For a very long time The Gadfly had thought of Democratic Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid as something of a milquetoast politician, one who would rather appease the opposition than put up an admirable fight.
But The Gadfly was wrong. The Gadfly has been watching politics for many years and over the past several years he has seen who the real Harry Reid is. Harry Reid is the Jason Bourne of American politics. Even though he's 76 years old, he has that baby faced, harmless yuppie look just like Matt Damon's on-screen character. But don't be fooled, for like Bourne, if you give Harry Reid just a sliver of an opportunity, he will not hesitate to take advantage of that minuscule opening and quite rightly fuck your shit up.
Just ask Mitt Romney - who Reid laid to waist with his now infamous 2012 attack during the presidential election campaign where he claimed he had been informed by a "credible source" that Romney hadn't paid taxes for 10 years and that was why he was resisting releasing his returns for public viewing. Of course it turned out the statement was mostly a fabrication by Reid, but it was also the dagger in Romney's rib cage which cemented the idea in a lot of fence-sitting voter's minds that Romney was a tax dodging wealthy elitist who was out of touch with working men and women and the middle class.
A couple of years later, some cable tv reporter asked Reid if he had any regrets about his fib or if he wanted to apologize for it, and Reid looked directly in the camera, smiled and said, "I don't regret that at all, Romney didn't win - did he?" 2-fucking-shay.
And now it appears that Herr Drumpf has failed to learn the lesson taught to Mitt Romney as well. A Washington Post reporter yesterday told Drumpf that Reid, responding to the Drumpf team's nasty attacks on Hillary Clinton's health, made an off-hand comment that Drumpf didn't look so "slim and trim" his self. Drumpf, ever the adolescent that he is, couldn't let that go without making a smart ass remark in return and he retorted, "Harry Reid? I think he should go back and start working out again with his rubber work-out pieces."
What Drumpf was referring to was a horrific accident that Reid was involved not long ago while exercising on a workout machine at home. During the workout, an elastic band on the machine snapped in half, struck Reid directly in the face and sent him crashing backward into a set of cabinets. The violent fall left Reid with broken ribs, multiple fractured bones in his face, and he ended up being blinded in his right eye. Reid had to endure several months of recovery.
Now never mind the obvious part of Drumpf being a real fucking rotten asshole of a human being for mocking the real-life injuries of another individual (and no doubt his supporters love him the more for it - because that is who they are too), but Drumpf forgot one thing about Harry Reid. You see, Unlike little Donny, who has lived the life of a pampered, boarding school princeling who was born sliding in to home plate believing that he had hit an inside the park home run, Harry Reid had just the opposite kind of upbringing.
Harry Reid was born in to an impoverished family in tiny Searchlight, Nevada just a couple of years before WW2 broke out. His father was a hard rock miner and his mother a laundress for the local brothels. His family lived in a home with no toilet, no running water and no telephone service. He was an amateur boxer who admits to having been called out to fight in the street from bar rooms on more than one occasion. He married his high school sweetheart in 1959 and is still married to her.
Reid got involved in Nevada state politics in his late 20's. He then went on to become Chairman of the Nevada Gaming Commission and he took on the organized crime mobsters who controlled most of the gambling operations in Las Vegas and Nevada at the time. The mob didn't like Harry Reid and they even tried to kill him with a car bomb at one point which would have succeeded if the bomb hadn't malfunctioned when detonated. Reid was constantly receiving death threats from the mob while he fought their criminal grip on the state's gambling enterprise. Eventually, Reid's toughness prevailed and the mob, for all intent and purpose, was pretty much run out of Nevada.
Reid then of course, went on to higher public office, eventually becoming Senate majority leader in an 8-year stint starting in 2007.
So now - knowing all of that about Reid. This is the bad ass sonofabitch of a man that Drumpf decided to fuck with yesterday with his mean girls taunt about Reid's exercise machine injuries. And you know damn well what comes next -- yep -- a bolo, uppercut punch so hard from Reid to little dapper Donny's jutting, elitist chin, that Drumpf's orange ferret weave shot 20 feet straight up off the top of his pointy fat head, implanted roots and all, and landed in a matted heap in a dark, dank corner somewhere.
Here's Reid's response in it's entirety:
โDonald Trump can make fun of the injury that crushed the side of my face and took the sight in my right eye all he wants - Iโve dealt with tougher opponents than him. I may not be able to see out of my right eye, but with my good eye, I can see that Trump is a man who inherited his money and spent his entire life pretending like he earned it.
In Searchlight, we learned a thing or two about hard work that Trump may not have learned at his boarding school.
Trump rips off working people with scams like Trump University. And while the people he ripped off suffer, Trump sits at the posh resort he bought with his daddyโs money, with no understanding of the misery he caused.
Now, Trumpโs business interests in foreign countries and his Ponzi-scheme fraud of a โcharityโ make clear that Trump intends to scam all of America just like he rips off hard-working people.
Trump can insult me all he wants but the American people deserve answers to these questions:
Why did Trump appear to use his charity to enrich himself and bribe elected officials who were investigating his scams?
Why does Trump refuse to cut ties with business interests that would allow him to exploit American foreign policy to enrich himself?
What is Trump hiding in his tax returns?
If Trump wants to be president, he should be properly vetted. If Senator McConnell and Speaker Ryan had the publicโs interest at heart, they would lead the Republican Congress to investigate these and other questions with a fraction of the energy and taxpayer money Congressional Republicans used to pursue Huma Abedinโs maternity leave records. But Senator McConnell and Speaker Ryan want to leave town for another two months, just a few weeks after returning from the longest summer recess in more than half a century. And the Republican Congress has shown nothing but blind obedience to Trump, going so far as to hold a Supreme Court seat open for six months in the hopes that Trump can fill it.
If the Republican Congress refuses to do its job, the media has an even greater responsibility to get answers to these questions.
We know how to spot a con artist in Las Vegas."
And Donald Trump is a con-artist."
Now obviously that is going to leave one helluva thick, rubber skid mark on Drumpf's pasty-white, greasy backside, but that be told, the real story here is how the right wing in this country is so ass-backward fucked up in their mindset and views that they would much prefer to support a spoiled-rotten, immature 70 year old rich boy who has never had to work for anything in his worthless, parasitic life, and instead project their confused hate on a guy like Reid who is the quintessential poster child of the American kid who literally fought and clawed his way out of abject poverty to the pinnacle of success -- the true American hero story.
But Drumpf, for what ever god-forsaken rationalization, impresses the conservative right wingers to no end --- and as such just the mere thought of them getting their way by seeing the thin-skinned, venomous, tiny fingered, Cheeto-faced, ferret wearing shitgibbon actually ascend to power scares the living shit out of The Gadfly, and it ought to as well for anyone else who actually gives a flying fuck about the future of this country and representative democracy as we know it.
In closing, The Gadfly lovingly dedicates the following song to little Dappper Donny asshole and his pathetic brigade of asshole munchkin supporters: