Friday, May 10, 2013

Why Does God Hate America?? Shelly Bachmann Knows . . . . .

Holy fucking shit!  No really - holy fucking shit!!

On Wednesday, Religious Right activists and members of Congress gathered together for a prayer event held in Statuary Hall at the US Capitol called "Washington: A Man of Prayer."
Among the speakers was Rep. Michele Bachmann, who used the opportunity to promote the 9/11 prayer event being organized by Birther-king Joseph Farah, saying that "it is no secret that our nation may very well be experiencing the hand of judgment" and declaring that both the original 9/11 attack and the attack in Benghazi on 9/11 of last year were God's judgment.
As such, the only recourse, Bachmann said, is to humble ourselves before God and cry out in repentance for this nation:

First off, and only because it was the first thing that popped in to The Gadfly's mind after viewing this disturbing dreck, FUCK YOU Michele Bachmann.  Fuck you and whatever apocalyptic horse you and your posse of lunatics rode in on.

"Humble ourselves before God and cry out in repentance for this nation?"  Who the fuck do you people think you are to be dragging the whole country in to your pathetic, religio-whacko pity parade?  The unmitigated gall of you deranged fuckers!

The Gadfly will state unequivocally and unashamedly that he himself has done nothing which requires him to humble himself before any God, much less the cruel, vindictive, selfish and incompetent one whom Michele Bachmann and her ilk profess fealty toward.

And as for that repentance crapola?  What transgressions has the Gadfly committed that would require his crying out in repentance?  The Gadfly did not buy into the lies and support the wars of choice in Iraq and Afghanistan which have resulted in thousands of American and hundreds of thousands of Iraqi and Afghan civilian deaths.  The Gadfly did not support George Bush and Dick Cheney who shit upon the Constitution and the longstanding American moral and legal principles of not torturing prisoners.  The Gadfly did not support giving American corporate/commerce entities free reign to gamble away the nation's treasury in their greedy pursuit of higher profit margins, while simultaneously slashing workers wages, benefits and pensions.  The Gadfly did not support Bush's attempt to destroy Social Security by turning the funds over to the criminal vampire squids on Wall Street to do with exactly as they did to the world economy - namely crash and burn it.  The Gadfly has not supported a political party which is so busy manufacturing scandals and governing by spite in the Congress that they simply are unable to find the time to address America's real problems of the jobs crisis, an unfair and deteriorating healthcare system, a crumbling national infrastructure, and a rich/poor wealth gap that is the worst among all of the industrialized countries.

Nosiree -- if anyone should be groveling tearfully at the feet of God and begging for repentance it should be Michele Bachmann, the hate filled and bigoted Teabaggers, their lying enablers in the right wing media and the Republican party (save the remaining handful of sane, decent members - few as they are).

Lastly -- how fucking dare you Michele Bachmann to project the sinful, malevolent behavior of yourself and your like thinking neanderthal friends on to the devoted, decent people of this country who are truly working selflessly at trying to change this country for the better -- the better for the most people -- and trying to preserve representative democracy as the beacon of freedom that it is instead of attempting to sabotage it from within?

So crawl back under your rock Michele, among the primordial ooze from whence you slithered.  You Madame Congresswoman are a national shame and embarrassment, and how the good people of Minnesota can find anything of value that you and your detestable views bring to the American experience is truly beyond The Gadfly's comprehension.
