Saturday, November 30, 2024

The Expected Outcome of Allowing a Rapist to Make Hiring Decisions

I am convinced that there will be no happy ending to the second reign of Drumpf for the MAGA faithful. Mark those words.

How does The Gadfly know this?

Well, it's a pretty easy thing to predict when the leader of MAGA's cult continues to hire people for critical positions within his administration who are wholly unqualified buffoons.  

A prime example of that is Drumpf's selection of Fox weekend TV talk show co-host Pete Hegseth to be the next American Secretary of Defense.  The person in this position would be in charge of every branch of the US military, and sets the moral tone and example for millions of U.S. military personnel here at home and abroad.

Drumpf selected Hegseth not because of Hegseth's low-level officer military background.  Nor did he select Hegseth because he possesses any background in managing or leading large numbers of people in a complex governmental organization.  No, DonOld chose Pete Hegseth for the highest military position in our government because Hegseth hates the same people DonOld hates, mouths white nationalist talking points, and says nice things about DonOld on his Fox "news" TV show.

Here's how laughably badly DonOld and his people failed to vet, or more likely chose to ignore the background on Pete Hegseth.

First there's the history of Hegseth's serial adultery and workplace sexual shenanigans.  

Then we find out that Hegseth paid hush money to a woman whom he apparently raped after slipping a roofie into her drink in a 2017 incident at a hotel in California [].  

Now we hear from Hegseth's own mother that he is a deeply damaged individual who apparently, according to his own mother, has an extensive history of treating women like shit.

Take a gander at what Mama Hegseth had to say about her own son, to his own face:

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Link: Pete Hegsethโ€™s Mother Accused Her Son of Mistreating Women for Years - The New York Times

Yikes!  Mama Hegseth kind of laid it all out on the table there, didn't she?  She knows her son has a history of treating women badly and was telling him so personally.

Now do you understand why Drumpf and his toadies don't want any of his appointees to undergo standard national security background checks by the FBI?  It's because he has a history of hiring shady, unsavory, morally repugnant yes men to surround himself with, that's why.

Putting Pete Hegseth in as the head of the DOD is essentially DonOld's way of giving every single American and every American soldier, airman, marine and sailor a big middle finger.  It's DonOld's way of saying to every one of us, "I am the King now, thou shalt bow to my will in all I do."

But this is what you asked for you Trump voters.  You voted for incompetence and unscrupulousness and phoniness, and soon enough the tragic results of that foolish choice will become unmistakably clear, even for those MAGAs whose wool is pulled the tightest over their own eyes.

--- TFG


Tuesday, November 26, 2024

America's Willful Ignorance Problem

If anyone has ever seriously wondered how a highly developed, technologically advanced, 21st century western nation that is the leader of the free world could elect a convicted felon, serial adulterer, rapist, serial sexual assaulter, tax cheat, business fraudster, racist, and coup-plotter to a second term as POTUS, look no further than the results of this survey.

A 2022 study was performed where Americans were queried as to what they believe the percentage of specific groups of people in the US were in our population, and frankly, the replies left The Gadfly speechless at the extent of such a colossal disconnect from reality.

Check this out:

Apparently, Americans believe:

โŒ That 20% of US households earn over $1 million per year.  The actual number: less than 1%.

โŒ That 21% of the US population is transgender.  The actual number: around 1%.

โŒ That 27% of the US population are Muslim.  The actual number: around 1%.

โŒ That 27% of US population are Native American.  The actual number: around 1%.

โŒ That 30% of Americans are Jewish.  The actual number: around 2%.

โŒ That 30% of Americans are gay or lesbian.  The actual number: around 3%.

โŒ That 36% of American workers are in a union.  The actual number: around 4%.

โŒ That 40% of Americans are black.  The actual number: around 12%.


What this tells me is a story of how it came to be that a whole lot of supremely ignorant Americans fell hook, line and sinker for the lies of Drumpf, his enablers and toadies, Trumpublicans in Congress, the right-wing media (propaganda) ecosphere, and the Russian ratfuckers spreading disinformation on social media, and managed to put a twice-impeached felon, rapist and traitor into the American people's White House a second time.

I mean think about it though.  It stands to perfectly good reason that it wouldn't be very difficult for unscrupulous, deceitful, hidden agenda people to gaslight and con someone who is of the belief that 1 of every 5 of US households earns more than a million a year and that 40% of Americans are black, right?  And now you know how MAGA was born.

A democracy cannot maintain it's health and viability very long when a sizable number of it's citizens are walking around in knowledge and fact-starved stupors to such an extent as this.  We are sleepwalking as a country into an authoritarian idiocracy [].


--- TFG

Monday, November 25, 2024

When We Said Get Rid of Illegals, We Didn't Mean THOSE Illegals...

Haha ๐Ÿ˜.

The Gadfly is truly going to enjoy watching and listening to these Drumpf voting Republican business owners having a collective shit fit and embarrassing pangs of regret after Drumpf and his brownshirt/redhat brigade round up and deport the large pool of skilled, cheap labor that a whole lot of businesses across this country rely on.

And it isn't just the construction industry that is going to take a labor pool hit from Drumpf's draconian stupidity of rounding up 20 million humans, housing them in internment camps, then repatriating them to their home countries.  The Agriculture industry is bracing for some bad times as well, as are a lot of service industry companies, and even small mom and pop businesses.  

In addition, the, what The Gadfly refers to as 'menial labor' industry, dishwashers, landscapers, nannies, cleaning people, etc., that pool of labor is going to dry up too if Drumpf's mass deportation plan is implemented and carried out as DonOld's lackeys are publicly stating they will do.

