Saturday, November 11, 2017

Lesson: Don't Sail Your Corruption Ship In a Sea Full of Legal Icebergs . . .

And the hits just keep on coming . . . . . (not that it's a bad thing in this case):

WASHINGTON, Nov 10 (Reuters) - Special counsel Robert Mueller is investigating whether U.S. President Donald Trumpโ€™s first national security adviser, Michael Flynn, was involved in an alleged plan to seize a Muslim cleric and deliver him to Turkey in exchange for millions of dollars, the Wall Street Journal reported on Friday.
Under the plan, Flynn, who was fired by Trump after just 24 days in the job, and his son, Michael Flynn Jr, were to receive up to $15 million for forcibly removing Fethullah Gulen from his U.S. home and delivering him to the Turkish government, people familiar with the investigation told the Journal.
The alleged plan emerged during Muellerโ€™s wider investigation of possible Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election and any collusion by the Trump campaign.

Conspiring with a foreign nation to commit kidnapping -- for ransom -- inside the borders of this country -- while employed as a "National Security" adviser to the President of The United States . . . . .Hooooooo-wee! ...

The holy-shit stuff that's beginning to get flushed out of Mueller's investigative tree-shaking is starting to fall squarely in to the "high crimes" part of that whole "High Crimes & Misdemeanors" thing.  Wowza.

With last week's indictments, this shit really is just the tip of Robert Mueller's iceberg folks, and Donald Trump and his administration are the corporeal equivalent of the Titanic who have just broadsided that iceberg, which is ripping a gaping hole in the side of their ship, and they're pretty much doomed.  And you know what?  There isn't a goddamn thing that's "fake" about any of that.

For you hardcore Trump supporters -- the game is over.  You've had your little electoral/political tantrum.  But now it's time for the adults to step in to take control of this out of control situation -- so go stand in the corner and count to infinity plus pi -- or something, and let Uncle Bob finish his work.

Certainly there are teachable lessons about lawlessness in every aspect of Drumpf's tainted journey to the Presidency -- although The Gadfly can say with a fair amount of confidence that it wouldn't matter a whit to this Trump bunch and their followers -- but teachable nonetheless.


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