Monday, February 3, 2025

Reichsmarschall Musk Lets His Fascism Freak Flag Fly

Show of hands of those who voted for Leon Musk for President of the United States of America this past November 5th?:



Yeah, that's what I figured.


So who in the hell can explain this then?:


Link: 'This is a five-alarm fire': Experts pounce on Musk's new 'grave national security threat' - Raw Story


Leon has been granted the power to arrest people??  The fuck you say!

Is this what you voted for Ma and Pa MAGA?  If so, I do so pity you poor bastards for what's to come.





"Canada, our Cherished 51st State" - Wonder How Canadians Feel About That?

Siri - show me someone who not only doesn't know a fucking thing about how the world economy works, but also is barking mad unhinged:

Of course, it's always important to thank the Ma and Pa MAGA voters for foisting this incompetent, demented pile of human shit on us as a leader.

The damn fools.


Sunday, February 2, 2025

♫ ♫ O Canada! O Canada! We stand on guard for thee... ♫♫

I sincerely hope Drumpf voters are paying attention to this shit.  Because when the economic shitstorm of Drumpf's tariff foolishness slams in to their personal lives, the very last fucking thing I want to hear from them is, "but how could we have known?"




 --- TFG


There's a New Viral Bug in the System: StuXnut Elmo

How this helps to lower the cost of Ma and Pa MAGA's eggs is a mystery to me:


I wonder how long it will take for these Drumpf supporters to wake up and smell their burnt Starbucks coffee and realize that giving Elmo and his squadron of NDA tongue-tied, H-1B1 IT moles carte blanche access to the financial data of just about every single voter in this country is a terrible, no good, horrible fucking idea?




To Pay for Musk's Tax Cuts, Trumpublicans Float Plan to Fuck Over the Poor and Working Class



Just wait until these purposely cruel slash and burn assaults on American's earned benefits and entitlement programs by President Musk and the Trumpublicans in Congress start trickling down into the communities where Ma and Pa MAGA live, and eventually into their own households.  It's kind of morbidly cute that they think none of this shit is going to impact their own lives in any way.




Friday, January 31, 2025

"Reshape This Elmo!

First off - fuck the New York Times.  They show us once again their obsequiousness to the orange dictator by refusing to call Elmo's slash and burn, blitzkrieg assault on the federal workforce what it is, which is an unconstitutional and quite possibly unlawful attack on government workers and tremendous abuse of power.  If the NYTimes keeps going down this road, they will go down in the history books the same way that big corporations in Germany and the 1930's who collaborated with the Nazi regime were shamed.

Elmo's intent as he himself has stated is to reshape the American people's government using the same "playbook" he used to "reshape" Twitter.  Fair enough.

If I recall, Elmo overpaid $30 billion to purchase Twitter.  That really should have been the first and last red flag right there.  

I mean come the fuck on, who pays $44 BILLION for a social media platform that was only valued at $14 billion?  MuskRat wanted Twitter desperately for a reason.  And that reason was to destroy it's benign, fairly innocuous, fairly moderated, fairly trusted environment which either Elmo himself, or his foreign handlers did not approve of.  And it is true, he did transform Twitter.  He transformed it into a clearinghouse of right wing propaganda, dangerous conspiracies, disinformation, with Elmo being it's most prolific disinformer, scummy advertisers, and porn-babe and other nefarious bots.  He then restored all of the suspended accounts of the nazis, racists and bigots, misogynists, public disinformation peddlers, conspiracy mongerers, grifters and con-artists, stalkers, pro-Putin traitors, and other hateful losers, and he gave them carte blanche "freedom" to do what they do.  And that is why Elmo's "reshaped" Twitter, now 'X', is a fetid cesspool only worth around $9 billion and is hemorrhaging cash.

And that folks is exactly what our little friend Elmo has in store for the federal workforce and government, and you don't need to to be an MIT professor to understand that this will end badly not only for the federal workforce, our economy, and also the competency of government stewardship, but for every middle and working class American man woman and child in this country.