Say, here's an idea just for shits and grins.

It is a fact that the vast majority of undocumented immigrants in this country today entered LEGALLY and overstayed their visa expiration dates [].

It is also a fact that the vast majority of them ARE not the villainous, murdering, raping criminals that the racist, lying sacks of shit Drumpf and MAGA claim they are [].

It is also a fact that the majority of them are embedded in the US workforce, and are paying taxes like most other American workers do [].

And it it also a fact that many have established lives with families in communities across the country.  

So let's get in touch with these people. The Gadfly would wager that if given that if offered a path to amnesty and citizenship, most of those people who have overstayed their visas would jump at the chance to become legal citizens.  Let's offer them a road to amnesty and citizenship, let INS deal with them, and lets put our security focus on catching the tiny percentage of actual, criminal bad guys and killers who cross our borders illegally, hmm?

Go that route and The Gadfly can tell you right now that you wouldn't need to spend hundreds of millions, likely billions in taxpayer money mobilizing a vast government enforcement task force with agencies like ICE, CBP, and the US military to hunt down and round up and incarcerate tens of millions of people to accomplish such a mission.

But noooooo, 49.6% of the unthinking voters in this country decided they would elect the guy who promised to rule America as a dictator, and who would issue orders to round up 20 million humans, stage them in concentration camps, and then put them on freight trains bound for the border. Sadly, many of the voters in that 49.6% percentile apparently thought Orange Shitler was just bullshitting.

And now it is going to become a huge fucking fiasco, because that is what Drumpf does best - he is an agent of chaos.  Remember the golden rule - Everything Trump Touches Dies - remember that rule and you will never by surprised by the colossal failures of Donald Drumpf and the people he surrounds himself with.


Link: Trump's deportation vow alarms Texas construction industry : NPR


--- TFG

Saturday, November 23, 2024

The Vengeanceแด˜alooza 2025 Tour is About to Kick Off

Well.  This is the corruption in broad daylight that all of you Drumpf voters voted for.  

Thanks to your electoral support, DonOld going to come in, purge the United States Department of Justice of anyone who doesn't swear an oath of personal loyalty to him above all else, and who will unquestioningly perform his bidding to whitewash all investigatory evidence of DonOld's own crimes, fire anyone involved in any of his criminal investigations, and persecute those he has a personal hatred of.

This is how authoritarian dictatorships get started folks.  Don't ever fucking say you weren't warned that this was coming.

--- TFG

Bazooka Don's Coming Economic Blowback

It's been said that a picture paints a thousand words and the great political cartoonist Mike Luckovich provides us with a prime example of that:

Let it be noted here on the pages of this shitty little blog that yesterday The Gadfly put gasoline in his vehicle and paid a very reasonable $2.77 per gallon.

The Gadfly is going to bookmark this post and revisit it after Drumpf's tariff war is in high gear, and we will see how things are going and if Americans are paying the same, less, or more per gallon of gas than today, and not only gas but also the costs of all other goods and services.

Go take a look at what's going on with the economy in Argentina folks.  That is the kind of "austerity" that Orange Shitler and his South African carpetbagger pal and his minions want to bring to the US.

The Ma and Pa MAGA voters and the Drumpf groupie voters are in for the shock of their American consumer lives once this corrupt cabal of DonOld's sex-scandal scarred, right wing nationalist grifters and loyalist enablers implement their Project 2025 governing agenda.

That economic freighter is coming around the bend and a lot of MAGA deer are going to be caught staring into the headlights when it hits them head-on.

--- TFG

Thursday, November 21, 2024

Wow, We Did Nazi That Coming...

RFK Jr. was against Drumpf and MAGA before he was for them.  I wonder what changed his mind?

Link: RFK Jr. compared Trump to Hitler and praised descriptions of his supporters as โ€˜Nazisโ€™ | CNN Politics

Btw - Bobby Jr. was right when he uttered those statements.  Nothing has changed since the day he made those observations that suggests he was ever wrong on the matter.

--- TFG

Next Up - The Comedy Duo of Muskrat and Ramennoodleslurper

The Bond villain Wonder Twins of Elmo Muskrat and Vivid Ramennoodleslurper have published their 'DOGE' roadmap for improving government "efficiency":


This will not end well for millions of American citizens.  Let's review and allow me to translate some of these numbered wish list items for you:

1) Translation: install compliant lackeys and yes men in key positions within all US agencies to facilitate their takeover and transformation into loyalty hubs that will do DonOld Drumpf's bidding on whatever he wants.

2) Translation: use those installed lackeys and yes men to eliminate as many government regulations as possible.

3) Translation: decimate the federal workforce so that government agencies cannot function and serve the American public with any level of competency or 'efficiency.'  Just like Elmo did with Twitter.  He turned a perfectly functioning social media platform into a shit-stain covered hellhole that is crawling with bots, trolls, racists, Nazis, women-haters, sleazy advertisers, and fascism promoters, and the platform is now only worth around $9 billion which is considerably less than the $44 billion Elmo paid for it.  How's that for "Efficiency?"

4) Translation: see item #3.

5) Translation: they are coming for your Social Security, your Medicare and Medicaid, your VA benefits, your federal unemployment insurance, your health care, your quality of life.  Give them time and enough unchecked power and they will get it, they will get it all.

6) Translation: see item #7.

7) Translation: fascist authoritarianism.

--- TFG

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

โ™ซ Well She Was Just 17, If You Know What I Mean . . . โ™ซ

Congratulations Drumpf voters.  This is the very best, the cream of the crop, the most honest, the most decent, the most trustworthy, the most admirable candidate that Donald Drumpf could come up with to put in the position of the highest law enforcement officer in the country.

