Friday, April 19, 2019

The Emperor With No Clothes and His Featherless Parrots . . .

You gotta love these phony fuckers.  Observe . . .

Suppose if you will - that if back during one of the eight (or is it up to nine now?) GOP led congressional investigations of Hillary Clinton and the Benghazi attack, Barack Obama had ordered Hillary Clinton to not answer any questions, or even worse, to lie to Congress about the administration's actions during the Benghazi raid.  And suppose then that Hillary Clinton disobeyed that order and told investigators the entire truth instead (which btw - she actually did, in every one of those eight, or is it up to nine now?, GOP investigations).

Now - imagine, if you can, how these two Republican ass-clowns Jim Jordan and Mark Meadows would have gone on national cable news providing the same, cynical, lame-ass argument in defense of Obama's illegal orders, as they are doing for Drumpf.

Then laugh your mother-fucking asses off, and should urge to mercilessly mock these two fake national "leaders" take root in your heart, by all means - please do so.


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