Friday, August 26, 2011

Teabagger Rubio Looks In Mirror and Sees Cause of a Weakened America...

"These programs actually weakened us as a people. You see, almost forever, it was institutions in society that assumed the role of taking care of one another. If someone was sick in your family, you took care of them. If a neighbor met misfortune, you took care of them. You saved for your retirement and your future because you had to. We took these things upon ourselves in our communities, our families, and our homes, and our churches and our synagogues."

As Dana Carvey's Church Lady would say - โ€œWell, isn't that SPE-CIAL?!โ€

Wingnuts like Rubio wax nostalgic for the good old days of Ozzie and Harriet, Father Knows Best and Leave it to Beaver. Days, which they believe in their bizarro minds, were days where things like retirement benefits, health insurance, unemployment and disability assistance and food and shelter in old age weren't social issue concerns because "everybody took care of everybody". And if for some reason someone were too ill or injured to work or suffered a catastrophic life event that put you in dire economic straits, "somebody" would take you in and provide care for you and help you pay your bills and get you back on your feet again in no time. Are you following along here?

In Rubio's delusional teabagging mind it was a 1950's, black and white television world of no pain, no suffering, no children going to bed hungry at night, no elderly having to decide between eating cat food or pay for their medication, no homelessness, no domestic violence, no crushing household debt, no discrimination. Ahh yes - it was a time of sunshine, harp music, and rose petals falling gently from bright, sunny skies, settling softly on the fair haired heads of blue eyed Americans from sea to shining sea.

There's just one little problem with Rubio's sweet, benign retrospection on what life in these United States was like prior to the advent of a progressive social safety net -- It's a huge, steaming warm, maggot-infested pile of pure horse shit.

What Rubio and the Teahadists want, with the stealth wealth backing of the Koch brothers, is a total and permanent deconstruction of FDR's new deal. That includes the elimination of Social Security, Medicare/Medicaid, unemployment benefits, employer provided pension plans and other benefits -- and it all begins with destroying the unions and the right to collective bargain for those very things. They have a huge hard on at the prospect of creating a two-tiered society where the elites dictate life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness to the lower tier as they deem fit to interpret it.

And sadly, as George Carlin once disgustedly observed, they'll get it - they'll get it all. And frankly, when they do get it all and finally realize their wet dream of unfettered Oligarchy, I am hopeful that by that point the vast majority of Americans will have seen well enough of what these horrible people envision for a future America and begin to finally fight back - in the streets if need be. Because, I honestly believe that is what it will eventually require to beat back these fascists and put this country back on the path to peace, prosperity and equitable economic and legal justice for all.


Saturday, August 20, 2011

The Greatest Show On Earth!! . . .

Turdblossom says Mama Grizzly is ready to join the show:

I think the GOP is going to need a bigger circus tent. With Palin's entry, their current tent is bursting at the seams with way too many clowns:


Friday, August 19, 2011

Only 20 years behind the history curve . . .

The "Soviet Union" hasn't existed since 1991.

I don't believe it's a "Freudian" slip of the tongue. I think the far right conservatives (who also happen to be mostly religious nuts) would love nothing more than to return to a golden age of the Military Industrial Complex (MIC) which was the cold war with the former Soviet Union. I'll go even a step further - I think they would like to start a third world war, in the hopes it would be the catalyst for worldwide destruction and the realization of their biblical fantasy of Armageddon in preparation for the return of baby Jeebus.

If the prospect of this horribly ignorant woman and fundamentalist religious zealot becoming leader of the greatest democracy, most powerful military force and largest nuclear arsenal in the world doesn't frighten you -- it sure as fuck should.


Thursday, August 18, 2011

Po', po', pitiful us . . .

This is both heartbreaking and infuriating.

Watch the full episode. See more PBS NewsHour.

The subject matter (wealth inequality in the U.S.) is one of those topics where if you even try to broach and have an honest discussion about it with a right winger/teabagger type, their eyes just glaze over, they begin stammering and hemming and hawing and claiming it's all a bunch of commie liberal propaganda, and eventually they just devolve into a quivering shell of a human being mumbling nonsense about Obama's birth certificate and socialism. It's a sad spectacle to be witness to.

What it truly is all about though is that it is the classic definition of reality denial.

These people have quite frankly been brain-washed by their Galtian overlords into believing that the predominant factor in America's greatness is the inerrant belief that every single one of us has the same level of access to economic opportunity and that the free market fairies, without prejudice, sprinkle their free market fairy dust upon all of us equally.