Drumpf's choice for Attorney General apparently is a frequent customer of prostitutes and a statutory rapist.

Lol.  I just can't . . .

Wait until the details about DonOld's Defense Secretary choice Pete Hegseth's sordid sexual sinner past comes into clearer focus, specifically the 2017 sexual assault/rape? accusation where he essentially paid hush money to his female victim to keep her mouth shut (NDA).

And don't even fucking get me started on his supremely, comically unqualified tv/celebrity picks for HHS and Education.

Ffs, this country is so fucked, it's not funny.

--- TFG


Not All MAGA are Evangelicals, But Nearly All Evangelicals are MAGA

Link: Oklahoma education chief vows to 'absolutely' penalize schools not showing Trump prayer - Raw Story


You know who else "penalizes" schools that fail to push and proselytize their warped version of their chosen religion on young impressionable children's minds?

The fucking Taliban, that's who.  The Taliban blow those schools up that don't comply with their religious edicts.  They burn them down, they kill the teachers, they "penalize" those schools, if you will.

And that is where this country is headed if these evangelical, Drumpf-worshiping nut cases like this impertinent, narcissistic affront to Christianity asshat in Oklahoma are ever given free reign to govern over all of us with impunity.

--- TFG

The Secretary of Idiocracy Edjumication

Take a good long look at Linda McMahon, the person Drumpf nominated to be Secretary of the US Education Department and essentially the person overseeing the learning success of the nearly 50 million US kids enrolled in the US public education system and the educators tasked with teaching them:

Oh, it's probably important to note that this woman is also currently embroiled in two personal scandals, one involving her own role in the covering up of sexual abuse of WWE ring boy employees, and the other involving an investigation into her husband's alleged sex-trafficking:




So let's take quick stock of where we are at with Drumpf's cabinet choices shall we?:

Attorney General: a suspected child rapist and sex trafficker who begged Drumpf for a pardon after Jan 6

Secretary of Defense: a weekend Fox "news" tv show co-host who has a documented history of serial adultery who paid a woman hush money to keep her mouth shut about a 2017 sexual assault, and who has expressed sympathy for White Nationalist causes and ideals (hint: Nazism)

Secretary of State: a Cuban immigrant 'anchor baby' who once accurately called his new boss a "con artist"

Department of National Intelligence: a Putin/Kremlin asset and everyone but she herself knows it

Department of Health & Human Services: a conspiracy nut, documented serial adulterer, an animal necrophiliac obsessed weirdo who is anti-vaccine, anti-medicine, anti-science, and wants to completely halt all medical research on ALL diseases for 8 years

Department of Homeland Security: a confessed puppy killer, adulteress, Covid super spreader, and person who thinks Texas was one of the original 13 colonies

Center for Medicare and Medicaid Chief: a vitamin supplement peddling tv doctor who once claimed to have drank his own urine and who at the height of Covid's deadliness in April 2020, publicly suggested the Covid deaths of three percent more Americans (around 8-9 million) was an acceptable trade-off to have public schools re-opened for classes.

Department of Government Efficiency (not a real cabinet position - they made it up: a Bond villain, megalomaniac billionaire who blows up $500 million dollar rockets for fun and who paid $44 billion for a social media platform that was only valued at $12 billion just so he could ruin it as revenge against his detractors, and a millionaire Indian immigrant 'anchor baby' who as CEO of a biomed company bailed out with $37 million in cash just before it went bankrupt leaving his investors and employees holding the bag

This is what you asked for MAGA.  Now you're going to get it.  Boy are you all ever going to get it, lol.

--- TFG

The Coming Wally World Economic Crash of 2025

Ma and Pa MAGA have no clue as to the explosives-laden economic freight train headed their way.

Can't say much sympathy for them will abound from these quarters when their Drumpf-induced economic pain and suffering are well under way.


--- TFG



In All Dictatorships - One Man, And One Man Only is Always Above the Law

Teddy Roosevelt's iconic and patriotic words now ring as hollow as the interior of your average MAGA voter's skull:


 Link: Why do we say No man is above the law?

"Obedience to the law is demanded as a right; not asked as a favor."


Fast forward - America 2024.  One man is above the law.  And around half of our nation's voters just validated his King-like status.  Actually, it's less than half according to the latest vote count which has Drumpf winning only 49.93% of the national vote tally and it will probably officially in the end be less than that.  And with a compliant SCOTUS practically handing the keys to the immunity kingdom over to this dirty old, raping mobster and his House of Horrors cabinet choices, all bets are off as to what fate awaits democracy and the 'American Experiment.'

DonOld the thug has gotten away with everything so far.  Sadly, with Russian election interference assistance similar to 2016, and the no limits ATM machine provided by a Bond villain, billionaire carpetbagger from South Africa, the raping, felonious pig has taken up to squatting in the American people's White House once more.  

The first time around Don the Con only got a million+ of his fellow Americans killed with his criminally negligent handling of the nation's response to a global pandemic.  He left Joe Biden a deepening recession and a still Covid-ravaged economy and populace to deal with, not to mention two impeachments and a faileed coup attempt.  

And here's the thing, all these MAGAts can can say whatever the fuck they want about Biden's politics, but the simple, reality-based truth of the matter was that he inherited high job losses, high unemployment, an economy entering recession, empty store shelves, Covid still rampant, and managed to pull us out of it in three short years to the point that America's economy is the strongest in the industrialized, post-Covid world and our inflation rate is the lowest.  Joe Biden and Kamala Harris had a lot of turbulent shit on their plate to deal with when entering the White House, and most of that shit was was deposited on that plate by that incontinent orangutan posing as a human being and statesman.  But like the serious adults they are, Biden/Harris dealt with it, and delegated tasks to competent people to help them navigate America back on to the path to national economic recovery and slowly returning prosperity, and that is where our nation was at at the beginning of this month.

And now, less than half of the voters in the country have made the decision for ALL OF US that this supremely amoral, unfit person (he's not worthy of being called a 'man') who in his very own words has promised to govern the United States of America as a "dictator" should be given all the powers inherent, and then some, of the US Presidency.  For those of you who for whatever reason are unable to grasp the enormity of an American President making such a statement about wanting to rule over the US as a dictator, run these names through your head and have another go at it, mkay?:

God only knows how many more Americans will be victims of this newly anointed, clown college, bad reality TV show dictatorship.

And it goes without saying that if Teddy Roosevelt were here today, he would be no friend or compatriot of Donald Trump, and would be appalled by the rise of MAGA - of that I am 1000% fucking certain.

--- TFG

Monday, November 18, 2024

The Don and Elonia Honeymoon is Under Way...

I can't wait for these two fascist lovebirds to have a falling out.  Word is that most of the traditional eunuchs and hacks who Drumpf surrounds himself with are already jealous of Elonia's elbowing his way into their little banana boat regime and bossing his way around.

But hey, Elmo spent $200 million of his own money (that we know of) to buy Drumpf the White House and save the ass of MAGA's savior from prison so I'm sure he's looking to get his pound of flesh out of the deal.  And make no mistake about it, he will get it, at the expense of the American people and their government.  And believe me, with Drumpf and Elmo, this truly is a deal, a sleazy, disreputable, unscrupulous "business" deal and it's a foregone conclusion that basic decency, the rule of law, and democracy are considered acceptable collateral damage to them as their unholy deal unfolds.



Sadly, like deer caught in the headlights, the Ma and Pa MAGA voters have yet to feel the real fruits of their foolish Nov. 5th electoral labor.  But we all know that cannot last.  Drumpf's tariffs alone which he wants to do on day one, will break the economic backs of most of the working poor in this country, squeeze the middle class even more, devastate farmers just as it did the first time he did it, and trigger a return to DonOld's post-Covid inflation.

If DonOld succeeds with his 'Project 2025' governing plan, I guarantee you the economic fallout will wipe the presently laughing smirks off a lot of MAGA faces real quick.

The day will come when the effects of the new world order borne of the consummation of Donald and Elonia's incestuous union will be upon us all before you know it.  The consequences of these two fornicating is sure to be wide and unsparing to many (unless you're friends of DonOld or Elmo).  I have to say quite frankly though, that the howls of indignant outrage that are certain to emanate from some of these poor Ma and Pa MAGA folks are going to be both epic and comforting to my ears.



--- TFG

The Days of Dishonor Yet to Come...

It's more than just this.  It will also entail reconciling the loss of respect for and faith in friends and family members who went along with this criminal usurper's agenda.

It will not be easily forgotten.

Liz Cheney warned everyone and anyone who would listen:


They Aren't Hiding Their Intentions. Time to Prepare For The Worst.

I would advise my MAGA friends and relatives to prepare themselves for the coming transformation of their country into a Putin-style, authoritarian banana republic, replete with civil conflict and massive protests in communities across the country that are likely to erupt in opposition to Drumpf's skullduggery.

Drumpf and his people are already jizzing in their shorts at the prospect of using the brute force of the American military to shoot down and crush anyone who gets in their way.

What's that you say?  You don't believe it?

Perhaps you will believe it if it came straight from Daddy Drumpf's Truth Social account himself?

Well, here you go:

Always take the word of fascists at face value when they are threatening violence.  It's the one thing their word can be trusted for.




Sunday, November 17, 2024

They Told You Who They Were and What Their Agenda Was. Should've Believed Them...

The mob boss and his hit men are just getting warmed up and Ma and Pa MAGA are blissfully oblivious of the freight train of economic hurt that is headed right for them.

They're coming for your overtime pay to take it away.  They're coming for your medical insurance.  They're coming for your pensions.  They're coming for your unemployment benefits.  They're coming for your social security.  They're coming for your Medicare and Medicaid.

They're coming for your economic security.

Daddy Drumpf and his new First Lady Elonia, along with their adopted bastard step-child Vivek Ramaswamy believe Americans must economically suffer for a few years to fix what they believe is wrong with America.  If the MAGAts believe the economic terrorism that Drumpf and his friends are about to unleash won't touch them or their households, they are beyond delusional, they are technically brain-dead.

Enjoy the pain to come.



--- TFG

The Real White Housewife of DC


Congratulations go out to Drumpf voters who have managed to put the loveliest couple back in the White House.

And isn't Elonia looking ravishing these days?  It's going to be four years - or more - of these two lovebirds gracing the hallowed halls of our American White House.

I can't wait for Elonia to finish her work redesigning Jackie Kennedy's rose garden.  It will be splendid, no doubt.  


--- TFG


Saturday, November 16, 2024

I Hear The Voice of Rage and Ruin...

There's bad times a comin' for American democracy and societal stability with the filthy old, mobbed-up Putin bootlicker back in the White House.  I see trouble on the way . . .

๐ŸŽถ Hแดแด˜แด‡ สแดแดœ ษขแดแด› สแดแดœส€ แด›สœษชษดษข๊œฑ แด›แดษขแด‡แด›สœแด‡ส€
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--- TFG

George, George, George of the New York Jungle . . .

The inimitable George Hahn channeling the simmering rage of millions of Americans, including The Gadfly, at Drumpf's re-taking of the White House.

