Thursday, August 11, 2011

Oh sweet, sweet irony - thy name is Teabagger....

Oh - this is beautiful:

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

CALHOUN -- While U.S. Rep. Tom Graves was calling for fiscal responsibility in Washington his attorney was arguing in a lawsuit that a North Georgia bank is at fault for issuing Graves a $2.2 million loan the bank knew he could not repay.

Fucking LOL. It's the old Groucho Marx defense: "I DON'T WANT TO BELONG TO ANY CLUB

You just have to stand in slack-jawed awe at their hypocrisy. Just in the past month we've had the story of the teabagger conventioneers that stiffed The Venetian Hotel in Las Vegas for half a million $, then you had teabagger Rep. Joe Walsh from Illinois being outed as a deadbeat dad, and now - this teabagger clown who actually has the nerve of telling a creditor who lent him $2 million dollars that it's their fault he defaulted and isn't paying them back because they should not have lent him the money to begin with!!! Un-fucking-believable.

This is why I jut my middle finger ramrod straight and laugh in the face of these assholes when they start lecturing dirty fucking hippies like me about family values, fiscal responsibility and honesty.

They are clowns, fools and phonies and anybody who thinks they are the best alternative to our every day, run-of-the-mill corrupt regular politicians is a fool as well.


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