Wednesday, August 16, 2017

In Case They Hadn't Made Their Case Clear Enough . . . .

The Gadfly officially rests his own case on the question of just how cavalierly malevolent a great many of these alt-right guys truly are.  Observe as a couple of them make the case for their side:

“I’m sorta glad that them people got hit and I’m glad that girl died,” Moore told CBS affiliate WBTV on Tuesday.
“They were a bunch of Communists out there protesting against somebody’s freedom of speech,” he added. “So it doesn’t bother me that they got hurt at all.”
Chris Barker, the imperial wizard of the group, agreed with Moore’s sentiment.
“When a couple of them die, it doesn’t bother us,” Barker told WBTV. “They’re always attacking and messing with our rallies.”
Moore said members of his group attended the rally in Charlottesville and claimed the gathering would have been “peaceful” if “the anti-fascist and the communists” hadn’t shown up.
People who call the Loyal White Knights of the KKK headquarters hear a recorded message praising Fields for “running over nine communist anti-fascists,” according to WBTV.
“Nothing makes us more proud at the KKK than we see white patriots such as James Fields Jr, age 20, taking his car and running over nine communist anti-fascist ... James Fields hail victory,” the recording says. “It’s men like you that have made the great white race strong and will be strong again.”

"When a couple of them die, it doesn't bother us."  Let that soak in for a moment.  Then ask yourself if it mattered whether the number was "a couple", or say ..mmmm, dunno, maybe 6 million?

Fucking Hitler could not have orated on his own behalf any better had he clambered out of the pit of hell, reincarnated, and taken a seat on the couch with Fox & Friends, and blurted it out over the national tv airwaves.

That is their mindset -- openly on display -- and there are quite a few of them out there.  As horrifying of a thought that is though, and what with watching them emboldened enough to parade around publicly, bathed in their newfound arrogance to let their NaziKKKwhitespremacist freak flag fly, The Gadfly has got to feel confident that the reality is much more so along these lines:

[click pic to enlarge]

That is the god's honest, quintessential poster of Good vs. Evil if ever there was one.

This country of ours has fought a civil war and a world war against these absolutist retreads from political history and their beliefs - and the end result in each event was as it was fordained -- evil was defeated.  Simple as that.  But Evil is never really, and The Gadfly means really, gone - is it?  It's always lurking about out there, in the shadows, on the fringes, just waiting for an opportunity to slink out from it's dank, dark quarters and wreak mayhem against humanity.  As it has been for the hard-core right wingers - Donald Drumpf came along and they found their long awaited, alt-right sugar daddy who lent the legitimacy of the world's most powerful leadership position and whom they have anointed as their savior.  And by all available evidence - to this very moment, as The Gadfly's fingers flit across his keyboard typing this oration, Drumpf is all too content to wear that well-earned crown proudly.

Something's gotta give here.  It just has to.  And if the history of human advancement is is to be a guide in this matter -- the repetitive outcome of Good always conquering over Evil is a favorable guide to go by.

But then again -- this is America and we find ourselves where we presently are as a nation and a society because there are way too many boobs (take that any way you want) like this who turn out to vote:

It's unfortunate that this is what America is all about today, but it is what it is.

But let the alt-rightists be duly advised . . . .

Democracy knows no skin color or ethnic heritage.  It only knows that freedom, equality and justice for ALL men, women and children of our country and the world and are unmistakably the heart of who we are as a nation and a people, and are non-negotiable aspects of it's soul.

That's all.


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