The rage is entirely justified and time and events will prove that out, and in fact, with Drumpf's first round of cabinet choices this week, you could say it is already being proven out.

--- TFG

Friday, November 15, 2024

A Million Died On Drumpf's Watch. Lord Help Us With This Bozo Now in The Mix...

 Link: Trump Picks Anti-Vax Nut RFK Jr. to Run Health Department


This is the crazy sonofabitch who Drumpf just put in charge of safeguarding the public health of every city, community and citizen in this country.

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๐™‰๐™ค๐™ฌ ๐™ž๐™ข๐™–๐™œ๐™ž๐™ฃ๐™š ๐™ฌ๐™๐™–๐™ฉ ๐™– ๐™œ๐™ช๐™ฎ ๐™ก๐™ž๐™ ๐™š ๐™ฉ๐™๐™ž๐™จ ๐™˜๐™ค๐™ช๐™ก๐™™ ๐™™๐™ค ๐™ฌ๐™ž๐™ฉ๐™ ๐™ง๐™š๐™–๐™ก ๐™ฅ๐™ค๐™ฌ๐™š๐™ง.

--- TFG

โ™ซ Imagine All The People, Living Vaccine Free ee ayeehee ooh-a-ooh! โ™ซ

Link: 'Unimaginably far-reaching': Expert warns Trump's decision could have damaging effects - Raw Story 


If Ma and Pa MAGA believe that these "unimaginably far-reaching," did I mention damaging?, public health effects won't touch their households, then they are much more delusional than I already took them to be.

It's sad though, because what it essentially boils down to is, there but for the grace of MAGA America's chosen sky goblin and the decisions of their orange demigod here on earth go we all.


 --- TFG

The Mafia Boss Assembles His Cabinet of Underbosses, Capos and Soldiers


 Link: Trumpโ€™s team skips FBI background checks for some Cabinet picks | CNN Politics


Say it after The Gadfly folks:

Putin asset Drumpf doesn't want FBI background checks done on Gabbard and Gaetz because they would both fail those background checks, and that being the case then, the question must then be asked - what is it in their background that shows them to be potential risks to national security?

Let's repeat it.

They don't want FBI background checks done on Gabbard and Gaetz because they would both fail.

Drumpf is hiring people who wouldn't be hired by most employers in this country.

Thank you Drumpf voters, you supremely foolish people for giving these con artists power

--- TFG

He Was a 'Star' and They Let Him Do It . . .

This really ought to have been the end of this disgusting pig back in 2016, but a faction of American voters, in their infinite idiocy, decided that having a POTUS who brags about randomly sexually assaulting women was perfectly and morally acceptable.

And now those same fucking idiot, zero morals voters have decided once more that having the same individual, who since has been found by a court of US law to be a rapist, and who engineered a violent coup attempt that got people, including police officers killed, is perfectly acceptable to have as POTUS.



The Gadfly dares any of Drumpf's supporters to tell The Gadfly to his face that if a tape had ever surfaced of Barack Obama laughing and bragging about "grabbing" women's vaginas because his fame allows him to do it, that it would have been perfectly acceptable to them.  The Gadfly will laugh straight in their faces and seriously question, not only their morality, but their mental stability as well.

--- TFG

Donald's Little Cabinet Shop of Horrors...

 This is what you asked for Trump voters.  And it's only the beginning.


I had no idea that in addition to his documented history of workplace infidelity (aka serial adultery) DonOld's nominee for Secretary of Defense Pete Hegseth also had a little sexual assault problem from a few years back that apparently had been swept under the rug.  This is my shocked face - ๐Ÿ˜

It should be clear to the least sentient among us that Drumpf is putting together a cabinet of sex criminals, Putin ass lickers, fascism-promoting con artists, and just generally unscrupulous, morally repugnant stooges.  It also goes without saying that this will not end well for the American people.  And yes, that includes you too, Ma and Pa MAGA.

--- TFG

Lil' Marco's Amazing Transformation...

 Have a gander at what Drumpf's nominee for Secretary of State had to say about DonOld in 2016:


What happened to the 2016 Marco Rubio who made all of these public statements, and accurately so, about Donald Drumpf's character and competency, and specifically the lack thereof of either?

"He is a con artist."

He is doing a "con job" on voters.

"Time to pull off his mask..."

"Spent his entire career sticking it to the little guy..."

"You all have friends that are thinking about voting for Donald Trump. Friends do not let friends vote for con artists."

Marco may be in denial himself, but Drumpf hasn't changed one bit since 2016.  He is still a con artist.  He is still pulling a con job on voters.  He is still wearing his masks of phony patriotism and fake decency.  He still spends a lot of his time plotting how to stick it to the little guy.  And he is still a bought and paid for whore (aka 'asset') of mass murderer and war criminal Vladimir Putin and the Saudi oil sheikhs.

--- TFG

"Her Treasonous Lies May Well Cost Lives"

Drumpf nominated former Democratic rep and now MAGA loyalist Tulsi Gabbard for the position of Director of National Intelligence - literally the gatekeeper for all of America's intel secrets.

Take a look at what Republican Senator Mitt Romney had to say about Tulsi Gabbard just a couple of short years ago:


It bears repeating:  "Her treasonous lies may well cost lives."

Those would be American lives by the way in case anyone was wondering.

Drumpf is nominating the dregs of the dregs for his new admin.  Nothing but loyal, knee-bending sycophants and 'yes' men, and unscrupulous candidates who have closets overflowing with scandal skeletons.

But this is what you fucking wanted, Trump voters.  Now you're going to get it, and boy are you going to get it, and get it good.