But, I have become convinced that if the Ma and Pa MAGAs of this country truly knew and clinically comprehended what they were getting with Elmo Muskrat buying his way to having his very own office in the US White House, and given free reign by Drumpf over their government to "Reshape" it, they might actually reconsider having cast their votes to restore Mango Mussolini to power.. . .  Nah, who the fuck I am kidding?  They could care less.

Link: Elon Musk and His Friends Help Trump Shake Up the Government - The New York Times

Lastly, it should be noted that not one single American vote was cast in the last presidential election for the immigrant South African carpetbagger with a Nazi fetish Mr. Musky MuskRat.  NotOneSingleFuckingVote.

And he is the guy who gets to "reshape" OUR government and our American lives???


... Elmo.


Banana Republican Governing 101

It would be really nice if one of my MAGA friends or family members could sit me down one day and explain to me how the ongoing purging of all of these federal civil servants, high level FBI staff, and federal agency heads is going to lower the cost of your eggs, groceries, and gas.

Go ahead, you have the floor. Explain it to me like I'm in kindergarten.



The reality of course is that these mass purgings of federal civil servants and agency head firings don't do a damn thing to lower the price of your eggs, your groceries or your gas.  Sadly though, the residual fallout from such foolish and reckless actions can be more than just a little unfortunate:

Link: Trump reportedly drove out key aviation safety officials before crash — because of Musk - Raw Story

Drastically hollowed out government run by clueless, unqualified toadies and morally insolvent yes men apparatchiks.  What could possibly go wrong, right?  Be very careful for what you wish for Ma and Pa MAGA.  Your wish just may come true.


Thursday, January 30, 2025

Ugly Truth?

If this is what motivates the attractions of some of you Ma and Pa MAGAs to Drumpf, I truly do pity you.  I really do.  And all of the piousness and smugness and contempt in defense of it only further validates that sentiment.



Is this the truth?  Maybe.  Maybe not.  If not, what else could there possibly be about Drumpf that garners him such worshipful, blind faith supporters?

All I know is that personally, I could never be anything more than a distant acquaintance to people who are attracted to DonOld for that reason.  We are altogether diametrically opposites in spirit, soul, and mind.



The slimy, cowardly, banana-republic dictator acting like prick.

This sonofabitch has done some horribly untoward things during his past time in the American people's White House, and it's been well documented, but this one takes the proverbial fucking cake.

Wooooh . . . have to catch my breath here.... that's how fucking audacious this is.

. . . . . . . . . . 

This piece of spray-tanned shit in an ill-fitting suit issues a presidential Executive Order, and has a public signing event (aka propaganda) to blame Joe Biden and the hiring of brown skinned people for the collision yesterday between a US passenger jet and a US Army helicopter that took the lives of at least 67 humans.

. . . . .  woooooh. . . . . I'm so fucking mind-blowing furious about this 😡. . . . . . but anyway, as I was saying, this fucking puking, useless excuse of a "man" held a public media event to boast about issuing an official presidential Executive Order specifically BLAMING, by name, former President Joe Biden and his admin's DEI policies (hiring negroes, beaners, spics, and gooks, but mostly negroes) for the loss of these crash victims lives.  He did this before rescue authorities have even recovered all the victims bodies and notified families.

Donald Trump is a dangerous fucking sociopath.  Full stop.  And he's a sociopath with his finger on the nuclear button.

He is a fraud and a menace to decent society.

No rational, credible, or sincerely moral person could honestly and coherently defend what he has done here today and reasonably expect to be respected afterward.

This is the mind and soul of the heartless ghoul and psychopath whom you voted for Ma and Pa MAGA.  

Lotsa luck with that conscious choice of yours down the road.


 --- TFG

16-Year FAA Safety Streak Ends One Week Into Drumpf's Term. Surprised? Don't Be.



Some things to keep in mind as the story of this tragic airliner collision with a US Army helicopter in Washington, DC plays out over the coming days and weeks:

On January 20th the day of Drumpf's inauguration, DonOld and Elmo forced Mike Whitaker, the fully qualified head of the FAA to resign — just one year into his 5 year term.  Whitaker had been under relentless attack from Musk for not greenlighting SpaceX missions promptly enough, and Musk determined he had to go so that DonOld could install one of his own handpicked lackeys.  There is no leadership at the FAA at present time.  Also, per Drumpf and Muskrat's orders, the FAA is currently subject to a hiring freeze, and FAA staff have reported just this week of receiving an email from the Drumpf administration encouraging them to resign regardless of their job responsibilities.

