Friday, May 3, 2019

The Kind of Friends That The Gadfly Can Very Easily Do Without

This post is directed at The Gadfly's Facebook "friends."

The Gadfly's time has been consumed these past few weeks with a family tragedy, thus the dearth of blog postings, but something Donald Trump did just recently has compelled The Gadfly to step back from his family circumstance, however briefly, to address.

The Gadfly heard of a rally that Donald Trump held in Green Bay, Wisconsin about a week ago, where, in a desperate attempt to deflect attention away from his own criminal misdeeds, Orange Caligula regaled his brain-damaged cult members with some very vile and disturbing claims.  Observe:

Trump claimed Saturday that Democrats are in favor of allowing children to be ripped from their mother’s womb right up until the moment of birth.”

Trump went on to falsely characterize what he said an “extreme late abortion” would entail in horrifically graphic—and not to mention misleading—language. Your Democrat governor here in Wisconsin, shockingly, stated that he will veto legislation that protects Wisconsin babies born alive. Born alive,” Trump said in a disapproving tone. The baby is born, the mother meets with the doctor, they take care of the baby, they wrap the baby beautifully, and then the doctor and the mother determine whether or not they will execute the baby.” Trump then put on an incredulous tone. “You hear late term, but this is where the baby is born, it’s there, it’s wrapped, that’s it,” Trump said as he made a guillotine motion with his hand, as if he were implying that the baby’s head would be sliced off.

Oh - you need video proof?  Ok.

The Gadfly is going to step out of third person character here for for the remainder of this post to convey, as clearly as he possibly can, a message to some folks.

First off, I will not dignify Donald Trump by commenting directly about what he stated in that video.  Donald Trump is a sorry ass fucking excuse for a human being and a world class piece of inhuman shit and I wake up every motherfucking day, sick to my goddamn stomach, knowing that this shameless, evil cocksucker is the "leader" of this nation.  Full stop.

So here's the deal.  No bullshit.  No room for debate.  Just very simply stated.

If you are one of the people who believes what Donald Trump stated in that video - first of all - go fuck yourself.  Secondly, please unfriend me at your earliest possible opportunity.  I have absolutely no desire to have or maintain friendly contact with anyone - friend, casual acquaintance or even family member who sincerely believes what Trump said in that video.

And no - this is not about partisan Democrat vs. Republican political differences of opinion.  This is entirely about basic human decency and basic honesty and moral values.  If you truly believe that Democrats (liberal Americans like me) are advocating for “allowing children to be ripped from their mother’s womb right up until the moment of birth,” and allowing an infant to be born just so that mother and doctor can swaddle the babe, make goo-goo talk to it, and then gleefuly "execute" it, then you are no friend of mine.  I do not share that abhorrent view with you and I certainly do not share whatever fucked up values that you hold and deem to be "moral," which allow you to agree with Donald Trump on a claim of this magnitude of depravity.

So just unfriend me now - ok?  Do us both this favor.  Because I swear, if I see one more cowardly meme cross my timeline, from anyone, that lends credibility to this monster's allegations, I am going to go off on you like a monkey on a cupcake, and the second I finish, I will personally expurgate your presence from my friends list - both on social media and privately.

And with that - I have nothing more to say on the matter.


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