--- TFG

Thursday, November 14, 2024

OMFG! Drumpf Truly Is Trying To Kill Us All (not hyperbole)


 Link: Trump to select Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to lead HHS - POLITICO


Yet another colossally unqualified, mentally unstable lunatic being put in a powerful government position, one which in the hands of the wrong individual could have an enormous impact on the health and welfare of every single man, woman and child in this country.  

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. not only is unqualified for the position, he also has a personal closet full of scandalous, morally reprehensible skeletons, not to mention his own confession of having had his own brain partially eaten away by worms.

Drumpf has now nominated:

โŒ A suspected child sex-trafficker for Attorney General.

โŒ A Putin sympathizer as Director of National Intelligence.

โŒ A confessed puppy murderer who believes Texas was one of the original 13 colonies as Secretary of Homeland Security.

โŒ A racist, Project 2025 co-author as his "border czar."

 โŒ An "anchor baby" Cuban-American GOP senator from Florida who said of Drumpf in 2016: "You all have friends that are thinking about voting for Donald Trump.  Friends do not let friends vote for con artists,"as Secretary of State.

โŒ A low-ranking former National Guard officer, serial adulterer, and current weekend co-host of a Fox "news" talk show as his Secretary of Defense.

โŒ And now a guy who has a fetish for roadkill carcasses and who flat out told us that part of his brain was eaten away by worms as Secretary of HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES - ffs.

What's next, GED flunker Lauren Boebert for Secretary of Education?  Marge "Jewish Laser Beams" Greene for Secretary of Energy?  Or perhaps DonOld will go with one of his grifter, dumdum offspring for Secretary of Labor?  And for certain mafia princess Ivanka for Secretary of Commerce, amiright?

This is the government you Trump voters asked for.  You fucking got it.  A collection of losers and con artists the likes the history of this nation has never seen.

I can't wait to see the results of these Trump voter's stupidity a few years from now.  The pain and suffering ALL of us will be going through should be epic, even compared to the Covid pandemic.

--- TFG

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

The Viagra and Red Bull Attorney General

Go ahead and take a listen to what GOP Congressman Markwayne Mullin has to say about the congressional colleague of his who Drumpf just nominated for the highest law enforcement position in this country.  Tell me again why I am wrong to call what is coming a freak show.  Go ahead, tell me.



โ™ซ Step inside Hello! We've a most amazing show, You'll enjoy it all we know, Step inside! Step inside! โ™ซ



Are you all ready for the shitshow, the clown show, the freak show, the MAGA circus that is coming to your friendly neighborhood federal government?  I sure hope you all are, especially you uncaring, reality-denying, selfish people who voted for Donald goddamned fucking Drumpf.

Drumpf is now formulating his new and improved government and let's take a look and see how things are going, shall we?

For the unofficial position of "border czar" appoints Tom Homan, his former Director of ICE and who was a co-architect along with that vampire Stephen Miller of the family separation border policy that took thousands of babies and kids away from their immigrant parents as punishment for daring to seek a better life. To this day, hundreds of those kids have yet to be reunited with their birth parents.  Homan is also co-author of 'Project 2025' and an advocate for using the military to enter communities and hunt down the 20 million immigrants that they claim to want to deport. [] โž– [].

For his White House Chief of Staff, DonOld selects Susie Wiles who unsurprisingly has her own tangled web of involvement with the Russians.  Yet another Russian asset in the US White House.  What could possibly go wrong, amiright?  [].

Next up, for Secretary of State, he is nominating a woman who once shot her family hunting puppy in the head because it wouldn't learn the way she was teaching it, who also lied about having met North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un, and who is of the belief that Texas was part of the original 13 colonies.  Yeah - I know - fucking horrifying, huh?  [] โž– [] โž– [].

For his White House Press Secretary he is going with his laughably inept strip-mall lawyer and grifter Alina Habba.  Habba has so far used her legendary legal and oratorical skills to defend Donald in multiple defamation cases and only lost every time costing her client $93 million so far. [].

And just today, Orange Shitler announced his nominee for Secretary of US Defense a guy who was a former low-level National Guard officer and is now a current Fox "news" weekend TV show co-host (he's not even good enough to have his own Fox show), Pete Hegseth.  Hegseth is also a defender of the January 6th terrorists and a defender of disgraced military members who were convicted of committing war crimes.  Pete is a thrice-married, serial adulterer who impregnated his second mistress whom he worked with at Fox while still married to his first mistress.  Heckuva a moral values example for our young men and women in uniform, eh?

As I said in the opening folks, the shitshow, clown show, freak show, MAGA circus is in town and they are here for a long-term engagement.  Enjoy the frivolity.

--- TFG

**CORRECTION:  The Gadfly was incorrect in stating that Alina Habba is Drumpf's official choice for Press Secretary, although she is apparently still in the running.  But everything stated about Habba is still true.

Send In The Clowns . . .

 These are the two performative charlatans and grifters who Drumpf has tapped to be co-Secretaries of his newly created "Department of Government Efficiency" cabinet position that they have nicknamed D.O.G.E, which also just happens to be the name of a floundering, corrupt cryptocurrency that both of these fucking idiots want to replace the US Dollar with.

The guy on the left used his richest man on the planet wealth to purchase the social media platform Twitter for $44 billion when it was only valued at $12 billion just so he could get revenge on his detractors on the platform.  How's that for some 'Efficiency' folks? []

And the goofy, Butthead looking like fuckstick on the right was the CEO of a failing pharma company when he bailed out stuffing his pockets to the tune of $37 million while his company shareholders went belly-up losing 75% of their investment.  There's another classic example of 'Efficiency' for you, right? []

Drumpf is appointing wholly unqualified grifters and sycophants to critical government positions.  Based on the fact that so far he has appointed his inept and snotty mouth strip-mall lawyer Alina Habba as White House Press Secretary, Fox "news" host, serial adulterer, and rejected VA Secretary nominee Pete Hegseth as Secretary of Defense, and confessed puppy murderer Kristi Noem as Secretary of State, the next four years, if we survive them intact as a nation, is going to be the costliest political shitshow in the history of this country.

