Sunday, July 30, 2017

Scary Mooch, Scary Mooch! Will You Do The Fandango? . . .

"Thunderbolt and lightning, very, very fright'ning me . . ."
In the public feud between Anthony Scaramucci and Reince Priebus, what hasnโ€™t been fully explained is why Scaramucci so dislikes the presidentโ€™s now-former chief of staff โ€” a man he alternates between calling โ€œReince Penisโ€ and โ€œRancid Penis,โ€ according to an adviser to the White House.

But what does a truly accomplished thug do when in a street fight? -- why he curb stomps his opponent when he''s already on the ground of course. . . observe:

A friend and would-be publicist for White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci accused former White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus of having a "mistress" over the weekend.
Arthur Schwartz, who has described himself to the media as Scaramucci's representative, has recently emerged in the media as a top defender of the communications director.
On Saturday, Huffington Post reporter Christina Wilkie revealed that Priebus accused Scaramucci of selling his business, Skybridge, to the Chinese at an inflated price with the anticipation that they would get access to Trump.
Schwartz fired back at Priebus in a tweet on Sunday in which he threatened to release evidence that the former chief of staff was having an affair.
"Hey @Reince45. Oops; @Reince - you're unemployed now. Keep pushing this crap & I'll start dropping oppo on you. Mistress much, ???," Schwartz wrote.

It's good to see that the "real" and "serious" adults are now running the country.

The Gadfly and many others warned everyone about exactly the kind of people who Trump and his consorts were and you did not listen.  And so here we are now with this bumbling, juvenile Goodfellas administration, led by a preening, narcissistic man-child, that is so preoccupied with their own internecine cock fights and back-stabbing and tweeting like rage toddlers that the actual business of governing the world's (now arguably) greatest democracy is nothing more than an extra-curricular activity.

Please Robert Mueller -- for all that is holy and decent -- save us all from this torturous nightmare that some of our stupider fellow citizens have brought upon us - not unlike the proverbial plague of locusts.  Show us the path back to sanity, and more importantly, to the reclamation of our country and our national pride from these swinish and hideous fucking people.

Please . . . .oh please . . . . .


Thursday, July 27, 2017

241 Years of American Leadership -- Reduced to a 48 Year Old Monty Python Skit . . .

[ click pic to enlarge ]

Gee - who could have predicted it? . . .

The Boyscout leadership published a letter today.  In it they outright apologized for the unsolicited actions of our immature frat boy *President who this past week thought it a smashing idea to turn the perennial presidential address to America's Boy Scouts in to a whiny-bitch political harangue interspersed with some deviant reminiscing about another old frat boy friend's rise to wealth, women, fame and sex yachts.

Drumpf just couldn't wait to regale the tens of thousands of captive audience young boys and teens with a lurid tale of a drunken old fellow real estate developer's escapades after he sold off his fabulously wealth-generating business.  It all culminated with Drumpf, cracking that creepy old pervert grin that he has, fondly recalling the ghastly fate which befell his old pal as a result of him settling in to his wealth.  Drumpf did bluster thusly to the goggle-eyed kids,:

"...he went out and bought a big yacht, and he had a very interesting life. I won't go any more than that, because you're Boy Scouts so I'm not going to tell you what he did.
Should I tell you? Should I tell you?
You're Boy Scouts, but you know life. You know life..."

Wow!  Lol.  And if you watch the video of the speech, when Drumpf gets to the words, " a very interesting life," he does the old bouncing arched eyebrows thing - you know - the old wink, wink, nudge, nudge --- knowing full well that the subject matter on his mind as he was winking and smirking was sexual and degenerate in nature.  Kind of reminded The Gadfly of this old Monty Python skit which first aired in 1969:

The cad character played by Eric Idle in that piece even reminds The Gadfly of what a younger Drumpf might very well have looked like --- and likely more so --- thought and talked like.

But think about this clearly for a moment dear readers -- Drumpf actually believed in his own mind that being in front of tens of thousands of impressionable young boys was the ideal place to let his Animal House freak flag fly.  It speaks -- no-- it bloodcurdlingly (sic) screams volumes about that individual's harrowing deficiency of character, morals and personal judgment capabilities.  And yet Drumpf's supporters love him all the more for it -- meaning -- that as far as The Gadfly is fucking concerned, those aforementioned volumes apply just as equally to them in this case.

