Saturday, March 12, 2016

The Darkie Leaves Tread Marks On The Orangutan's Ass .....

Say what you want about Obama, and The Gadfly thinks he's been a failure on several issues, but when you step back from the nuts & bolts policy krap, and just observe the man himself -- he really is one cool cat .... nothing flusters him ... and he has a pretty wicked sense of humor too ....


Skewering Herr Drumpf on his own name recognition consumer products (of which they're all bullshit ---> click HERE).  Priceless.   Deftly exposing a con artist for what he truly is.

That is some cool cat stuff by Obama -- it reminded The Gadfly of the night he calmly, coolly and confidently strutted out of the White House to announce the death of Bin Laden .... it was like he knew all along it was going to happen, and when it did, he just matter of factly told the nation it was done - no drama queen shit, just straight forward, adult conversation truthfulness -- (something btw - which right wingers have a very hard time dealing with).

You know what though? -- honestly -- The Gadfly is ready for Obama to leave office --- his black skinned presence has caused a quarter of the populace of this nation to lose their collective fucking minds, giving rise to the TeaBaggers and Herr Drumpf .... so maybe the Darkie being out of office might calm the goons down a bit.

But The Gadfly will say this --- Obama's legacy, when future historians take account of it, will probably put him in the pantheon of this country's greatest presidents.  And no -- that is not a partisan observation --- it's a reality world based observation.


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