Sunday, April 19, 2015

God Bless Fratricide .....

The Gadfly cannot help but smirkily smile.....

NASHUA, N.H. (AP) — Ties between Florida Sen. Marco Rubio and former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, political allies for more than a decade, are fraying as the Republican presidential campaign picks up.
In public, mentor Bush and protege Rubio have avoided criticizing each other since Rubio announced his candidacy.
But Bush allies have started quietly spreading negative information about Rubio's record. Also, supporters of the two Miami politicians are drawing contrasts between Rubio, a 43-year-old son of Cuban immigrants, and 62-year-old Bush, a member of one of the nation's most powerful political dynasties.

It's going to be a lovely thing to watch as the entrenched, old school GOP establishment, anchored by the Bush Crime Family, goes toe-to-bloody-toe with the Tea Party loons.

The Gadfly is busily stocking up on Jiffy Pop.


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