Here's the thing though.  Those four years are going to pass quick, and the harm and damage that Drumpf and his people will do to this country is going to be 100% the fault of the morons who voted for Drumpf this year.  We are all going to go down with this fucking ship of fools together and that includes you too Ma and Pa MAGA.

--- TFG

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

When He Fucks Over Farmers, The Rest of America Becomes Collateral Damage


Link: Trump Tariff Aid To Farmers Cost More Than U.S. Nuclear Forces


A lot of American voters have short memories about what happened with Drumpf's tariff war with China in 2018 when he was in office.  I guarantee you that American farmers, or at least the ones who survived Drumpf's term in office, have not forgotten.

What happened was, and this is NOT "fake news" is that as predicted by wiser people at the time, Drumpf's tariffs decimated US agriculture and American farmers.  US farmers lost $27 billion due to Drumpf's stupidity and in the end Drumpf had to bail out US farmers and US taxpayers got stuck with that bill.

Drumpf has promised to restart that tariff war with China.  American farmers will again be decimated.  US consumers will pay the price in higher prices for not only agriculture products, but everything in general.  You think eggs are expensive right now?  Wait until those tariffs along with the economic policies of Drumpf and his cabal of unqualified hacks and sychophants that he is already appointing to high positions in his cabinet, start showing everyone just how unqualified they are as they implement every one of the economy-crashing policies that they have outlined in their radical extremist governing manifesto 'Project 2025.'

--- TFG

Monday, November 11, 2024

It Can't Happen Here, huh?

 America's Brownshirts sure seem to be in a buoyant frame of mind, did something happen recently to titillate their bravura?  Buoyant Brownshirts can never be good thing for anyone:

 Link: Demonstrators with Nazi flags appear at 'Diary of Anne Frank' performance


This is what Drumpf's re-election has unleashed.

The fascist prick hasn't even set one foot back in the oval office yet and his radical extremist followers like these Michigan Nazis already feel emboldened to express their Nazi beliefs not only in public, but to the horror of all decent people, at a theater showing of 'The Diary of Anne Frank."

This shit will only get worse as Drumpf takes control and let's loose the racist, fascist dogs of war that he has long desired to unchain and sic on the American people and especially those whom he feels have betrayed him.

Let's get something clear right now.  The Gadfly's view on Nazis and Nazi-adjacent right-wing twats is and always will be identical to the view that Woody Allen's character of Isaac Davis has of them in this clip from the 1979 movie 'Manhattan':




--- TFG

God Saved Drumpf So He Could Rule America as a Dictator? Are You Fucking Kidding Me??

America - you have a Taliban problem.

This is the willful and suicidal stupidity that democracy is up against:


I would be sincerely interested in knowing which pastors in which churches are instructing their flocks of mindless sheep that there is no separation of church and state in America.  Those churches should be identified, their pastors condemned, and also have their church's tax-exempt status removed.

The MAGA rank and file have elevated Drumpf to demigod status.  That is the first enabling step toward a populace approving all manner of human rights abuses and evil acts being committed by their chosen leaders.

This poisonous MAGA movement must be defeated and obliterated.  Even if it isn't right now, this very moment an imminent threat, it will eventually become a terminal cancer on all our freedoms if left unchecked.

--- TFG

Sunday, November 10, 2024

In a World of Heroes and Cowards Don't Be a Drumpf (Hint: coward)

Watch a real man and authentic hero tell a brutal, genocidal dictator and wanted war criminal to literally go fuck himself.



When I think of profiles in human courage, I think of the Ukrainian people and Ukraine's former comedic actor President Volodymyr Zelenskyy - a badass for the historical ages.  Ukraine, led by the dauntless leadership of Zelenskyy has stood fast against Putin's murderous aggression and ILLEGAL attempt to subjugate the democracy yearning Ukrainian people to his evil will.  Imagine - little Ukraine, standing firm against the biggest bully on the block Russia, which is 28 times larger than them and nuclear-armed.  That is courage.

On the other hand, when I think of profiles in human cowardice, I not only immediately think of Donald Drumpf, the Putin ass-licker and scrotum fondler himself, but also of those American voters who five days ago cast votes for him and his cadre of campaign investor, billionaire boys club pals like Elon Musk, Peter Thiel, Jeff Bezos, Rupert Murdoch, the Saudis, the Russians, and other wealthy tech bro Putinphiles in this election, and helped to put them all in the US White House.  Moral cowards, every damned last one of those voters.

The fascism of Drumpf and Putin and MAGA will not win.  Evil always fails to conquer good in the end.  Sadly though, a bunch of our mostly "deplorable" fellow Americans just voted to put the entirety of the country through economic hell, as well as domestic and international political turmoil for at least another four years and the losers will be the majority of working-class, middle class Americans, and yes, that includes you too Ma and Pa MAGA.  And if we survive, if there's not another pandemic where he kills another million of of us, and if we still have a democracy in 2028, maybe, MAYBE a democrat will get elected and once again take on the task of cleaning up a shattered economy and repair the damaged foreign relations left by Republicans.  It's a cycle of conservative political ratfuckery which has been happening like clockwork since the Great Depression.

