Sunday, September 22, 2013

Impeach Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Crazy Fuck, TX) Now . . . .

It appears that some in the GOP, those few who are still somewhat of sane mind and manner, are beginning to question the motives and the intellectual integrity of the creepy Tea Party Senator from Texas, "Tailgunner" Ted Cruz -- to which The Gadfly blithely responds, "welcome to the club - what the fuck took you so long?":

[ h/t ]
Cruz: Well, look. There are lots of folks in Washington who choose to throw rocks, and I’m not going to reciprocate. I’m not going to do likewise. Listen, let me tell you about a broader problem. A broader problem is that we have got career politicians in both parties in Washington who aren’t listening to the American people. I spent the entire month of August traveling the country speaking to people, and the American people are hurting because Obamacare isn’t working.

This guy is one of the most cunningly snide political snakes to come around in a very long time. Just watch that video clip of his Fox interview with Chris Wallace and tell The Gadfly that that man is not a treacherous, and detestable freak of duplicity.

Notice how he snuck in that that dump-truck load of bullshit line about Obamacare not working at the end of his smirking and smug response to Wallace.

Gee Ted - would that by chance be the same "Obamacare" that is still in it's infancy stages and which the vast majority of it's major provisions have even yet to be implemented?

If any of The Gadfly's conservative friends can coherently (there's that key word again - huh?) explain how a program that has yet to even get off the ground could be hurting Americans across the country for the past two months, thus qualifying it as a political cause celebre justifying shutting down the U.S. government and defaulting on the nation's credit, then The Gadfly is all ears.  Lay it on the line baby - The Gadfly is a big boy and can take the demonstrable truth -- providing that is what will be provided to support your position.

And as if Senator Tailgunner's juvenile threat to turn off the electricity in Washington wasn't sufficient enough to permanently discredit him, and earn him a big steaming pile of shame and ridicule heaped upon his pointy little head, he's now threatening to defund the United States military:

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) on Sunday warned Senate Republicans that refusing to filibuster a bill that defunds President Barack Obama's health care reform law "is a vote for Obamacare," and he also advised House Republicans to "shut down the military" if they had to.
"If Harry Reid kills the bill in the Senate, the House should hold its ground, and should begin passing smaller continuing resolutions, one department at a time," Cruz explained. "It should start with a continuing resolution focused on the military."
"Send it over, see if Harry Reid is willing to shut down the military," he quipped.

Wow!  Just fucking wow!!  Threatening to put the security of the entire nation at risk just because you cannot have your way on a piece of legislation you don't like has got to be the pinnacle of irresponsibility - and more appropriately, in The Gadfly's humble view - sedition.

The Gadfly is all for robust political debate and believes that if we are going to be stuck with the two-party system that we have, then it is probably a good idea that there be some measure of parity between the two parties so that one party does not become perennially more power entrenched than the other.  But when The Gadfly hears shit like the ominous bile spewing forth from this nasty little toad's mouth, and nobody in his caucus stands up to denounce him, he wonders if it might not be such a bad idea if the Republican party be relegated to minority party status, across all three branches of government, for a couple of decades, or at least until they cleanse the cancer that is the Teahadist party from their ranks and send those idiotic anarchists back to the political fringes whence they oozed.


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