My experiences have taught me that right-wing conservatives are fundamentally incapable of believing that perhaps, just perhaps, that they're unshakeable belief in America's fairness is really nothing more than a myth. They just plain and simple cannot fathom, as the late great George Carlin once noted, that this "great" American system threw them overboard 30 years ago and that the only equality that exists now is that they are getting equally fucked in the ass just like the other 85% of Americans are by the wealthy elites.

Watch this clip. Tell me there isn't something wrong with what's going on here. Tell me that this madness must not only continue, that it should escalate. Tell me you believe the pie-in-the-sky bullshit that people like the Koch brothers and Fox Business News are claiming about how teachers and Cops and Firefighters and nurses and union members are the people who are sucking America dry of it's wealth and soul and are solely responsible for the global economic meltdown and if we just simply take away their rights as workers and eliminate their pensions and benefits plans that all will be well with the world again.

Yes -- tell me all of that and you know what I will tell you in reply? I will look you dead straight in the eye and tell you that you are a either a clueless, useful idiot or a fucking willfully ignorant tool and that you are acting in the role of being an accessory to the crime of destroying American democracy.

Anyhow - watch this clip from the PBS special. Click here to see the entire episode.


R.otund U.ninformed S.hit H.ead (aka R.U.S.H.) . . .

My long held view that this sick, pill-popping fuck secretly harbors fantasies about being named a KKK Grand Imperial Wizard is simply re-inforced by this:

August 17, 2011 3:29 pm ET by Todd Gregory

Today on his radio show, Rush Limbaugh described a new Oreo that will have both chocolate and vanilla cream as a "biracial" cookie and said that "it isn't going to be long before it's going to be called the Or-Bam-eo or something like this." Limbaugh later called it the "Or-Bam-eo" himself.


I have no doubt that if Rush were allowed to do so, he'd simply get on his radio show every day, set his fat, cyst pocked ass down in his chair, turn up the volume button on his console to Max. and just scream over and over into the microphone: THERE'S A NIGGER IN THE WHITE HOUSE! THERE'S A NIGGER IN THE WHITE HOUSE!!

Unfortunately he's got a lot of like-minded zombie followers who think he's just peachy-keen and a man amongst men. And that's what is scariest.


The Way of the Gun . . .

They prove the validity of my views of them every goddamn day:

August 18, 2011 08:13 AM EDT

Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) ripped his colleagues during a tour of northeast Oklahoma, calling them โ€œcareer elitists,โ€ โ€œcowardsโ€ and said, โ€œItโ€™s just a good thing I canโ€™t pack a gun on the Senate floor.โ€

Coburnโ€™s gun-on-the- floor comment comes less than a month after Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.) made a triumphant return to the Capitol and the House floor following her shooting in the head in January outside a Tucson supermarket.

At the time of the shooting, in which six people were killed, there were briefly calls for re-instituting the federal ban on high-capacity ammunition clips and beefing up protection for members of Congress. None of the proposals gained significant traction since.

What is it with middle-aged, right wing males and their infantile fantasies about perpetrating gun violence on those they disagree with? They're like a bunch of 6 year old boys who have become infatuated with Yosemite Sam cartoons and have adopted the rootinest', tootinest', shootinest' animated cowboy freak as a father figure/role model.

They really just need to fucking grow up.


Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The Lie Machine Just Keeps on Humming Away . . .

The lying just never stops with them:

As much as some of my conservative friends would like to believe that I pick on Fox News purely out of partisan motive, it simply is not true. I pick on Fox because they repeatedly employ outright lying in order to misinform their viewers with the sole goal of advancing the conservative movement's agenda.

Use of the public airwaves is a privilege in this country and with that privilege comes a duty to use those airwaves in a responsible manner. No - it's not Fox's politics that bother me, it's their sinister misuse of a publicly owned asset to deliberately spread misinformation and they ought to have their broadcast license pulled until they reform their unethical method of doing business.



The truth keeps trickling out in the News Corp. hacking scandal in Britain. If this keeps up, there could be enough public outrage and demand to see Rupert & Son doing the perp walk sooner rather than later.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

You go Girl!! . . .

Well - looks like some congrats are in order for Shelly. The good, albeit batshit insane, folks of Iowa sure didn't disappoint.

Here u go Shelly - this song is dedicated to you:


Even a blind squirrel . . . . A stopped Clock . . . . (etc.)

