Wednesday, January 24, 2018

The Authoritarianism Is Strong In This One Obi Wan . . .

Their lies are beginning to take on an immutable, cartoonish stature:

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump’s defenders are brushing off reports that he asked his acting FBI director how he voted in the presidential election as simply Trump’s way of “getting to know people.”

Right - so after having already sacked one FBI director who refused to bow and kiss his ring, and pledge personal loyalty, Trump's querying of the new director Andrew McCabe about who he voted for in the election was just his way of "getting to know" him.

Listen - it's a given that all politicians lie to some extent or another.  But these Trump people -- they have created a whole new paradigm of unflinching lying and bullshit that transcends anything, at least in this country's history, that has ever been seen before.  It's fucking scary.

They lie about e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g - significant and insignificant - and you just have to wonder as to what variety of catastrophe (not like the stark reality of their being in power isn't already one) their lies will eventually lead this nation to.


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