Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Always With The Questions Mr. Gadfly . . . .


So here's a few observations that perhaps some Drumpf supporters can help The Gadfly try to comprehend a bit more clearly.

If Donald Trump is all of these "great" things that he constantly boasts about himself to be, then how come - -

If he is a “Billionaire”, why can nobody see his tax returns?  And why, 2 years after he promised the American people, on camera, that he would release his taxes, is he still peddling the bullshit excuse that he's "under audit" by the IRS, when the IRS themselves have publicly stated that they were unaware of any such audit?

If he is such a “Stable Genius”, why did he feel compelled to pay his fixer Michael Cohen to threaten his colleges with lawsuits if they ever released his academic grades?

If he is truly the "Healthcare President," how come after he has had four years (2 as candidate, 2 as POTUS) to come up with the bare bones details of a health care plan, not a shred of evidence exists indicating there is any plan at all even?  And now he's saying he's got a plan, but when asked to provide details, he refuses, and says they will let the American people know AFTER the 2020 election.  How is that not the most arrogant thing you've ever heard?

And last but certainly not the least - If he is truly, unquestioningly, and completely "Vindicated," and “Exonerated” in the Russian collusion stuff, then why isn't he out in front of the public, every damn day, loudly demanding that the entire report be released to show the American people just how much of a "hoax" and "witch hunt" Mueller's probe really was?

The Gadfly will tell you why.

It's because a sizable number of American people are being conned by the biggest con-artist in the history of con-artistry.  They are being flim-flammed by one of the biggest flim-flammers in the annals of flim-flammery.  That's the sad reality.  And the infuriating reality is this -- Donald Trump is hell-bent determined to put this country, and it's people, through some of the worst national trauma in our history - and he's going to do it just so that he can save his own treacherous, rotten, crooked ass.


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