Every now and then, not unlike a comet streaking across the uppper atmosphere, a flash of sanity emanates from conservatopia.

Joe Scarborough gets straight to the point here:

โ€œMichele Bachmannโ€™s first answer was, I wish the federal government had defaulted,โ€ Scarborough recalled Bachmann saying during Thursday nightโ€™s Republican debate. โ€œHad defaulted! A week after Americans lost โ€” some of them perhaps lost half of their pensions. Lost half of their 401ks. When trillions of dollars went down the drain with Americans suffering, she said that and got applause.โ€

โ€œIf anybody thinks that guys like my dad are going to be voting that wayโ€ฆ they are out of their mind and they are too stupid not only to prognosticate, they are too stupid to run Slurpee machines in Des Moinesโ€ฆ Michele Bachmann is a joke. She is a joke. Her answer is a joke. Her candidacy is a jokeโ€ฆ Iowa, if you let her win, you prove your irrelevance once again.โ€



If you take it away - they won't come! . . .

(CNN) -- British Prime Minister David Cameron thinks he's found some culprits to blame in the recent riots that have rocked London and other cities -- Facebook and Twitter.

Saying the "free flow of information" can sometimes be a problem, Cameron's government has summoned those two social-networking sites, as well as Research In Motion, makers of the BlackBerry, for a meeting to discuss their roles during the violent outbreaks.

"Everyone watching these horrific actions will be struck by how they were organized via social media," Cameron said Thursday during an address to Parliament. "Free flow of information can be used for good. But it can also be used for ill. And when people are using social media for violence, we need to stop them."

Cameron said that government officials are working with authorities "to look at whether it would be right to stop people communicating via these websites and services when we know they are plotting violence, disorder and criminality."

Ahh yes - banning social media will magically solve all of the underlying issues and happy days will reappear. Because as we know all too well from history -- prior to the advent of the internet and mass-media communication, social protests and riots were non-existent.

That is pretty amazing considering it's a line of thinking that is coming from one of the world's premier democracies, and also it is not surprising in the least that it's a conservative government leader making such an asinine, anti-democratic proposal.

Don't think it could happen here?? Think again.



Crazy Eyes are controlled by a Crazy Brain -- basic anatomy....

Just watch:

As fucking hilarious as that is, take it from this long time, close observer of right wing politics and politicians -- it isn't that far removed from reality.


Come, Mister tally man, tally me banana Daylight come and me wan' go home...

By Joel Provano and John Spink
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Thousands of people stood in line for free dental services Friday at a church in Woodstock.

The two-day clinic at First Baptist Church of Woodstock on Hwy. 92 is being sponsored by the Georgia Dental Association and its Foundation for Oral Health.

"The line went around the building, all the way through the parking lot and around a warehouse," said Dr. Richard Smith, who practices in Atlanta. He estimated the line at 2,000 yards and said that at its peak, 4,000 people were in line.

It used to be that when one heard stories like this it was always taking place in some 3rd world, banana republic country in South America, some economically depressed, totalitarian Eastern European regime or some piss poor, underdeveloped African nation.

The fact it is now a regular occurrence here in America speaks volumes as to the type of future our wealthy elite, Galtian overlords have in store for this country. And with the mindless, rabid attack dog support from the supremely dense teabaggers, they stand an odds-in-favor chance of getting their way.

And before my race-baiting friends try to pin it on minorities - take a good look at the photos accompanying the article -- plenty of white folk in that mix too.

I weep at what greed, selfishness, hate, ignorance and apathy has done to this country. But I will not stand down and give up. In fact, this Gadfly has yet begun to fight.


Friday, August 12, 2011

Will The Real Banana Republican Please Stand Up? . . .

After watching online snippets of last night's GOP debate, a couple of things became ever more clearer to me.

First, no amount of alcohol intake can numb one enough to the rank stupidity and idiocy that simply engulfs every word that spews forth from the mouths of these lunatics.

Secondly, I have to harken back to an episode of Bill Maher's show in May where he did a review of the, at that time, announced GOP field and how he viewed it. Let's just say that "Face Ripper Monkey" is actually looking like a much more appealing and sympathetic candidate today than any of these jagoffs.



Thursday, August 11, 2011

Oh sweet, sweet irony - thy name is Teabagger....

