Thursday, September 27, 2012

Sean Hannity is a worthless, disgusting, deceitful piece of shit . . .

Hannity Distorts Obama's Words, Claims He Said "Four Dead Americans Are A Bump In The Road"

Sean Hannity is truly one of the slimiest creatures in Rupert Murdoch's deep stable of reptilian pundits.

Hannity quite simply put is a serial liar and a sociopath.  The fact he has a national television platform to spew his lies from really underscores the utter futility and uselessness of the FCC.

Here is the actual, unedited, word for word transcript between Steve Kroft of CBS News and Obama where Obama referenced the "bump in the road" analogy:

KROFT: Have the events that took place in the Middle East, the recent events in the Middle East given you any pause about your support for the governments that have come to power following the Arab Spring?
OBAMA: Well, I'd said even at the time that this is going to be a rocky path. The question presumes that somehow we could have stopped this wave of change. I think it was absolutely the right thing for us to do to align ourselves with democracy, universal rights, a notion that people have to be able to participate in their own governance. But I was pretty certain and continue to be pretty certain that there are going to be bumps in the road because, you know, in a lot of these places, the one organizing principle has been Islam. The one part of society that hasn't been controlled completely by the government. There are strains of extremism, and anti-Americanism, and anti-Western sentiment. And, you know, can be tapped into by demagogues. There will probably be some times where we bump up against some of these countries and have strong disagreements, but I do think that over the long term we are more likely to get a Middle East and North Africa that is more peaceful, more prosperous and more aligned with our interests. [, 9/23/12]

It is clear to any sane, fair minded person reading that exchange that the "bump in the road" reference, taken in it's proper context, was entirely about the Arab Spring uprisings and America's role in helping these fledgling Middle East democracies control extremist, anti-American elements within their own countries and helping these people gain control over their own governing destinies and bring about peace and prosperity to the Mid-East as a whole.

Sean Hannity, bluntly stated, is a worthless, disgusting and deceitful piece of shit for trying to propagandize the tragic event of the Libyan Ambassador's death for partisan political gain.  Rupert Murdoch is a worthless, disgusting and pitiful piece of shit for employing such a worthless, disgusting and deceitful piece of shit like Hannity in the first place since it is now well known what worthless, disgusting and deceitful depths that this piece of shit Hannity is willing to stoop in order to get his worthless, disgusting and deceitful propaganda disseminated to his worthless, disgusting and deceitful piece of shit followers.

BTW - did I mention what a worthless, disgusting, and deceitful piece of shit Sean Hannity is?  Ok - just double checking.


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