Friday, September 28, 2012

Fibber McBachmann and -- Golly!

This is one of the funniest goddamn things The Gadfly has read in quite awhile.  Apparently the National Press Club had a gathering this week and one of the main subjects was how fact-checking by news organizations plays a role in press coverage of political news.  The Associated Press (AP) editor stated that during the GOP debates, the AP had to limit the number of lies told by Republican candidates that they reported on.  No shock there - anybody who watched those debates with a jaundiced eye knew what a big hate-filled lie fest it truly was.  But the AP editor found it necessary to single out one GOP candidate for a special honor.  One specifically, who quite frankly was so prone to belching out lies that the venerable news organization actually had to implement a self-imposed cap on the number of lies that were fact-checked for that individual:

After the session, Drinkard said that there wasn’t an actual numerical quota on Bachmann at the AP. It’s just that they literally could not keep pace with the number of lies she told and were worried that if the AP had gone back and vetted all of  her claims that seemed a bit dubious, the result would “overload” the debate story.

They are talking of course about Minnesota state bird (The Loon) and current Congresswoman Michele Bachmann.  Think about this for a moment.  Here you have a major political figure in a major political party, a presidential candidate who was actually leading in the polls for a period of time, who is caught lying so fucking often that major news organizations have had to limit themselves from reporting on that persons lies lest they be labeled "biased" by that individual's followers and fellow party members.

The Gadfly has followed Tea Party darling Shelly Bachmann's career for some time, much to his stomach's discontent, and knows that Bachmann has a penchant for telling tall tales.  But lord almighty - who knew that she lies so often that news organizations simply cannot keep up with the number of lies being spewed by her piehole?  Shelly is from Minnesota, which is known as the Land of 10,000 Lakes.  If she keeps pumping out the lies at her current rate they're going to have to change that motto to the Land of 10,000 Lies.

It really makes The Gadfly wonder as to the collective intellectual capacity of the constituents in her district that keep electing her back in to office year after year.  To simply continue electing a person, who by all available evidence, belongs in a mental institution much more than a governing institution, makes one believe that there quite possibly may be some hallucinogenic substances in the drinking water in Bachmann's district. That's the only explanation I can conjure up for such bizarre, self defeating behavior.


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