Thursday, October 26, 2017

Bang a Gong, Bang Some Heads (literally) . . . Whatever It Takes

Well - The Gadfly is back from his week long sabbatical from giving a shit about this country's future.

And nothing has changed has it?  I see we still have Colonel Blimp and his Flying Monkey Brigades gleefully raping and pillaging the nation's psyche and it's institutions, which is not surprising, but is a bit dispiriting The Gadfly must say.

Sigh . . . . . anyhow - guess it's back to blogging about the sordidness of it all.  Sure - it's a thankless job, but somebody has to talk about this shit.

Quite honestly though, The Gadfly is just happy that he lives in a country that, for present time anyway, values freedom of speech and permits us to direct all of the unflattering and wounding language that we care or dare to at our dear leader.  It could be worse right? -- we could be Russia (and just might be some day if our collective courage fails us during this perilous time in our history).

So let's get it on . . . . who's got the gong??


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