Thursday, November 16, 2023

Welcome back My friends To the show that Never ends. We're so Glad you could Attend Come inside! Come inside!

 So, The Gadfly has decided that he has about had enough of this perversion of a communication method that is commonly referred to as "social" media, and so it's long past time to resurrect this shitty little blog and not very well-known political house of ill repute.

First things first:  Welcome back any old time followers.  Likewise to newbies.

Secondly, henceforth, The Gadfly will eschew that first-person reference and simply use 'I' in reference to himself, mkay?  Besides, it's a pain in the ass typing all of them "The Gadflys."

This blog will be home base from here on out, as well as a place where I can be contacted directly in lieu of the social media platforms.

Since old school blogging like this isn't very conducive to the scattershot posting capabilities like exist on Facebook and Twitter, I'm going to keep the focus of posts to this blog on three things:

First, on Drumpf, MAGA and their attempts to push fascism on this country.  In doing so, I will be trying to weed out a lot of the superfluous posts like the daily, insane antics of the MAGA monkey House caucus people like Bobo and Marge.  Those people are just side-show freaks even though they are supporters of Drumpf's fascism, and they don't deserve anyone's attention.  I think it's much more important to focus on the leader of this execrable movement and continue informing anyone who cares to learn what he and his enablers are trying to do to this country and democracy.

The other two things I intend to use this personal space for is to share personal interests such as music, cinema, books, cute animal videos, fart sounds, philosophy, etc.  And lastly, I also want to use it as a sounding board for some long-dormant writing projects.  Years ago when I was living in Hollywood, California (yes, that Hollywood), I took a screenwriting course from Michael Hauge and it was a lot of fun, and for a time I aspired to be a Hollywood screenwriter.  Since I'm only a few years away from retirement, that will be one of my high priority, post-retirement goals - to write a screenplay and sell it.  Even if it's only one.

And finally, since I will be erasing my social media profiles at some point, this blog space will be the lasting online legacy of The Frolicking Gadfly, so let's make it memorable, eh.  Have some fun, let your hair down, be true, and for God sake, don't take any wooden nickels.

--- TFG

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