What?  Some of you think that that is much too harsh of an assessment that The Gadfly has of some of his fellow Americans dear readers?  Ya' think?

Too fucking bad.

The Gadfly is beyond caring about the Drumpf supporter's feelings anymore.   He is beyond harboring any threads of hope that they will magically one day snap out of their intellectual and spiritual malaise and realize the gravity of their mistake in voting for this horse-hair toupee'd clod whom the Russians have contracted out to be their little red, white and blue attired cabana boy.   The Gadfly is utterly over trying to find any common ground with these gleefully ignorant and mindless assholes who believe that the way in which Drumpf is behaving in his capacity as leader of the free world is worthy of being called "leadership" and "presidential," or the most abominable one of all -- "honorable."

Fuck Drumpf.  Fuck his Russian oligarch sugar daddies.  Fuck his mobster friends.  Fuck his sniveling, whiny bitch sons.  Fuck his Natasha Fatale wife.   Fuck the enabling, toady political hacks that surround him and continually cover his ass - unquestioningly.  Fuck the colossally hypocritical, "family values" spouting religious conservatives who worship him.   And last - but certainly not least - fuck every last one of his cretinous following of knuckle-dragging, hypocritical, spiteful, selfish, uncaring, unthinking, soulless, democracy-hating disciples.

Know what I mean?  Say no more!  Know what I mean? . . . nudge-nudge....


Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Things That Make The Gadfly Want to Dunk His Head into a Vat of Boiling Bleach....

Watch and puke . . . .

But, but, but, but . . . Hillary did it too squeals Qusay Drumpf!  And what about Bill and Loretta!  Why you always picking on our daddy and us? . . . waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!

The whiny little bitch apple didn't fall far from the whiny bitch apple tree -- did it?

The Gadfly's loathing for that whole fucking, democracy back-stabbing, scumbag family plumbs ever new depths with each passing day.


Monday, July 17, 2017

This Moral Deficiency That Some Absurdly Call "Freedom" . . .

The Gadfly totally understands that the Drumpf/Russia ratfucking of our most recent national election makes for exciting and intriguing if not exasperating reading (for those who really want to get to the truth), but there's another story out there that is equally if not just as important as that sordid bit of business.

The Gadfy refers to the GOP's ongoing efforts to Hulk-smash Obamacare and Medicaid to pieces and basically toss 24 million Americans completely off of the health care rolls and increase costs and limit the availability of affordable care to millions more --- all in the zealous pursuit of handing yet more tax cuts, and by proxy ever more of this nation's wealth, to the people who fucking absolutely need it the very least, if at all.

Please go read this post by Jim Wright of Stonekettle Station blog.  Here's an excerpt:

If you donโ€™t have insurance, they donโ€™t stop treating you.
How many times have you heard this?
You can always go to the emergency room if you have cancer.
They have to treat you, even if you canโ€™t pay. Nobody goes without healthcare in America.
How many times? How many times have you heard that in this debate, in this endless shitfight about healthcare in America?
Yeah, listen, if you could get treated without insurance in this country, well, then we wouldn't be having this conversation in the first place and, actually, they do stop treating you if you run out of money.
Yes, they do.
Some specialized gene-specific cancer drugs are $15,000 PER MONTH. Or more.In cases of aggressive cancers where all other therapies have failed, these drugs are the only options.
These drugs, they're difficult to develop.
Theyโ€™re difficult to make.
They're difficult to get.
And they cost.
A lot.
Now, we can argue about the ridiculous cost of drugs in this country (and I'm sure you all will in the comments), but that's not actually the point here.
The point is this: if you can't pay, you die.
Hell, you don't even have to get cancer. It doesnโ€™t have to be $15,000. A couple of hundred bucks is the difference between life and death for many Americans.
If you're allergic to bees and you can't afford $300 for an Epipen, well, you'd better hope somebody comes along with a clean pocket knife and some idea of how to perform an emergency tracheotomy when your throat starts swelling closed.
If you can't pay, you die.
This idiotic idea, that everybody has access to healthcare, that you can just go to the emergency room for any kind of condition and be treated free of charge, is one of the most obviously wrong and most deliberately obtuse blind spots of modern conservatism โ€“ which not only rejects the idea of universal healthcare out of hand but also thinks your healthcare should involve their religion and your employer and that the insurance you've been paying for (if you're lucky enough to have insurance) should be able to drop coverage if you get sick.