Some will say this is a prematurely harsh judgment, and frankly I don't give a shit, but if you ask me, Drumpf has the fresh blood of Americans on his hands just one week into his new term and people had just better get used to hearing of these major, mass casualty events occurring more frequently as the fascists consolidate their incompetent and corrupt control over our government.



True to form, DonOld starts pointing his tiny, cheeto-stained fingers at the crew of the US Army helicopter this morning before any official investigation has even started:



He's such a hideous fucking human.  Thank you Ma and Pa MAGA voters for forcing this worthless piece of spray-tanned shit on us all.


Drumpf Saves "Forever Chemicals" From Biden's 'Woke' Agenda!


More cancerous chemicals in our drinking water.

Thank you dear leader El Generalissimo Presidente Magnifico!  

Thank you!  Thank you!  Thank you for loving us so much!

Ffs 😕:


"President Donald Trump withdrew plans for the Environmental Protection Agency to set new limits on PFAS in drinking water supplies. The Biden administration plans aimed to set limits on six types of perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances, or PFAS.

PFAS are often called “forever chemicals” because they break down very slowly in the environment and in the body.

There are thousands of different types of PFAS and they have been widely used in industry and consumer products due to their water resistant and durability properties. Some uses of PFAS have been phased out, but they can still be found in products such as electronics, non-stick cookware, food packaging, cosmetics, and clothing.

The Trump administration pulled the proposal from White House review."



What with Elmo trying to cancel out out our Social Security and Medicare and Drumpf giving the green light to polluters to dump more chemicals into our ground water, I'm beginning to get the distinct feeling that these sons of bitches are trying to kill a whole lot of us.

But this is what you voted for Ma and Pa MAGA.  You voted to surrender your own lives, the lives of your children, and the lives of others in your communities to the whims of a madman rapist and his cabal of shady, foreign-born billionaires and toady anarchists.  Good luck evading cancer and premature death.


Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Karoline Leavitt - Drumpf's China Girl Press Secretary

Good to know that Drumpf's new White House Press Secretary has a past life as a propagandist for a Chinese CCP intelligence asset:

Late last month, Donald Trump named Karoline Leavitt as his incoming press secretary, positioning her to become the youngest person ever to hold the job. That’s a big step up. Just two years ago—following a failed congressional campaign—Leavitt was putting her name on a series of op-eds in right-wing publications lauding a fugitive Chinese mogul who has since been convicted of stealing hundreds of millions of dollars from fans of his purportedly anti-communist movement."


Link: Trump’s New Press Secretary Was Paid for Articles Praising a Con Man – Mother Jones


When confronted by the article's reporter about her gig working to burnish the image of a Chinese propagandist and criminal, Leavitt issued a reply that simply screams her guilt:

"When I contacted Leavitt recently, she did not answer additional questions or dispute my reporting. In a text message, though, she said she did not read my article last year “because you work for Mother Jones and I, like the 70+ million Americans who just voted for President Trump, don’t pay attention to your left wing propaganda."

Haha!  The classic, "I know you are, but what am I?" defense strategy.  Thank you Ma and Pa MAGA once again for giving all of these horribly compromised people control of our government.  Dumb asses.


Tuesday, January 28, 2025

God Bless The Troops for Turning The Giant Water Faucet On in California

 Drumpf posted this hilarity on his shitty social media platform late yesterday:



You do realize Ma and Pa MAGA voter that you all elected a severely mentally ill toddler to the US Presidency, right?  Please tell us you cognitively understand the folly of your vote to put this trashy, spiteful, dumber than fuck person in power.

This is the kind of mendacious, gaslighting horseshit that despots like Kim Jong Un, Putin and other dictators and their apparatchiks push out to their brain-dead followers on a constant basis.  It's important to keep the cult dumb and compliant, you know.  Drumpf's amateurish imitation of the propaganda techniques employed by Kim and Putin is just more prima facie evidence that he is fully intent on transforming America into the same kind of lifeless, joyless, repressive, freedom-less, deliberately dumbed-down society that his hero Putin and his love-letter pen pal Kim have created in their nations.