Oh - this is beautiful:

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

CALHOUN -- While U.S. Rep. Tom Graves was calling for fiscal responsibility in Washington his attorney was arguing in a lawsuit that a North Georgia bank is at fault for issuing Graves a $2.2 million loan the bank knew he could not repay.

Fucking LOL. It's the old Groucho Marx defense: "I DON'T WANT TO BELONG TO ANY CLUB

You just have to stand in slack-jawed awe at their hypocrisy. Just in the past month we've had the story of the teabagger conventioneers that stiffed The Venetian Hotel in Las Vegas for half a million $, then you had teabagger Rep. Joe Walsh from Illinois being outed as a deadbeat dad, and now - this teabagger clown who actually has the nerve of telling a creditor who lent him $2 million dollars that it's their fault he defaulted and isn't paying them back because they should not have lent him the money to begin with!!! Un-fucking-believable.

This is why I jut my middle finger ramrod straight and laugh in the face of these assholes when they start lecturing dirty fucking hippies like me about family values, fiscal responsibility and honesty.

They are clowns, fools and phonies and anybody who thinks they are the best alternative to our every day, run-of-the-mill corrupt regular politicians is a fool as well.


Of Astronuts and Teacups . . . .

The Teahadists are now on a kick trying to "save" NASA from being taken over by commie infiltrators. There truly is no end to their childish idiocy.

Frankly, if it were up to me, I'd have NASA commissioned to build the world's first Space Ark, and then once's it's completed, load all the teabaggers on to it (along with plenty of guns and ammo), and shoot the goddamn thing on a one way trip to Mars where these loons can colonize the place to their little fascist heart's content.

[LINK to story]
An offshoot of the South Florida Tea Party called "Tea Party In Space" is looking to break apart the government's socialist takeover of the final frontier.

Andrew L. Gasser launched Tea Party In Space in June as a way to "bring fiscal responsibility" into the space program, he told TPM Tuesday. He called the group, which was formed in conjunction with the South Florida Tea Party, the first "issue-specific" tea party in the country.

Gasser explained that the group aims to bring the free markets into the space program, because right now, he say, there is only the government -- which amounts to socialism. "It is socialism when you have the government coming down and saying, 'this is what we want to build, and this is how we want you to build it,'" he said.

Gods that be - save us all from these lunatics - please!


The Beginning of the End . . . of The American Way of Life . . .

[Posted on August 9, 2011 at 10:41 PM]
Updated Tuesday, Aug 9 at 10:47 PM

KEMP, Texas โ€” Water is flowing again from faucets in the town of Kemp.

Now, city leaders hope prayer will provide them with rain.

Water had been cut off in this Kaufman County town of 1,200 since Saturday. On Tuesday night, residents assembled at a local park to pray for rain โ€” a vigil organized by town leaders.

"In Jesus' name, we will have water and rain, and that all our problems here in Kemp will be solved and managed," said one Kemp resident in prayer.


The Frolicking Gadfly has been spent the better part of the past decade frantically waving his arms and yelling as loudly as he can to get people's attention about this stuff - to little avail.

This is the teabagger/fundamentalist religious/Koch brother's vision for a future America.

It is a future where America basically becomes the world's largest, albeit wealthiest, 3rd world country/banana republic.

In this future, the wealthy elites will be tax-free. There will be never ending wars. Corporations and Wall Street will be de-regulated to the point they aren't regulated at all. The public education system will be eliminated. There will be absolutely zero worker's rights. There will be no social security or medicare. There will be a pay or die health care system. The country's most cherished assets, it's natural resources, will be sold off to the highest bidder. As will the public utilities and services. And, as the folks in Kemp, Texas are now finding out, there will be no money for maintaining basic, life sustaining infrastructure such as the city water system.

Ultimately - it is a vision of a rapidly and steadily declining quality of life for everyone who isn't in the top 1 percentile of wage earners.

I'm going to be blunt about this -- if you are of the belief, as these saps in Kemp, TX are, that standing around in a circle, holding hands and praying to the Invisible Cloud Being is going to solve your crumbling infrastructure and drought crises, then you are a significant part of the problem and you need to be bitch-slapped into sensibility.

I honestly do not know what it is going to take to get people to peel their faces away from their television sets, pull their noses out of their bibles, stop believing the tall tales about how the free-market fairies will fix everything, and begin the process of dealing with the immensity of this country's economic and social issues from a reality-based viewpoint.

