Wednesday, June 5, 2019

From D-Day to Donald Day - The Chronicle Of An Empire's Fall From Grace

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Wow.  Imagine - 75 years ago this happened in human history.

Think about it.

If you know anyone who is older than 75 years of age, they were alive on this planet when D-Day went down in 1944.  And if you do actually know one of those people, there is a very good likelihood that they are alive, and living in a free America today, because 75+ years ago, America's then POTUS made a determination that if America was truly the "land of the free and home of the brave," then Americans needed to stand up, as a nation, and defend the freedom-loving peoples of the world from the depraved, murderous aspirations of authoritarian monsters like Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin.

Think about that for a little while.  A good, long, contemplative while.

Then ask yourself - and be fucking honest - ask yourself if you have full faith and trust in the individual currently leading this country to stand up to the modern-day authoritarians from Russia, China and North Korea, and the budding authoritarians in Saudi Arabia, Hungary, and Turkey.

That's all.


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