Haha 😐.
The Gadfly is truly going to enjoy watching and listening to these Drumpf voting Republican business owners having a collective shit fit and embarrassing pangs of regret after Drumpf and his brownshirt/redhat brigade round up and deport the large pool of skilled, cheap labor that a whole lot of businesses across this country rely on.
And it isn't just the construction industry that is going to take a labor pool hit from Drumpf's draconian stupidity of rounding up 20 million humans, housing them in internment camps, then repatriating them to their home countries. The Agriculture industry is bracing for some bad times as well, as are a lot of service industry companies, and even small mom and pop businesses.
In addition, the, what The Gadfly refers to as 'menial labor' industry, dishwashers, landscapers, nannies, cleaning people, etc., that pool of labor is going to dry up too if Drumpf's mass deportation plan is implemented and carried out as DonOld's lackeys are publicly stating they will do.
Say, here's an idea just for shits and grins.
It is a fact that the vast majority of undocumented immigrants in this country today entered LEGALLY and overstayed their visa expiration dates [https://www.npr.org/2019/01/16/686056668/for-seventh-consecutive-year-visa-overstays-exceeded-illegal-border-crossings].
It is also a fact that the vast majority of them ARE not the villainous, murdering, raping criminals that the racist, lying sacks of shit Drumpf and MAGA claim they are [https://nij.ojp.gov/topics/articles/undocumented-immigrant-offending-rate-lower-us-born-citizen-rate].
It is also a fact that the majority of them are embedded in the US workforce, and are paying taxes like most other American workers do [https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-07-30/undocumented-immigrants-in-us-paid-nearly-100-billion-in-taxes].
And it it also a fact that many have established lives with families in communities across the country.
So let's get in touch with these people. The Gadfly would wager that if given that if offered a path to amnesty and citizenship, most of those people who have overstayed their visas would jump at the chance to become legal citizens. Let's offer them a road to amnesty and citizenship, let INS deal with them, and lets put our security focus on catching the tiny percentage of actual, criminal bad guys and killers who cross our borders illegally, hmm?
Go that route and The Gadfly can tell you right now that you wouldn't need to spend hundreds of millions, likely billions in taxpayer money mobilizing a vast government enforcement task force with agencies like ICE, CBP, and the US military to hunt down and round up and incarcerate tens of millions of people to accomplish such a mission.
But noooooo, 49.6% of the unthinking voters in this country decided they would elect the guy who promised to rule America as a dictator, and who would issue orders to round up 20 million humans, stage them in concentration camps, and then put them on freight trains bound for the border. Sadly, many of the voters in that 49.6% percentile apparently thought Orange Shitler was just bullshitting.
And now it is going to become a huge fucking fiasco, because that is what Drumpf does best - he is an agent of chaos. Remember the golden rule - Everything Trump Touches Dies - remember that rule and you will never by surprised by the colossal failures of Donald Drumpf and the people he surrounds himself with.
Link: Trump's deportation vow alarms Texas construction industry : NPR
--- TFG
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