Friday, January 10, 2025

Drumpf Inherits a Roaring US Economy and Appoints a Greedy, Shady Billionaire as It's Czar

I sure hope all the Ma and Pa MAGAs out there are paying attention here.  This is the economy that Joe Biden is leaving in the hands of your orange savior, mkay?  Record job growth.  Record unemployment.  Healthy GDP growth.  Oh sure, some commodities and groceries are still a bit more expensive than most people like, but there is no credibly disputing the fact that Biden's policies have put inflation on a downward trajectory.  National wage growth under President Biden's leadership has increased as well.

But now y'all went and turned it over to the guy who, if I recall had a lengthy period of time during his presidency where Americans couldn't even find toilet paper on the store shelves.  Remember?  This was while he was presiding over the worst mass-death event in this country in over a century.  Couldn't find hand sanitizer.  Couldn't find all kinds of shit.  Remember that?  Long lines of cars in food pantry giveaways.  Remember?  His administration was the first in history to have a net LOSS of American jobs.

Drumpf was losing in the polls to Harris in this election.  He knew it.  But he was in a cash crunch situation with all of his legal problems.  Then guess who comes to DonOld's rescue?  Yep - old Elmo Muskrat stuffs a cool $300 million in cold, hard, American greenback cash into Drumpf's pockets and gave him another assist by flooding social media with a 'blitzkrieg' of disinformation and lies about nearly everything.  Toss in a couple of fake assassination attempts, incessant public whimpering about the persecution of poor, beleaguered DonOld, and the price of eggs, and "wokity, wokity, wokity" and ... blahbity-blahbity-blah-blah, and next thing you know a convicted felon, rapist, and Putin stooge is on his way to the White House with a Bond villain billionaire and his skeevy friends in tow.

So yeah Ma and Pa MAGA - your economic futures are now in the trustworthy and capable care of a carpetbagging, South African illegal immigrant who has delusions of world domination dancing in his Ketamine-soaked brain, and his bought and paid for POTUS sidekick - think Elmo as Jeff Dunham and an orange-haired Walter as his sidekick.  

And don't even get me started on the cabal of billionaires and 'Project 2025' apparatchiks, and ethically-challenged misfit cronies that your Convicted Felon-in-Chief has nominated for his cabinet and key admin and White House positions.  I mean, for God's sake - he nominated a child-sex offender as head of the DOJ 😐.  He nominated an alcoholic, C-grade, weekend Fox tv show host with a rape accusation of his own in his past to lead the nearly 3 million men and women of the combined US Armed Forces 😶.  And then he nominated the guy who is an admitted former long-term heroin addict with a dead animal fetish, someone who admitted to having had his brain partially eaten by worms, and whose stated mission as the person in charge of US public health is to bring back all childhood diseases including Polio.  And let's not forget the nomination of the puppy murdering, doltish, ah. . . never mind, I animatedly digress . . . .

In four years from now - if the US is fortunate enough to still be a democracy - we will know for sure whether this thriving economy that Joe Biden left in the hands of Drumpf, the broligarchs, and his freak show of an administration survived intact or not.  If I were to place a bet today, I would unhesitatingly wager, not.

Link: Watch live: Biden to discuss economy after US added 256K jobs in December

--- TFG

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