Sadly though, many Americans seem content to just let it happen.

Suffice to say, The United States Military did not "enter" the Great State of California and did not "turn on" a goddamn thing.  Not one fucking button was pushed, not one fucking lever was pulled, not one fucking valve was opened that suddenly brought fresh, clean water rushing into California.  This is all gaslighting idiocy being promoted by a pathological liar and an authentic idiot.  It goes without saying that those who buy into this guy's nonsense are even bigger idiots.


Monday, January 27, 2025

Think Eggs are Expensive? Wait Until DonOld's Brownshirts Run Off All the Ag Workers.

Considering the fact that it's Drumpf and his Project 2025 Brownshirts who are scaring off many of the people whose daily, backbreaking, low-paying work puts affordable food on American tables, I think this is more than fair and makes complete sense to me.

Scaring off these mostly migrant, mostly law-abiding field workers will undoubtedly cause an increase in food products because that is simply how a supply and demand economy works.  If farmer John has fewer bodies to pick his lettuce and radishes, then he has to plant less and will have to raise prices to account for his productivity and revenue losses.  Ma and Pa MAGA consumer get to pay those higher prices at the grocery store and in restaurants.

So, unless El Generalissimo Presidente Magnifico has some 'stable genius' plan to replace that scared off agricultural labor force, Ma and Pa MAGA had better start factoring higher grocery prices into their household budgets for the next four years.


So yeah, let's put Ma and Pa MAGA's ne'er-do-well spawn in the Ag fields picking those veggies and fruit to keep those grocery store prices low.  That's a fair shake, don't ya think?  They will have steady work, a steady paycheck, and since the Project 2025 people are all for repealing child labor laws anyway, it's a win-win for the MAGA movement all around, amiright?

Oh, and btw -- are egg prices lower yet?  If I recall, DonOld promised he would lower prices on eggs if elected.  It's been one week since his re-ascension to the throne and there's no evidence of a price drop on eggs in my local grocery stores, and in fact they've gotten more expensive and scarce.  I ask this only because that was one of the reasons Ma and Pa MAGA routinely give as justification for their voting for the dissembling, convicted felon and rapist.  I ask also because it was reported in the news today that Donald was out golfing most of the day today and while golfing he issued an edict to terminate the employment of all of the DOJ staffers who worked on the Jack Smith investigation of his J6 and stolen govt documents criminal cases.  How Mango Mussolini's golfing and banana republic government purges help lower the cost of my eggs is beyond my measly high school education comprehension.  Perhaps someone can elucidate it for me.


Drumpf's Pardoned Criminals Already Committing New Crimes

This creep is just one of the 1500 or so January 6th, 2021 domestic terrorists that Drumpf gave a blanket pardon to last week and set free from prison

I guarantee it that this piece of MAGA trash isn't the only one of those freed terrorists who had an extensive criminal background even BEFORE they joined in the terror attack on the US Capitol that dark day, just over four years ago.  I mean, you have to be a pretty rotten human to begin with when you willingly participate in a violent mob attack on police officers and an attempt to murder American political figures.

And now DonOld has freed them ALL back onto the streets of our communities and predictably they are committing more crimes:


Link: Pardoned Jan. 6 rioter now at large over allegation of soliciting a minor: report - Raw Story

Here's another one:


Link: Pardoned Jan. 6 rioter shot dead while resisting arrest during traffic stop: police - Raw Story

I do not ever want to hear a Drumpf supporter lecture me about "law and order" again.  Ever.

Donald Drumpf is the unparalleled antithesis of the concept and meaning of law and order.  He is a convicted criminal - as affirmed by US courts.  He is a court-adjudicated rapist - as affirmed by a US court.  He attempted to extort a foreign leader to interfere in our American elections and was impeached for it.  He orchestrated a violent coup attempt to overthrow our government and constitution and was impeached for it.  And now Drumpf has released 1500+ violence-prone convicted criminal thugs who answered his call to attack the Capitol on January 6, 2021 back on to the streets of our nation, and predictably they are already committing crimes.

