Teddy Roosevelt's iconic and patriotic words now ring as hollow as the interior of your average MAGA voter's skull:
Link: Why do we say No man is above the law?
"Obedience to the law is demanded as a right; not asked as a favor."
Fast forward - America 2024. One man is above the law. And around half of our nation's voters just validated his King-like status. Actually, it's less than half according to the latest vote count which has Drumpf winning only 49.93% of the national vote tally and it will probably officially in the end be less than that. And with a compliant SCOTUS practically handing the keys to the immunity kingdom over to this dirty old, raping mobster and his House of Horrors cabinet choices, all bets are off as to what fate awaits democracy and the 'American Experiment.'
DonOld the thug has gotten away with everything so far. Sadly, with Russian election interference assistance similar to 2016, and the no limits ATM machine provided by a Bond villain, billionaire carpetbagger from South Africa, the raping, felonious pig has taken up to squatting in the American people's White House once more.
The first time around Don the Con only got a million+ of his fellow Americans killed with his criminally negligent handling of the nation's response to a global pandemic. He left Joe Biden a deepening recession and a still Covid-ravaged economy and populace to deal with, not to mention two impeachments and a faileed coup attempt.
And here's the thing, all these MAGAts can can say whatever the fuck they want about Biden's politics, but the simple, reality-based truth of the matter was that he inherited high job losses, high unemployment, an economy entering recession, empty store shelves, Covid still rampant, and managed to pull us out of it in three short years to the point that America's economy is the strongest in the industrialized, post-Covid world and our inflation rate is the lowest. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris had a lot of turbulent shit on their plate to deal with when entering the White House, and most of that shit was was deposited on that plate by that incontinent orangutan posing as a human being and statesman. But like the serious adults they are, Biden/Harris dealt with it, and delegated tasks to competent people to help them navigate America back on to the path to national economic recovery and slowly returning prosperity, and that is where our nation was at at the beginning of this month.
And now, less than half of the voters in the country have made the decision for ALL OF US that this supremely amoral, unfit person (he's not worthy of being called a 'man') who in his very own words has promised to govern the United States of America as a "dictator" should be given all the powers inherent, and then some, of the US Presidency. For those of you who for whatever reason are unable to grasp the enormity of an American President making such a statement about wanting to rule over the US as a dictator, run these names through your head and have another go at it, mkay?:
God only knows how many more Americans will be victims of this newly anointed, clown college, bad reality TV show dictatorship.
And it goes without saying that if Teddy Roosevelt were here today, he would be no friend or compatriot of Donald Trump, and would be appalled by the rise of MAGA - of that I am 1000% fucking certain.
--- TFG
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