Friday, June 7, 2019

The Bloody Red Badge of American Cowardice . . .

Umm - ok . . .

"The FDLE investigation shows former Deputy Peterson did absolutely nothing to mitigate the MSD shooting," Commissioner Rick Swearingen said in a statement. "There can be no excuse for his complete inaction and no question that his inaction cost lives."

"Did absolutely nothing to mitigate" . . . needless slaughter.

"Inaction cost lives" . . . innocent lives.

It's just a tad ironic in The Gadfly's view that they are prosecuting this hapless school cop for the act of cowardice in the face of danger resulting in the deaths of innocents.

Ironic, for at this very moment, there are hundreds, no, make that thousands, of U.S. politicians at the federal and state levels of this country, Republicans and Democrats, who have committed, and presently are committing, the exact same offense in the form of their own cowardice for allowing the dark money slush fund that calls itself the NRA, and the gun manufacturing lobbyists, to control the legislative agenda of Congress on the issue of gun violence, in exchange for political support and campaign donations.

The cowardly behavior of these gutless, selfish politicians on this issue has fostered a societal environment of ever increasing and deadlier gun violence which is proliferating uncurbed in our country.

America's political "leaders" have done "absolutely nothing to mitigate" the ever escalating numbers of innocent dead Americans from random and rampant gun violence.

Their negligent "inaction" on this matter has clearly "cost lives."

The Gadfly doesn't think it's a stretch at all to believe that these NRA-owned politicians are trying to wash away their own sins along with the blood of innocents that indelibly stains their own hands with the arrest and prosecution of this sacrificial lamb, school cop, all of which does absolutely nothing but compound the vile nature of their own cowardice.

It's a sad commentary on where we are at as a self-described, "civilized" nation.


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