 2025 Brownshirts who are scaring off many of the people whose daily, backbreaking, low-paying work puts affordable food on American tables, I think this is more than fair and makes complete sense to me.

Scaring off these mostly migrant, mostly law-abiding field workers will undoubtedly cause an increase in food products because that is simply how a supply and demand economy works.  If farmer John has fewer bodies to pick his lettuce and radishes, then he has to plant less and will have to raise prices to account for his productivity and revenue losses.  Ma and Pa MAGA consumer get to pay those higher prices at the grocery store and in restaurants.

So, unless El Generalissimo Presidente Magnifico has some 'stable genius' plan to replace that scared off agricultural labor force, Ma and Pa MAGA had better start factoring higher grocery prices into their household budgets for the next four years.


So yeah, let's put Ma and Pa MAGA's ne'er-do-well spawn in the Ag fields picking those veggies and fruit to keep those grocery store prices low.  That's a fair shake, don't ya think?  They will have steady work, a steady paycheck, and since the Project 2025 people are all for repealing child labor laws anyway, it's a win-win for the MAGA movement all around, amiright?

Oh, and btw -- are egg prices lower yet?  If I recall, DonOld promised he would lower prices on eggs if elected.  It's been one week since his re-ascension to the throne and there's no evidence of a price drop on eggs in my local grocery stores, and in fact they've gotten more expensive and scarce.  I ask this only because that was one of the reasons Ma and Pa MAGA routinely give as justification for their voting for the dissembling, convicted felon and rapist.  I ask also because it was reported in the news today that Donald was out golfing most of the day today and while golfing he issued an edict to terminate the employment of all of the DOJ staffers who worked on the Jack Smith investigation of his J6 and stolen govt documents criminal cases.  How Mango Mussolini's golfing and banana republic government purges help lower the cost of my eggs is beyond my measly high school education comprehension.  Perhaps someone can elucidate it for me.


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