Perhaps Ma and Pa MAGA should worry less about the lettuce pickers and landscaping laborers coming across the southern border, the vast, vast majority of whom are NOT criminals, and worry more about the criminal, fascist culture that their dear leader is establishing with his new reign in the White House.  With giving the J6 criminals blanket pardons as well as his sudden, Friday, middle of the night firings of the 18 independent Inspectors General, which most legal people agree is an unlawful act, Drumpf is barreling like freight train toward a brick wall consisting of the American constitution and American laws.  One of those two will come out worse than the other from that collision.  Hopefully it is not the law and our constitution.

But this is how dictators operate, Ma and Pa MAGA.  Don't look away.  Don't pretend you don't see it.  The ugliness of right wing fascism is the product that DonOld Drumpf is selling, and has in fact sold to many in this country.  Way too many MAGAs are in full agreement with seeing the United States become a Putin-style authoritarian kleptocracy with dictator-for-life "Daddy" Drumpf at the helm.  Those who are not in full agreement with seeing the US become Russia-lite, but still support Drumpf simply lack the moral courage to acknowledge and accept the reality of who he is and what he stands for.  Sadly, that makes them just as complicit.


Sunday, January 26, 2025

Drumpf: Snitch on Your Co-workers

Drumpf is ordering federal personnel to act as his personal apparatchik army of snitches.  If they see someone disobeying the Emperor Il Douche's edicts, finger them to the emperor's praetorian guard at once.

It starts with snitching on co-workers.  Then comes snitching on your neighbors, or snitching on people you just don't like.  All of which of course, will eventually lead to snitching on friends and family members.

This is the divide and conquer America as envisioned by the convicted felon and rapist that Ma and Pa MAGA voted for though, so get used to it kids.



Saturday, January 25, 2025

The Convicted Felon's Great Purge Is In Full Swing

These kinds of firings at midnight on a Friday night are the kind that wannabe dictators perform as they move to consolidate their power and purge ANYONE whom they suspect may not be sufficiently loyal to dear leader and his regime.

These were competent, independent US Inspectors General who will now be replaced with unqualified apparatchiks who will be expected to act as passive 'yes men' for El Generalissimo Presidente Magnifico, and will turn a blind eye to his ethical transgressions.


Link: Trump fires 17 independent inspectors general at federal agencies, source says | Reuters

He is crafting a government and society styled after those put in place by Putin and Orban.

If this is what it means to 'Make America Great Again' you can count me out.


Drumpf Wants to Cancel the 'American' From Native Americans




It's important to note at this point that DonOld has had a long history of conflicts with Native American tribes in this country:


So.  Here is a sincere question for the Ma and Pa MAGAs out there.

If DonOld can order the arrest and detainment of Native Americans swept up in his immigration rodeo round-up raids while his constitutionally illiterate, strip mall lawyers argue in court to declare Native Americans non-citizens, what makes you think that if not yourself, then perhaps members of your family, your friends, neighbors, co-workers, others in your community being targeted on a vengeful whim by this asshole and his henchmen with a similar declaration?

--- TFG


Suspected Rapist Nominated by a Rapist Confirmed as US Defense Chief

Well folks, they have gone ahead and done the unthinkable.

Fifty one yellow-bellied Republican cowards, led by that execrable little shithead JD Vance, bowed to the will of a convicted felon and rapist and confirmed Drumpf's choice of a chronic drunkard, suspected rapist, white nationalist (aka Nazi) and Fox "news" talk-show toady Pete Hegseth to be the next US Secretary of Defense.  Hegseth becomes the leader of the nearly three million American men and women in uniform of the US Armed Forces.

These Trumpublican senators willfully ignored the clear evidence that Pete Hegseth is not only indisputably unqualified for such a critical position in our nation's government and military leadership, but also that his past moral transgressions make him manifestly and morally UNFIT to lead a janitorial detail, much less the men and women of our US military.

Republicans ignored the case of suspected rape where Hegseth paid off a woman $50k (aka "hush money") if she signed an NDA and kept her mouth shut about the incident.  

They ignored published emails where Hegseth's own mother had accused him of having "abused" many women and that he needed help.