What times we are living in though, huh folks, when a cabal of immigrant billionaires can convince so many millions of American voters to become cooperative foot soldiers in their anti-American crusade to become majority shareholder owners in the American people's government and White House? . . . It's all so ungodly surreal.


Friday, November 8, 2024

The Tyranny of Tin-Horn Dictators


What a sad state of affairs for the world's premier democracy.

Drumpf has made so many promises to do so much bad and unconstitutional shit if he got re-elected that the US military, probably for the first time in the history of the nation is somberly planning for the day when their own commander-in-chief orders them to take up arms against their own countrymen:

"The Pentagon is bracing for "major upheaval" ahead of President-elect Donald Trump's second term, according to CNN, with officials already holding informal talks about how the Defense Department will respond if Trump orders it to deploy active-duty military troops on his own citizens and makes good on promises to boot large swaths of workers.

Trump insinuated during his campaign he could use the military as a law enforcement mechanism to carry out his plan for mass deportations, and that he would replace government workers with loyalists.

CNN reported Friday that the Pentagon is preparing for an overhaul and is mapping out scenarios ahead of time.

This is Drumpf.  This is MAGA.  This is who they are.  This is the threat that they pose to constitutional law and order in America.

Nice job you people who voted for this fucker.

--- TFG

Thursday, November 7, 2024

Nothing To See Hear - Just a Guy Who Wants To "Put Kids in Cages"

Remember - this is what many of Drumpf's own enablers and operatives openly want to do:

These motherfuckers aren't playing around.  They are going to unleash the dogs of war on all manner of immigrants in this country and in their zeal, I damn well guarantee you that good, decent, legal immigrants are going to get caught up in the MAGA feeding frenzy purge and it is going to tear families and communities apart across the country.

Hateful video at this link: []

If these are the kind of people that Orange Shitler is putting in charge of the undocumented immigrants roundup, then you can be assured that they won't give a flying fuck who else their ICE brownshirt stormtroopers are scooping up in their Blitzkrieg purge and whether the people they are mass deporting are here legally or not.

It's ethnic cleansing 101.


--- TFG


Let Freedumb Ring!!

This is why a convicted felon, rapist, serial liar, serial sexual assaulter, serial adulterer, serial tax cheat, casino bankrupting, twice-impeached, coup-plotting, Putin ass-licking, Saudi piss bucket boy got himself back into the United States White House.

[Study finds surprising number of Americans think chocolate milk comes from brown cows |]


Think about this.  There are 16.4 million adults walking around in our society, right now, who believed that chocolate milk came only from brown cows.  Zoinks!!  I know, right?  Lol.

This why our society is in such sorry ass shape.  I wonder how many of these somnambulant goofballs voted?  I'd being willing to wager that more than 90% of the ones that did voted for the orange, grifting greaseball from Mar-a-Lardass, and I think that's a fair bet since it's been known since the dawn of time that stupid people are laughably easy marks for career con-artist charlatans like Drumpf.

Jim Butcher put it succinctly enough:

--- TFG

47th POTUS or Fourth Reich?

He did tell us, you have to give him that.  And it's on tape.  He distinctly said that he wanted to rule the United States of America as a dictator.  

Drumpf and his cabal of radical extremist enablers are chomping at the bit to come in with guns blazing and begin purging the federal government of ANYONE who does not swear personal loyalty to Hair Fรผhrer, loyalty over all else, including our laws and our constitution.

These dedicated federal employees, American public servants, many who have spent their lives in public service honorably are members of American communities across the country and Drumpf's goons have plans to systematically purge them out of their jobs, no matter their credentials, no matter their knowledge value, their job performance, their tenure, or their pensions.  These Trumpublican monsters are just going to come in, and exactly like Adolf's henchmen did in the 1930's, start clearing out anyone they suspect in the government of being disloyal to the MAGA cause and who chooses not to pledge their personal loyalty to dear leader.

There is genuine fear rippling through family households across the country right now, I guarantee it, at the prospect of being one of these federal employees who will be faced with a choice of pledging loyalty to an apocalyptic demon, or being asked to clean out their desks and turn in their government ID's and hit the unemployment line.

It's going to get very ugly folks, and I know many are in denial about it, but that is why Drumpf is back in the White House, because y'all haven't been paying fucking attention to what this guy has been saying publicly at his rallies for the past three years, or paying attention to the cold hard text in the MAGA governing manifesto, 'Project 2025,' which by the way, you can go read it yourself what they have planned at this link here --->  []

And while DonOld's minions are busy rooting out long-haired hippies, commies, LGBTQ people, Democrats, and lightly suspected disloyalists from the federal workforce, other operatives will be busy as little beavers directing the roundups of millions of humans they say are here illegally.  Some of those same operatives have openly expressed a desire to remove not only the undocumented, but immigrants who are here legally as well and I tell you now with all the utmost sincerity, that would be a terrible, terrible mistake that they would come to regret if they did that.

And don't even get me started on what this despot is likely cooking up in his syphilitic mind with Musk, Thiel, Miller, Bannon, Flynn, his grifter spawn, and the rest of that ghastly, greasy mafia syndicate on how to plunder our economy for their own self-interests.

But this is how it all starts folks.  These are just the early stage operations of 'cleansing' the country and Making America Great Again.  If you failed history studies, or haven't ever read a non-fiction history book or seen a historical documentary, you probably won't recall the somber, opening words of German Lutheran Pastor Niemoller's famous poem written at the close of World War 2 at a time when Germany and most of Europe lay in ruins and death, and millions of innocent humans had perished at the hands of a madman and his fanatical apparatchiks.  Read it:

When there's no one left to speak for you.  What will you do?  What will you do?