"If you can't pay, you die."  It's the price we pay for our "freedom" the conservatives and the Tea Partiers will mindlessly bleat to you.

The Gadfly would amend that statement though to say -- If you can't pay, you die -- after they've invoiced you in to complete and utter destitution."

Who among you dear readers out there has not had a family member or a friend who has experienced their economic livelihoods threatened by the astronomical costs of a catastrophic illness or injury either to themselves or a family member?  If you haven't - consider yourself extremely fortunate and also consider yourself to be on borrowed time for at some future date the odds are it will eventually happen to yourself.

Hell - The Gadfly is one of these people.  The Gadfly had a near-death experience with a motorcycle crash this past year and even though The Gadfly's injuries were thankfully not life-threatening and The Gadfly was gainfully employed, with an employer-sponsored health care "plan", he still ended up with a $24,000 bill for emergency room services that The Gadfly's health care "plan" and "provider" refused to cover.  The Gadfly is now of course being hounded by bill collectors for this outrageous debt and will very possibly at some point in the next couple of years end up in bankruptcy court to have this debt discharged only because The Gadfly, like most people in this country doesn't have $24,000 in loose change lying around - and actually - by the time these fuckers tack on all of their interest, delinquency and other fees that debt will quite likely balloon to over $30k.

That's just one story.  The Gadfly's mother is currently battling cancer - battling for her life.  And on top of wondering if she is going to beat this terrible, awful disease, she is also deeply worried about the soon to be arriving tsunami of medical bills related to her life extending, possibly life-saving treatments.  She's worried about paying bills --- and living --- what's wrong with that picture??  What's wrong with us?

In a truly decent, humane, and civilized nation - these scenarios would never happen - to any one of us, regardless of one's political or religious affiliation or economic status.  It is a shame that our national behavior during this time in history on this subject will be an avaricious stain on this nation's collective conscience for a very, very long time to come.

But as it is, that's just how America rolls these days - we're a crooked country, run by crooked people, who are doing crooked and callous things to their fellow citizens and very few of us seem to care.  It's sickening, it's inhumane and immoral and it has to end and if we don't end it, the inevitable outcome will not be good for any of us.

And lastly -- if you are one of these delusional fruit loops who believes that the man who is going to magically wave his gold-plated wand and make all of this despicable health care business better for Americans is the Tourette Syndrome afflicted orangutan currently doing Vladimir Putin's and the Russian oligarch's bidding while squatting in the American people's White House -- well then let's just say that you are a genuinely willing accomplice to the aforementioned crookedness and callousness and there isn't enough coal in the deepest bowels of this planet to stoke the flames in all of the brimstone and fire pits of the postmortem venue that your soul is destined for.


Friday, July 14, 2017

Joladadijoladadijoladadijoladadi Joladadijoladadi-jo-o-ooh! . . .

It's fitting and a bit surreal.  The Gadfly was driving his car between work-sites today and this tune poppped on the local FM MOR Rock radio station.  The Gadfly had heard this song one time before in his life and since he was only around 13 or 14 at the, all he knew was that it was a "funny" and weird song for sure, but it was the coolest shit his musically immature ears had ever heard - it was absolutely mind-blowing.  And then The Gadfly discovered AC/DC and KISS and the song was all but long forgotten.  Anyhow - this song came out at the height of Nixon's Watergate scandal in the 1970's and so it jibes perfectly with the present time.  It's just not a song that you typically hear anymore on the commercialized corporate FM rock radio stations - it's that bizarre.

Go watch and listen to the whole thing, beginning to end, and then tell The Gadfly that this song isn't the consummate soundtrack to what's currently going on in our insane asylum of a government and our numbskull culture right now.  This tune is all at once manic, it's ridiculous, it's hilarious, it's drawn out, it's exhausting.  It also has a pretty quick ending after the punishing performance portion.

Enjoy, and let's hope the quick ending to this song bodes well for an equally quick ending to our currently ongoing national nightmare and clownish fuckhead-fest.