I do know this though, if you surrender to the boorish faux patriotism of teabaggers, the fear mongering of the religious nuts, and the sweet talking of the Koch brothers into giving up your rights, then you have no standing to bitch and moan when their vision turns out to be yours and your family's worst nightmare - because plenty of people, besides The Frolicking Gadfly, have been trying to educate you and warn you, for quite some time now, that these people do not have the best interests of the vast majority of Americans (meaning you!) in mind with their actions.

So take heed. Get informed. Get involved. Do the right thing. Denying these extremists their dark and cruel vision will be the best thing you could ever do for America's and your children's future.


Saturday, August 6, 2011

Cantor: Let them eat cake . . . or any other scraps they can dumpster dive for

One running private joke you'll frequently see me employ is the "I'm not a violent man, but...." meme.

Generally speaking (no joking) I am not a person prone to violence. I am mostly abhorred by it. However, having stated that, I also acknowledged that every person has their line in the sand, Popeye "It's all I can stands and I can't stands no more!" moments, and I am no different.

Case in point - Eric Cantor. Take this clip for example:

When I see his smug, cocky rooster face on television pontificating about how out of work Americans don't need an extension of unemployment benefits, that they need JOBS - I just want to drill my tightly clenched fist straight in to his snotty little upturned nose with all my might.

He's such a fucking phony little hypocrite. JOBS? Really Congressman Cantor? You mean those things that neither you or your party, since regaining control of Congress, has yet to put forth one single piece of legislation aimed at creating? You Republicans seem to have plenty of time to create and attempt to pass legislation de-funding ACORN and NPR and trying to outlaw abortion and same-sex marriage and crush unions, but not a single piece of legislation to date has been offered up by the Republican controlled Congress with the goal of putting Americans back to work. NOT ONE!!

And then my conservative friends wonder why I mock their party and they're conservative "leaders."



Friday, August 5, 2011

The Dream is Not Alive . . .

George sure had this one pegged right didn't he??

He's in the next plane of existence, looking back over his shoulder laughing his ass off and saying, "I hate to tell ya that I told ya so -- but I fucking told ya so!"


Pissed off and Mad about It? . . . Yer durn tootin' . . .

This is musically how I feel about the teabaggers and the GOP right about now . . .



Maybe Can Help? . . .

Well - here's one more thing you can add to the list of things that America is not #1 at any more - our national credit rating:

Oh btw - S&P stated that the primary reasons cited for the downgrade were the "political confusion surrounding the process of raising the debt ceiling, and lack of confidence that the political system will be able to agree to more deficit reduction. A source says Republicans saying that they refuse to accept any tax increases as part of a larger deal will be part of the reason cited."

So thank you teabaggers. Fucking clowns.


Hannity's Boner Fix is a Medical Condition . . . Muahahahaha!

There are times when the intentional ignorance of the right wingers make my brain spontaneously swell and my eye balls spurt blood.

This is one of those times.

Hannity: "I don't care about the scientists!"

Pretty much sums up the intellectual vacuum that is your modern day conservative movement doesn't it?


Thursday, August 4, 2011

What Bill says . . . .

Bill Maher really captures the essence as to how I'm feeling about Obama, and by proxy, the Democrats these days.

The radical change that people thought they were voting for in 2008, which by the way was entirely warranted based on the catastrophic mess Bush and the GOP left behind, never materialized. The energetic, tough talking campaign trail Obama (and the Democrats) kowtowed before the moneyed elites and teabagging nutters on the right and for all intents and purposes, appear to have sold progressives down the river.

If Obama is lucky enough to win in 2012 (very possibly without my vote), there had better be an instant sea change in his demeanor towards the Rethuglicans and the teabaggers and an immediate shift towards a progressive democratic governing strategy for the remainder of his 2nd term. I will confidently predict right now that if that does not occur, Obama's historical legacy will be right down in the pit of obscurity along with Warren Harding, Andrew Johnson and George W. Bush -- and believe me -- that's as about as low as you can get in the world of presidential historical rankings.

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And in Today's Uppity Negro News . . .

America truly is a wonderful country.

Case in point -- Rush Limbaugh.

Where else could a drug addicted, talentless, lying sociopath become a multi-millionaire simply by getting his own radio show and just repeatedly yelling "N*GGER, N*GGER, N*GGER, N*GGER!!" on it all day long?

There is no mistaking -- El Rushbo is an inspiration to budding Klansmen everywhere.

Limbaugh Says Obama's Economic "Role Model" Is Robert Mugabe, Who "Took The White People's Farms"


Oh The Stupid! It Burns!!!!