They ignored Hegseth's documented ties to "Christian" nationalist (aka white nationalist) groups.  

They ignored eyewitness testimony about Hegseth's history of chronic alcohol abuse and public drunkenness that got him canned from two different Veterans support organizations.

Any active military or veterans out there who approve of this Fox "news" assclown as the US Secretary of Defense should be fucking ashamed of themselves and really ought take a timeout and reassess the moral values path that they have chosen in life.

Link: GOP-led Senate needs JD Vance to confirm Pete Hegseth as Defense secretary - Raw Story


Friday, January 24, 2025

El Generalissimo Presidente Magnifico Drumpf Fails Again - Day 5 of the Trumpocalypse


There goes Ma and Pa MAGA's hero again, stirring up shit with our neighboring nations with his poorly thought out political stunts.

This time, Dementia Don tried to send a few US military transport planes down Mexico way to dump off around 100 or so undocumented immigrants, so they claim, and Mexico's progressive female President told Orange Caligula to go blow himself and refused to allow clearance for the US planes to land in her country.

Good for her.

Sadly, the world is going to be witness for the next four fucking years to this kind of petulant idiocy from El Generalissimo Presidente Magnifico and his cabal of incompetent and arrogant minions.  God knows how much in taxpayer money these morons are going to piss away on stupid, ill-conceived shit like this.



Link: Mexico refuses to accept a U.S. deportation flight 


--- TFG


MAGA Kangaroo Court Balks Over Concerns Their Dirty Texts Will Go Public

More evidence that the Republican party is utterly, thoroughly, exhaustively corrupted not just politically, but morally as well.

Here's how bad it is:



"An aide to House Speaker Mike Johnson advised Republican colleagues against subpoenaing former White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson as part of their investigation into the Jan. 6, 2021, attack to prevent the release of sexually explicit texts that lawmakers sent her, according to written correspondence reviewed by The Post and a person familiar with the effort.

The aide intervened last June, citing concerns that a subpoena could expose the texts, according to the correspondence and the person, who requested anonymity to speak candidly about private conversations. Johnson revived the investigation this week as part of an effort by President Donald Trump and his allies to seek retribution against perceived political enemies, including those who investigated his role in the Capitol attack.

In a meeting following the June conversation, Johnson (R-Louisiana.) and senior aides also conveyed to Rep. Barry Loudermilk (R-Georgia) and members of his staff that issuing a subpoena to Hutchinson and asking her to testify under oath would serve as another opportunity for her to retell her story and potentially embarrass the Trump White House, according to two people present for the meeting."


Let's have a very brief review, shall we? 

If you all recall, Cassidy Hutchinson was the top aide to Drumpf's former White House Chief of Staff, Mark Meadows.  She spent a lot of time in the presence of Drumpf while in the White House and witnessed a lot of his devious behavior.  She courageously testified **UNDER OATH about Drumpf's actions the day of the January 6, 2021 domestic terrorist assault on the US Capitol, as well as his behavior prior to January 6th and after he had lost the election to Joe Biden.  Hutchinson gave incriminating evidence of Drumpf's and Meadows' irresponsible and criminal actions before and on that date.  

Drumpf, seeking vengeance for all the J6 witnesses that testified UNDER OATH against him, would love to see his new toady-stocked DOJ persecute Hutchinson for having dared to tell the truth about him, once again UNDER OATH, but apparently Ms. Hutchinson is in possession of SEXUALLY EXPLICIT text messages that she received from Trumpublican members of Congress that were targeted at her and they are SCARED shitless that she will release them publicly if they drag her in front of their kangaroo court.  

Lol.  You can't make this shit up, I swear.

This is the morally destitute Trumpublican political party and ideology that the Ma and Pa MAGAs of this country have invested their faith and their unwavering vote in.  How can this morally bankrupt insanity possibly end well for you all, much less the rest of our citizenry and the nation as a whole?  The simple, reality-based answer of course is that it won't end well, for anyone.


--- TFG


** I purposely capitalized the term "under oath" as a reminder that Drumpf refused to testify under oath in any of his investigations.  The fucking coward.

Thursday, January 23, 2025

If He Can Declare Native Americans non-Citizens, What Makes You Think You Are Safe?

