America -- Meet the swamp (and the creatures that lurk within):
The circumstances of Justice Kennedyโs resignation must be investigated by the Senate Judiciary Committee before any replacement is considered. The Constitution does not give Trump the power to use underhanded means to induce Supreme Court resignations.โ Richard W. Painter (@RWPUSA) June 30, 2018
It's quite mind-boggling when you actually sit down and calmly and methodically analyze the big picture implications of what it is that appears to be transpiring here, prompting this to be the latest revelation that has had The Gadfly, for several months now, sincerely questioning the depth (how deep?) of the high treachery that outwardly appears to be going on in our nation.
And believe The Gadfly when he tells you folks - this Drumpf/Kennedy connection story is no fucking coincidence here. The Gadfly can damn well guarantee you that anything that ever, EVER! financially benefited Donald Trump undeservedly, has been anything and everything but a coincidence.
So let's review mkay?:
Donald Trump, at a time when American banks were refusing the risk of doing business with him, received $1 billion (yes - that's a BILLION, as in 1000 millions) in loans from the notoriously shady international investment bank Deutsche Bank. Deutsche Bank is considered by many financial fraud experts to the be "Bank" of choice for international, chiefly Russian, money launderers.
Every $1 billion dollars of those loans was signed off on by an executive at Deutsche Bank by the name of Justin Kennedy.
Justin Kennedy is the son of US Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy. Or at least Kennedy was a SCOTUS justice as of a couple of days ago.
For as it happens, Justice Kennedy resigned suddenly and without notice a couple of days ago and just as word of this interesting connection was slowly being revealed in the wider press.
Kennedy's impromptu exit thus allows Donald Trump the opportunity to put forth yet a second SCOTUS nominee, and after the Merrick Garland, Neil Gorsuch ratfuckery by Mitch McConnell.
Donald Trump is currently under criminal investigation by United States Federal and State national security and law enforcement authorities for a virtual myriad of nefarious financial and possibly treasonous political activities.
Now - before we go any further. Allow The Gadfly a moment to play some good old-fashioned Devil's Advocate here with you dear readers:
In the highlighted section above, replace the name 'Donald Trump' in the trio of instances where it appears with the name of Hillary Clinton. Now then - next, replace the name 'Mitch McConnell' with that of Nancy Pelosi.
Here - The Gadfly will help you. If you followed the instructions correctly, your modified highlighted section should now look exactly like this:
Hillary Clinton, at a time when American banks were refusing the risk of doing business with her, received $1 billion (yes - that's a BILLION, as in 1000 millions) in loans from the notoriously shady international investment bank Deutsche Bank.
Every $1 billion dollars of those loans was signed off on by an executive at Deutsche Bank by the name of Justin Kennedy.
Justin Kennedy is the son of US Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy. Or at least Kennedy was a SCOTUS justice as of a couple of days ago.
For as it happens, Justice Kennedy resigned suddenly and without notice a couple of days ago and just as word of this interesting connection was slowly being revealed in the wider press.
Kennedy's impromptu exit thus allows Hillary Clinton the opportunity to put forth yet a second SCOTUS nominee, and after the Merrick Garland, Neil Gorsuch ratfuckery by Nancy Pelosi.
Hillary Clinton is currently under criminal investigation by United States Federal and State national security and law enforcement authorities for a virtual myriad of nefarious financial and possibly treasonous political activities.
Now, just on it's face dear readers - Let's make-believe that Hillary Clinton were President right now (no tittering please), and that the wording in the now modified section was a pretty accurate depiction of what was presently going on within a hypothetical President Clinton's presidency . . . . . . do any of you truly believe that the conservative right in this country would not be frothing at the mouth berserk, and unleashing absolutely guttural, screaming demands for Hillary Clinton's literal head on a platter?
And do any of you honestly think that a whole lot of these Trump conservatives would not be openly threatening to take up matters in to their own god-fearin', good citizen hands in order to bring about some of that old-fashioned, Red, White & Blue, conservative justice for Mrs. Clinton?
Y'all better wake up folks - because that is the reality of the situation that we are dealing with here.
The simple fact of the matter is this: none of this ends well for any of us, if the evidence that Special Counsel Robert Mueller is still actively gathering, is unconstitutionally prevented from being expediently and judiciously presented directly to the American people, thus allowing the opportunity for each and every one of us Americans to make up our own minds, based on that evidence, as to what we believe to be the truth, and to what each one of us believes what it is that we see occurring before our very own eyes.