[This post is a follow/up to my previous post regarding Fox & Friends attacking SpongeBob SquarePants for daring to broach the subject of global climate change.]

If you ever find yourself wondering why it is I have such a visceral disdain for far right conservatives, and in particular teabaggers, go check out and read this article at the conservative "news" site CNS News. Then spend a leisurely 5 minutes or so perusing the reader comments section.

It's a cornucopia of stupidity, ignorance, hate and the celebration of illiteracy and unintellectual achievement.

They nauseate me.


Ooooh --- Wise Guy ehh? Nyuk, Nyuk, Nyuk.....

I honestly have to say, this is a response that I never thought I would hear coming out of the mouth of a conservative Republican. Christie is still a dick, but by giving a double eye-poke (ala Three Stooges) to the teabagger nut jobs on their obsession with the Sharia Law bullshit, he gets full credit from me for saying and doing the right thing.


Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Debt Ceilings, Goats and Trolls . . .

My unbridled anger over the debt ceiling "debate" and the absolutely mortifying outcome of that "debate" was simply too much for my brain to wrap itself around and I also just didn't have the spiritual resolve to get too emotionally invested in it (for the time being anyway).

I did actually start a lengthy rant, chock full of epithets and take downs of individual actors in that sad play, but in the end I just decided to let Stephen Colbert channel my feelings -- in the way only Colbert can do. And it's pretty spot on (minus the corrosive word play on my part).

Take it away Stephen:


Muzical interlude . . .

Watching that Dylan Ratigan/Luke Russert scuffle made this song pop into my head . . . wonder if it was playing in Ratigan's head too as he was dressing down young Luke?



Journalism 101 . . .

Ooh ... now this is the proper way to handle bullshit spouting village reporters.

I'm not much of a Dylan Ratigan fan, but in this clip he just did something which 99% of mainstream media reporters are either too afraid or too ethically compromised to do --- HE DID HIS FUCKING JOB! --- by questioning the substance and the veracity of the load of crap he was being fed!

And you can tell Ratigan did his job too, because poor Luke Russert started giggling like a stoned Valley girl, his face turned red, and stammering uncontrollably, he more or less came right out and admitted that he was simply reading a goddamn script that some corporate lackey had loaded on to his teleprompter.

Anyhow -- you have to watch it. It's priceless:


So Simple Even a Sponge Could Understand It . . . .

This truly is the end all of visual metaphors which represents the intellectual bankruptcy that calls itself "Fox and Friends."

The evidence here is two-pronged:

On one level they're too fucking stupid to "get" what Spongebob Squarepants as a cartoon is all about and claim that they cannot even begin to fathom why kids like the square little cartoon guy. On the other level their dishonesty concerning the role human emissions play in global climate change is so low brow, you just want to reach thru the teevee screen and bludgeon them all with a nail spiked baseball bat.

Ultimately the Fox clowns are left flailing about attempting to smear poor Spongebob by insinuating he's being used as a dupe to promote "unproven science" in the climate change debate and brainwash kiddies into believing evil liberal views.

I've long since stopped feeling pity for these Fox jagoffs and their glassy-eyed followers. I truly do hope the Justice Department is digging deep into the allegations that Murdoch's thugs were tapping the phones and hacking the e-mails of 9/11 victims and their families here in the U.S. - because it would thrill me to no end to see that cocksucker lose control of his putrid media empire and his broadcasting license -- and no wingnuts -- not because they present conservative viewpoints!!! Because they present provable lies over the public airwaves - endlessly and without repercussions ... and it's time to put a stop to it.


Tuesday, August 2, 2011

One Thing Leads to Another . . . .

Oh this will truly get some right wing forehead veins to pop - lol:

Gilligan tracked rates of suicide and homicide over a century, from 1900 to 2007 and was intrigued by the peaks and valleys he saw. Over that period, he writes, โ€œI saw three large, sudden, and prolonged increases and decreases in these measures of lethal violence, which reached a peak and were then followed by equally dramatic decreases.โ€

He scratched his head over that until he realized that โ€œall three of the epidemics of lethal violence corresponded with the presidential election cycle.โ€

Now, the next part of this item will get Republicansโ€™ noses out of joint and will no doubt start Democrats thumping their chests. What Gilligan found was that suicides and homicides started climbing to epidemic levels following the election of a Republican president. If that isnโ€™t annoying enough to the Grand Old Party, he also discovered that the rates remained around epidemic levels throughout the time Republicans occupied the White House. โ€œThe increase began during their first year or years in office, and peaked in their last year or years,โ€ Gilligan writes.