FFS.  The mobbed-up rapist, convicted felon, and Putin cock fondler is now looking at the possibility of declaring native Americans as non-citizens and therefore, presumably, candidates for deportation.

No, this isn't a parody or a joke post.  I truly wish it was.

Behold the fruits of your cursed vote Ma and Pa MAGA:



"In the Trump administration’s arguments defending his order to suspend birthright citizenship, the Justice Department called into question the citizenship of Native Americans born in the United States, citing a 19th-century law that excluded Native Americans from birthright citizenship.

In a case on Trump's birthright citizenship executive order coming out of Washington, Justice Department attorneys quote the 14th Amendment, which reads that “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside,” and hang their one of their arguments on the phrase “subject to the jurisdiction thereof.”

“Under the plain terms of the Clause, birth in the United States does not by itself entitle a person to citizenship. The person must also be ‘subject to the jurisdiction’ of the United States,” the filing reads."

Well, I certainly did Nazi that one coming.  Who the fuck in their right and decent state of mind would actually consider declaring NATIVE AMERICANS as not American?

...Then they came for the Native Americans
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Native American
Then they came for me
And there was no one left
To speak out for me...

--- TFG

Drumpf Gets Deservedly Bitch-Slapped by Constitution Defending Judge


Link: Judge in Seattle blocks Trump order on birthright citizenship nationwide | The Seattle Times


Thank God there are still some judges of character and true patriotism left in this country who are not afraid of standing up to and calling out Donald Trump and his fascist minions for their un-American and un-Constitutional attacks on this nation's founding principles as outlined in our most cherished national document, The Constitution of the United States of  America.

Observe how it's done right folks:


A federal judge in Seattle blocked, temporarily, President Donald Trump’s attempt to rescind birthright citizenship — the idea spelled out in the Constitution that every person born in the United States is an American citizen.

Senior U.S. District Judge John Coughenour on Thursday was blistering in his criticism of Trump’s action as he granted a temporary restraining order that blocks Trump’s executive order from taking effect nationwide.

“I’ve been on the bench for over four decades, I can’t remember another case where the question presented is as clear as this one is. This is a blatantly unconstitutional order,” Coughenour, an appointee of Ronald Reagan, said from the bench. “There are other times in world history where we look back and people of goodwill can say where were the judges, where were the lawyers?”

Coughenour, speaking to a standing-room-only courtroom in downtown Seattle, interrupted before Brett Shumate, a Justice Department attorney, could even complete his first sentence.

“In your opinion is this executive order constitutional?” he asked.

Said Shumate, “It absolutely is.”

“Frankly, I have difficulty understanding how a member of the Bar could state unequivocally that this is a constitutional order,” Coughenour said. “It just boggles my mind.”


You see how easy that was?  And from a Ronald Reagan appointed judge no less.  If the judiciary ever completely acquiesces to Drumpf's tyrannical assholery, all that will be left to defend the United States of America from a Russian-style kleptocracy will be "We The People."

Just ask any Italian who lived in Italy during WW2, and I'm certain there are still a few alive - ask them how it was that they finally dealt with their fascist despot of that time.  If our Orange Mussolini goes too far, there's always the chance of history repeating itself, grim as that sounds.  Let's just hope that our little orange constitution shredder backs down and he never pushes the nation to exact such a hardcore degree of retribution.




Link: 'Boggles my mind': Judge delivers scathing smackdown of Trump executive order - Raw Story

--- TFG

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Christian Bishop to Donald: Be Merciful and Compassionate. Drumpf: You're Nasty!

There goes your hero Ma and Pa MAGA.

In the event you hadn't heard, the pathetic excuse for a man that Ma and Pa MAGA call "Mr. President" couldn't even handle being reminded, while inside a house of Christian worship no less, that wanton cruelty and hatred ARE NOT Christian values:

Mango Mussolini was so enraged and upset about being reminded of what actual mercy, actual compassion, actual human decency, and actual Christian values are that he dashed off an attack tweet on his scuzzy social media platform calling the Bishop Mariann Budde "ungracious," "nasty," and not "smart."

