Thursday, February 15, 2018

Did The Gadfly Miss The Memo About U.S. Being at War with Russia?

With all the other crazy ass shit going on with this 4 alarm blaze of a presidency, did anyone happen to notice this story from a few days ago?:

Reporting out of Moscow suggests that some number of armed Russians—up to 200—were killed by the US-led, anti-ISIS coalition after crossing the Euphrates River deconfliction line in eastern Syria on February 7.
If the reports are true, this was by far the bloodiest incident for Russian personnel since Moscow’s military intervention in Syria at the end of September 2015.

So apparently, US Forces, using US military hardware, wiped out around 200 Russian "mercenaries" in a single counter-attack in Syria?  And apparently Vladimir Putin and his government are just kinda blowing it off like, meh -- shit happens dude.  Just wow!

Several other news orgs aside from Newsweek are reporting this by the way, and yet it's not been anything but a blip on the national cable tv news scene.  Apparently you have to be a negro with a Muslim sounding name having shit like this occur on your presidential watch before the mainstream media fucking notices it huh?

That is some flabbergasting shit right there folks.  We splatter a couple hundred of Russia's elite special forces guys all over the Syrian desert and Vlad the impaler Putin just shrugs his shoulders?  The same people who fought a 10 year war in Afghanistan over similar shit like that for god sake?   Man -- someone very special in our government must have some extremely generous friends in high places in Moscow to finagle that kind of forgive and forget generosity from the likes of Putin -- if you get The Gadfly's drift . . .

Anyhow, this will be a good story to keep on eye on in the coming days/weeks, especially so if you are just downright sick of all the wife beaters, hookers news.

And speaking of hookers . . . . oh - that's The Gadfly's next post.  Nevermind.


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