And what happened when a Democratic president toodled up to the White House gate in a moving van? Those epidemic levels of violence, according to Gilligan, began to reverse direction in the first year or two of a Democratic administration and the rates reached their lowest point in the last year or years of the Democratic term.

... The cause: policies. In Gilliganโ€™s view, the policies of Republican administrations increase socio-economic distress which has all sorts of ramifications that lead to higher rates of murder and suicide, while Democratic administrations reduce socio-economic distress which aids the psychology of the masses and brings down the levels of violence.

Indeed it does.  Indeed.


How 'bout them Apples? . . .

Oh bravo!

I liked this immensely not so much because Damon deftly crushed the snotty MBA views of the interviewer and the shriveled balls of the smug cameraman but because he STOOD UP AND DEFENDED THE HONOR OF SOME VERY HONORABLE PEOPLE WHO WE USED TO LOOK UP TO IN THIS COUNTRY - TEACHERS!  The Democrats and Obama could learn something from viewing this clip a few hundred times non-stop.

The teabaggers and conservative media by hook and crook (meaning mostly lying) have demonized public education and public educators to the extent that if it were solely their viewpoint being heard a completely uninformed individual would think that Teachers are some of the most horrid creatures on the planet and therefore worthy of extermination.

We can most definitely have a sane conversation as to the methods for reforming and improving public education in this country if you wish, but if you think you are going to engage me on this subject and just blindly sing the praises of private and charter schools and spout Michelle Rhee bullshit talking points read straight from a Heritage Foundation study - think again.

This is very sore spot for me as I have friends and family who are public educators.  I doubt they would disagree with me when I say that they are not Bentley driving millionaires who only work 30 hour work weeks 6 months out of the year, live in $500k homes in gated communities and vacation on the French Riviera - as the teabaggers and the odious Fox news serial liars would have some believe.  And they are certainly not the cause of this country's economic woes as the David Kochs and Dick Armeys of the world would snidely tell you.

On the contrary, the ones I know are people who basically are in one of the toughest careers one can choose.  It's a career that requires long hours and incredible resolve dedicated to producing (in conjunction with parental/student participation) functioning, literate, decent human beings to send out into society.  Are they always 100% successful.  No.  Name a career field that is.  There are many extraneous factors that determine how successful a child's educational progress will be -- the teachers are a big factor, sure -- but it also requires family and community, and yes - even government participation in that endeavor.

Bottom line is Matt Damon just got a smiley face hero sticker for doing what he did here.  Hopefully others will take note and start standing up to the thugs on the right and do what's right by America's education system and the people who have dedicated their lives to it.



I'm going to defer for the moment posting my view about the debt ceiling debate and it's hideous outcome.  Suffice to say, there is enough anger and horror in my soul about the whole affair to make me want to say some very corrosive things about some people (which I will still likely do, but I just need a little more time to figure out exactly how fucking corrosive I'm going to be about it).

It truly is horrifying!


Oh I'm just gettin' started (no-really I am!)...

Welcome to my new blogging adventure!

The Frolicking Gadfly will be exploring a myriad of subjects including but not necessarily limited to politics, humor, music and modern media.  If you are not already familiar with my views personally or through my previous blog, I would simply and humbly request that you drop in now and then, see what I have to say and even feel free to participate in robust debate through the open commentary format on posts.  It will not take long for a fairly clear picture to emerge of what it is that I am about, what I do and do not believe in, and what my aspirations and visions are in my quest to see a more equitable, gracious and compassionate America be left to my children and grandchildren before I exit this earthly existence.

So enjoy the scenery and experience, strap your seat belts on and let's go for a rocket ride. . .

. . . Oh - one last thing, while I welcome open debate and comments, you better come prepared to back up any of your rebuttal claims with facts - and by facts, I am not referring to the stink-finger globs of goop that the likes of Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Ann Coulter, Michelle Malkin and Glenn Beck pluck from their hoary sphincters and fling on the wall in desperate hopes of obfuscating the suject matter with the sole goal of confusing and misinforming.  I will not let you off the hook that easy because when it comes to the truth, I Shoot to Thrill and Play to Kill baby . . .

Remember, wherever you are and whatever you're doing, it's only the beginning.