Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Drumpf Apparatchik: American Veterans Aren't Fit to be Federal Employees

Oh look -- Cowardly Vietnam War draft dodger DonOld's sleazy, strip mall attorney Alina Habba thinks American veterans aren't fit to have jobs in their own government.

These are the shitty human beings you gave unfettered power to Ma and Pa MAGA.

Decent, honorable people don't support cruel, arrogant, vindictive assholes like Habba and her ilk.  They just don't.  Habba's moral values, or lack thereof are MAGA's moral values.  They are indistinguishable.


"Just when you thought the Trump administration’s denigration of the federal workers it's sending to unemployment lines couldn’t get worse, one official decided to demean the many veterans who work in government offices.

Alina Habba, counsel to President Donald Trump, was talking about the Elon Musk-led firing of federal employees Tuesday – hours before Trump was scheduled to address a joint session of Congress on Tuesday night – when she suggested some workers who are veterans might not be “fit to have a job.”

Veterans make up about 30% of the federal workforce. In 2021, according to data from the Office of Personnel Management, 53% of those workers were disabled veterans."



Alina Habba, anchor baby of Iraqi immigrants isn't fit to be skulking around the American people's White House.

Fuck her and Drumpf both.  Neither of them is fit to spit shine the combat boots of the American men and women serving in our US Marines, US Army, US Navy, US Air Force, the US Coast Guard, etc.

When it comes, the downfall of these fucking America-hating losers is going to be way beyond epic.




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