For those who have not viewed the video of Drumpf melting down and insulting Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky to his face in the oval office yesterday, and then ejecting him from the American People's White House, please go watch it before reading the rest of this post.
Oh, you're back. Did you watch the video? Pretty fucking embarrassing, huh? Did you see a childish behaving Drumpf disdainfully reject Ukraine's quest for freedom and democracy in Washington yesterday and openly embrace a mass murderer and internationally wanted war criminal instead? Because that is what the entire sentient world saw.
Donald Trump unambiguously demonstrated for all to see that he is in fact, a Russian asset.
Americans who continue to enable and support Drumpf are in effect supporting the eventual dissolution of the United States of America and full capitulation of our nation and our American heritage and values to fascism and Russian influence.
One cannot possibly have watched what took place in the US oval office with Drumpf's treatment of the Ukrainian President and his regurgitating of Putin propaganda and lies, and ignore the reality of what has occurred and what it means for America's own democracy in due time if not corrected.
Americans who are living in a reality-based world and who witnessed Drumpf's shameful behavior in Washington yesterday know very well that Drumpf essentially has opted to betray Ukraine, betray Europe, betray America's NATO allies, and by proxy also betray the United States of America and the American people to his longtime KGB handler and "business" partner Vladimir Putin.
Donald Trump is a fucking traitor. His enablers and supporters put themselves in the position of being accessories to the crime of treason with their continued fealty to him.
Let's make no mistake about this. Let's make it as clear as crystal. Americans who continue to support and enable Donald Trump are willing abettors of an attempt to abrogate treaties and abandon our longtime traditional alliance with western, democratic nations who are also our collective defense partners in NATO, and align The United States of America with a murderous, war criminal despot.
MAGA's slavish support of Drumpf is helping to push this country and the rest of the world toward World War 3, blissfully ignoring the cold hard fact that there will be just as many sons and daughters of MAGAs dying violently on the battlefields of Europe when that war begins as there will be children of Americans of any other political persuasions.
Oh and btw, don't any of these idiot MAGAs dare lecture those of us who support Zelensky over Drumpf in this matter, or label us as "unpatriotic." This is not a case of siding with Zelensky against America. No, that's not it at all. We and most of the decent, democracy loving world are siding with Ukraine and their democracy loving, mostly Christian people against Drumpf, and against the America-hating, genocidal, mass murdering, wanted war criminal and brutal dictator who he has allied himself with, who is terrorizing his much smaller neighbor and indiscriminately slaughtering their people. Big fucking difference - learn it.
People had better start waking up as to what's going on when the leader of the United States of America and the free world appears to in one fell swoop have declared the beginning of the end of American democracy and unilaterally allied our country with one of the most brutal and destructive authoritarian regimes in the world.
Lotsa luck with that kids.