Back soon with some somewhat more substantive observations.


It'll Be Worth Your Wait . . . . .


The Gadfly's dearth of postings of late is due to personal work projects and family obligations, but fret not dear readers - The Gadfly has been paying quite close attention to the never-ending travails of the Russian satellite government that is currently being managed by the Drumpf Family Circus and their gang of couldn't shoot straight apple polishers in Washington DC.

So stay tuned dear readers -- The Gadfly will be back very soon on the pages of this shitty little blog with some always interesting, occasionally witty, and never fake observations of America's political shit-show known as the Trump presidency.


Friday, July 7, 2017

Open Dumb, Collective Mouths - Insert Dumb Collective Feet . . . .

Hope you all had a happy, safe Independence Day holiday.  Now back to our regular scheduled programming . . . . . . . . . . .

Sigh . . . . .

For about 20 minutes Tuesday, NPR traveled back to 1776.
To echo its 29-year on-air tradition, the public radio networkโ€™s main Twitter account tweeted out the Declaration of Independence, line by line.
There โ€” in 113 consecutive posts, in 140-character increments โ€” was the text of the treasured founding document of the United States, from its soaring opening to its searing indictments of King George IIIโ€™s โ€œabsolute tyrannyโ€ to its very last signature.
Who could have taken issue with such a patriotic exercise, done in honor of the nationโ€™s birthday?
Quite a few people, it turned out.
The blowback increased when the tweets reached the portion of the Declaration that outlined, in unsparing detail, all the ways Britainโ€™s George III had wronged the then-Colonies.
โ€œHe has obstructed the administration of justice, by refusing his assent to laws for establishing judiciary powers,โ€ read one line of the document.
โ€œA Prince whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people,โ€ read another.
Some people โ€” presumably still in the dark about NPRโ€™s Fourth of July exercise โ€” assumed those lines were references to President Trump and the current administration.

So to summarize --- NPR, in celebration of America's independence day holiday, tweets out the entire text of the Declaration of Independence -- 113 consecutive tweets to accommodate Twitter's 140 character, per-tweet limit.  And right on cue -- a bunch of right wing yahoos see a few of the excerpted tweets from the hallowed American document, like the ones about a certain leader obstructing justice and behaving like a tyrant, and they go bug-eyed ape shit thinking that NPR is spreading liberal propaganda against their dear leader Drumpf.

This, dear readers, is the unfortunate (mostly for democracy) byproduct of several decades of the conservative dumbing down of society, fueled primarily by their relentless attacks on public education, truth and reality.  They have effectively cocooned their movement in a grotesque, insipid form of paranoid, martyr-complex tribalism, thus creating their very own culture of celebrated ignorance on subject matter both historical and contemporary.  They have positioned themselves as the poster children for the iconic adage, "Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it."

It's pretty telling, in an amusing sort of way, that Drumpf's disciples got especially butt hurt about the tweets containing wording describing the 240+ years ago oppression by King George III, fully believing that the wording was NPR hurling ad hoc insults at Trump and his present-day behavior as U.S. president.  It's almost as if they truly know, deep down in their little wing nut hearts, that Drumpf has indeed been behaving like a tawdry, tyrannical little prince, pissing all over the constitution and the concepts of equal justice for all and an autonomous judiciary being a co-equal branch of government -- as such, and in point of fact, making him "unfit to be the ruler of a free people."

But these are the fellow citizens who we are dealing with in this epic struggle to steer the course of America's democratic future.  It's a struggle between those who, when given a choice between having a boorish, shady con-artist oligarch, congenital liar and democracy hating, amoral traitorous coward as their leader -- or a decent, intelligent,  fair-minded, statesmanlike, humane and principled leader who's skin color was a shade darker -- or god forbid even, a strong, smart, take-no-shit woman - they would willfully choose the venal degenerate.

This really is a battle for this country's future dear readers - no two ways of looking at it.  And one thing that is clear is that there are still quite a few fence sitters out there.  The Gadfly has only one thing to say to you people -- you better choose a side pretty quick -- and then pray to whatever god you pray to that you chose the side that will end up writing the truthful, unvarnished accounting of this hideous period in our nation's incredible yet clamorous history.
