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They have only just begun folks:
AUSTIN โ A Dallas Democrat running for the state Senate discovered Saturday that Russians may have hacked his campaign website.
Candidate Kendall Scudder pulled down the website Saturday afternoon after coding in Russian and references to Russian websites were found embedded in the server. Google Analytics also found several visits on the website from internet users in Russia and Ukraine.
Scudder, who will face incumbent Republican Sen. Bob Hall in November, said in a news release Sunday that his campaign communications director noticed fraudulent activity in late March, when visitors were informed that "attackers" were trying to redirect them to a fake website. His staff fixed the problem, he said.
"...internet users in Russia and Ukraine," hmmmm...now where has The Gadfly heard mention of "Russia and Ukraine" before? . . .
A certain Very Stable Genius's Vodka-swilling pals - as all of the nation's intelligence agencies have been trying to tell us, is poised to once again ratfuck our next national election. And it is already unmistakably clear as to who and whom those efforts are intended to benefit. And Donald Trump has not lifted one fucking finger to take effective, measurable counter-intelligence efforts to protect our elections and by proxy, our democracy. Why is that?
The shit that is going down right now with all of this Russian/Drumpf intrigue folks -- is not normal.
The people of this country had better wake up and smell the Stolichnaya, before it's too late.
These fucking Russian kleptocrats, led by Vlad the Impaler himself, do not want America to be a healthy, functional democracy - The Gadfly can damn well guarantee you that dear readers. A truly open, free and strong democracy is a form of citizen's government, that is a formidable obstacle to Vladimir Putin's and the kleptogarch's mission to strengthen and advance their primary interests - which basically can be boiled down to iron-fisted political power and vast wealth. Oh - and did The Gadfly mention that they have the most unfortunate habit of killing people who get in their way?
But how can you blame the Russkis when their dream just suddenly materialized right in front of them, like a ghost emerging from a fog.... enter one Very Stable Genius. Drumpf stumblefucks his way in to Putin's spiderweb, and ol' Uncle Vlad, out of the goodness of his own KGB heart, wasted no time in taking the petulant little Fauntleroy under his nurturing wing, and teaching him how it comes to be that a real, manly masculine man, a man with superior masculine genes, attains fabulous manly wealth and uncontested masculine power. Face it - Drumpf has his head so far up Putin's ass, they're going to need the jaws of life to extract him.
But c'mon! Trump and many in his circle sure do seem to have an awful lot of Russians and Ukrainians in their orbit dontcha' fucking think folks? How can people not notice that? Trump's own "fixer" attorney, Michael Cohen, is deeply in to the Ukrainians - as in married in to it deeply. And everyone fucking knows that Trump and his "Organization" have long been voraciously slurping the sugar-tits of the Russian oligarchy like starved piglets.
Drumpf's "businesses" are so intertwined with Russian and Ukrainian money, not to mention a shit load of shady international business characters, that it just blows The Gadfly's fucking mind. Donald Trump's own son publicly stated several years ago that his father's "Organization" was wallowing in Russian money - observe:
A 2008 quote from President Donald Trump's eldest son about his family's assets resurfaced on Sunday in a New York Times op-ed article.
"In terms of high-end product influx into the US, Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets," Donald Trump Jr. said at a New York real-estate conference that year. "Say, in Dubai, and certainly with our project in SoHo, and anywhere in New York. We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia."
Honestly though -- where and how do you people think Trump has made all of his loot these past few years with his myriad of business failures? His reality TV show? Pffft! That's fucking chump change. That was more of a vanity project than anything. So how is it that he came in to all of this wealth over the past 8-10 years? And especially so since no reputable banks or financial institutions in America would lend him money because of his very, very well documented record of business fuckups and debt defaults. Anyone care to explain that one?
And precisely because no reputable bank, or anyone who knew of Trump's shady dealings and history of not paying debts, would lend him money, Donald made a carefully considered and calculatingly calculated career and a life choice. What did Donald do? He looked eastward - eastward ho! - eastward as in due east of New York City - due far east of Trump tower, straight east to the middle of Red Square in Moscow, mother-fucking Russia, right in to the heart of the Kremlin, and right in to the lightly starched crotch of Vladimir Putin's Hammer and Sickle embossed Speedos.
Can anyone imagine for a fucking minute what would be going on in this country if all of this foreign intrigue, financial skullduggery, and personal sex scandals shit were swirling around Obama, or god forbid that crooked witch Hillary? God Almighty to The Glorious Heavens! The right wingers and evangelicals would be braying like the intemperate, dense jackasses that they are. For Clinton they'd be screeching their bloody stupid "lock her up" chant. And for Obama? Shit -- they'd be marching down Pennsylvania fucking Avenue with pitchforks, torches and and plenty of good ol' fashioned nigger hangin' rope.
And yet the die-hard Trump supporters turn a blind eye to the growing mounds of Trump/Russia evidence. It's almost like a one-off version of that Rowdy Roddy Piper Movie from the late eighties, "They Live," a sci-fi flick about a guy who has special sunglasses that allow him to filter out aliens among the human population. In this real-life version though, the Trump supporters are all wearing special sunglasses that filter out reality, and truth, and common sense and decency. They see only what they want to see - everything else is "fake."
To those people The Gadfly says -- you sons of bitches better hope that this doesn't turn out to be about something far, far more serious than Trump's financial crimes, of which no doubt there are. But let The Gadfly be clear here . . . if there is any provable actions of a treasonous nature that have been perpetrated here . . . well, let's just hope that when the time comes to choose sides, all choose wisely.