Link: Trump in Disbelief as Bishop Calls Him Out in Inaugural Prayer | The New Republic


This is who your whiny twat of a hero and President is Ma and Pa MAGA.  He is an abject embarrassment to the people of this country and around the world.  If any of you had any authentic, functional moral values, you would acknowledge that reality without hesitation.


Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Let The Drumpf Squid Game Begin!

I don't want to hear one godforsaken word out Drumpf voters when the ugly spectacle of the Felon-in-Chief's jack-booted ICE thugs dragging moms and dads and kids screaming out of their community's churches, schools, hospitals, etc. and it gets splashed all over the nightly news cycle.

This is what you voted for Ma and Pa MAGA.  This is your morality.  Own it.



--- TFG

MAGA Has No Concept of Right or Wrong - It's Just Kneejerk Idiocy 24x7

Absolutely.  In fact, "fucking idiot" is a bit too kind of a description, imho.

For you see, with the moral values-challenged MAGA, dear leader is infallible to them, and therefore Biden's pardoning of individuals who have NOT been CREDIBLY accused of ANY crimes and, who have been openly threatened with spurious legal persecution by Trumpublicans in the MAGA monkey House and Drumpf's incoming DOJ nominees, is a bigger sin than the actual crimes that DonOld and his January 6 thugs were rightly charged with and convicted of in courts of US law.

The conservative right in this country has completely lost whatever morality high ground they used to occupy, or perceived that they occupied.  The stark, ugly reality is that they have now knowingly and willingly elected a common criminal, a mobster, a rapist, and an insurrectionist to the highest office in our land.  In a sane world, that kind of morality is rightly seen as irredeemable trash.




--- TFG


Shame of a Nation My Ass. It's the Shame of MAGA and Always Will Be.


Link: 'Shame of a nation': Internet outraged as Trump pardons 1,500 J6 rioters - Raw Story



It's not the nation's shame that an ethically compromised, convicted felon and rapist was elected POTUS.

It's not the nation's shame that a court-declared rapist and serial sex assaulter was elected POTUS.

It's not the nation's shame that a twice impeached mobster was allowed to escape accountability for his myriad of crimes and be elected POTUS.

It's not the nation's shame that an individual who instigated a violent attack on the US Capitol by a mob of his supporters was elected POTUS.

And it certainly isn't the nation's shame that this POTUS as one of his first acts in office pardoned every single one of the violent thugs and domestic terrorists who attempted to overthrow our democracy and Constitution on January 6, 2021.

I am a citizen of this "nation."  The 48.5% of 2024 election voters are citizens of this "nation."  Suffice to say, we had nothing to do with this "shame."  This shame needs to be rightly assigned to the people who brought it upon us - MAGA.  Ma and Pa MAGA voters inflicted this shame upon us, they own every bit of it.

If it hasn't been made clear enough yet -- the morally bankrupt, painfully ignorant Americans shown in the below photo and their like-minded brethren are the only, THE ONLY people responsible for the shameful pardoning of all of these violent criminals and for every other shameful events that is guaranteed to occur in the next four years ⬇ :

--- TFG

Monday, January 20, 2025

A "Vow" Full of Blustery Nothing

Hey Ma and Pa MAGA!  You know what your dear leader did not "vow" to do today?  He did not "vow" to lower the cost of your eggs and other grocery products.  He did not "vow" to halt the creeping rise in gas prices.  Nor did he "vow" to address out-of-control healthcare costs, or the need for more funding for our public schools.  And exactly zero "vows" were heard to protect and strengthen Social Security and Medicare.

But your dear leader did vow to have good old American astronauts plant the American flag on the frozen, lifeless planet of Mars.  Apparently that was the numero uno priority that Daddy Don the Con and his Nazi saluting sidekick Elmo wanted to promote to the American people this horridly historic day.

But, and I hate to be repetitious on this, the simple fact of the matter is this is the unexceptional clown show that you voted for Ma and Pa MAGA.  You voted for these self-infatuated bufoons and in return you are going to be getting a government of the callously indifferent, by the callously indifferent, for the callously indifferent.

Nice job folks.


Link: Trump vows astronauts will plant US flag on Mars as Elon Musk goes wild at inauguration - Raw Story



--- TFG